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kaldi : tax to europe?
Hi! I am thinking of buying a Kaldi Fortis for Europe, but I would like to know if I would have to make any customs payments.
popper!!an etiopía coffees!
Sure, as any purchase outside EU... will pay at least your local VAT, plus some taxes according to local customs.
For example in my country VAT is 19% and for any electric appliance taxes are 3.3% of value that exceed 150 Euro.
So additional taxes are negligible compared to VAT.

Since this summer all major sellers from Asia are integrated with EU customs system and you could pay the taxes in a single payment.
You have attached the explanatory note of the price in Aliexpress site. For that purchase you will pay nothing extra at your customs, everything will be handled by Aliexpress.
renatoa attached the following image:
It costs me 1200 a kaldi and I have to see if I pay the "VAT" because maybe the total is high
popper!!an etiopía coffees!
An alternative, maybe...

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