Thread subject: Homeroasters - Home Roasting Coffee Community :: Coffee can be good for you

Posted by Third Crack on 10/19/2011 8:30 AM

I found an interesting article in an Environmental Express newsletter. I am a lab tech and this company sells lab equipment and supplies. I will just quote small parts of the article since they have not posted an electronic version. The title is : Coffee Talk- A Topic Close to the Heart of Dr. Ameika. Dr. Ameika and his wife are owners of the 21 acre Kona Cloud Coffee Estates on the big island of Hawaii. The beans from this estate are roasted in Jonesboro, AR where he is a Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon.
"First, the alkaloid, trigonelline, has been shown to prevent cavities due to it's apparent ability to hinder streptococcus mutans from adhering to teeth."
"Xanthines, including caffeine, are known to be smooth muscle relaxants and are often given to asthma patients".
"Caffeine is also administered to newborns with apnea."
"Regular coffee drinkers have been shown to have increased rates of fibrinolysis, or the breadown of clots in the body. It is thought that Caffeine is the responsible party here, as decaf drinkers do not show this trait."
"Our Monday morning best friend (caffeine) is also known to stimulate lipolysis, or the breakdown of trigycerides into fatty acids, and may be of use to endurance athletes as a way to increase fatty acid metabolism, generating much needed energy during an event."
"..... these alcohols (cafestol and kahweol) have been shown to be anti-carcinogenic in animal studies. These components are removed when a coffee filter is in use..... ."
Hope some of you found this interesting. Bob