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air roaster
no roast today, snowing, and I have leaking water pipes that are calling urgently for my attention.
maybe tomorrow, suppose to be in the somewere between 25 and 35 degrees tomorrow.

I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
I dragged the roaster out into the cold, yea I know I'm mean so beat me.

I wanted to see if it would roast on its own in the cold weather, it was about 15 degrees this afternoon in my back yard, I didn't drag the pids and everything out, I just plugged the heating elements in like I was doing when I first got this thing working. I I know that the air temp at finaly roast was around 550 600 degrees.

heres the results

Looks like I didn't get the complete video uploaded will have to work on that

Edited by dja on 02/09/2011 7:59 PM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette


dja wrote:
I know that the air temp at finaly roast was around 550 600 degrees.

How close to the elements are you measuring these temps?
sorry had to delete the video that I posted a minute ago it was incomplete.

My thermal couple is about an inch inside the air inlet in the roast chamber. I can put it directly above the heat elements just before the air enters the roast chamber.

here is the correct video temp outside today was about 17 degrees this is my usual 1.5 pounds of green

I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
The coffee looks great. The weather....not so much. I'll drop a line to TEC Glass. I'll CC you in. -Scott
It's party time! Let's see what brown can do for you. 6"x16". 5mm thick.

I think this will take your machine where it needs to go. Not the best picture but...
JETROASTER attached the following image:
I am eagerly awaiting what is pictured in the above post to this thread.
I haven't been posting anything recently due to the fact that I don't have anything to post, the roaster as is roast way more then a consume in a week if I do a couple of roast, each time I get it out.

One thing that really supprised me was the way the thing handled the cold weather, I mean outside with no extras in the way of added heat it did full blown roast in 17 degree weather with no problems other then me freezing.

I have already started with some PVC Pipe fitting making a pattern for the tapered part that will adapte the 6 inch diameter pyrex tube to the heater section so hopefully in the next week or so I will have this thing suited up with a new roast chamber and we will see what happens.

One thing is for sure its not going to roast like it did before, with all the extra room for the beans to spread out I should have a real live fountain of beans in it.

I have to thank FreshBeans for all of his help in helping locating and aquiring the new roast chamber. thanks Scott, checks in the mail.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette


dja wrote:
checks in the mail.

how bad did it hurt, the wallet?
Sean Harrington
Yesterday was another lost Monday, sorry.Headed out the door today. Tracking code via PM.
The thickness on this stuff looks quite sturdy.
I had a brief conversation with Tom about the quartz heating elements his company makes. Very efficient energy transfer. If I can get a photo, I'll post it. He can also create custom!

Best of luck with the upcoming mods. -Scott

working in it but have more irons in the fire at the moment then I know what to do with, just received a largish package from Shars where I buy machine tools now I have a DRO system I have to get installed and working on the mill soonest, but roaster is going to take some of that time when tube arrives.

This is going to be really interesting to see what happens with the room that is in that piece of glass, and you just can't beat it for looks!

I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
I'm enjoying the thread smile
wasn't too bad lot less than the DRO I bought for the milling machine.

Glad someones getting some enjoyment, besides myself, this has been really fun putting this thing together, and seeing the results of it, wish the rest of the crowd here could get to play with it for a spell, It just blows me away at how it roast. I brewed up a pot of some Keko farms from Ethiopia this morning which I roasted over a week ago and the flavor is still just great. The oils didn't really start coming out till about two days ago. Its a really awesome bean from Roast Masters.

Hoping with the new roast chamber that I am adding that it will increase the capacity of the roaster, and that it will allow more control over the bean circulation and smooth the flow out at the end of the roast when I have a lot of trouble with them trying to bounce, because of the swelling causing them to bind on the pyrex especially if the glass has oil and chaff dust on it from previous roast.

Another reason for the larger tube is so I can get my overlarge hamburger grabbers down thru it to clean the tube of oils and other gunk that sticks to it. Have to be clean with what were roasting for other people, even if we give it away.
I get it put together, I'll post some pic's

Edited by dja on 03/02/2011 8:42 AM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
I predict you'll be able to start your home coffee roasting business with this upgrade!

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover


dja wrote:

Another reason for the larger tube is so I can get my overlarge hamburger

I seriously just read this way too fast and for a second though you were building the most epic coffee roaster/burger cooker!
Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, ECM Synchronika w/ Flow Control
I don't know about the coffee business, but I will have the baddest coffee roaster on the block for sure.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
got home today and found a care package for UPS silently awaiting me on the front porch, ripped it open with eager hands.
Inside was nice clean 6 inch diameter pyrex tube just waiting to be stuck on the top of my roaster.

So I obliged it, after a fashion, I started working on the pattern that I am going to use to cast the bottom part with, kinda stuck everything on top of the heater section, turned the fan on and dumped in approximately 3 pounds of green, ran the fan up to speed and had the prettiest spouting bean column you could ever want.

I get the PVC parts to where I can put it together and have hands free I'll get some video and post it on here. I may just scrap the casting idea and got get a hunk of 6 inch round aluminum and start cutting see what pops out.

From what I saw tonight, it will roast well in excess of 2 pounds now.

I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
Looking forward to the video.

You are privileged to have the skills and tools to build custom parts.
the skills are easy to learn the tools just cost money, but so then does building roasters.

now if I can just learn to use the roaster and the tools I'll be doing great.

Will try to get some video up of this new tube quick as I can but storms are suppose to hit tomorrow so will just have to see.

I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
I've got my popcorn ready. HRO is becoming my favorite channel!! -Scott
Now you'll have the first AND second most awesome roasters on the block.


Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
did a little work on the roaster tonight. the video is not the best that I have done but it does show the bean flow.

This is using the same pref plate that was used with the 4" tube, I may have to change it but I am going to try to use the inch and a half pref plate that I is in the bottom section of the funnel.

the beans should flow much better with heat flowing and the moisture content lessening in the beans.


Edited by dja on 03/08/2011 9:59 PM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
Scott, hope you enjoy the results, this thing is going to rock when I get it so I can turn the heat on and roast some beans.

I don't know what the deal is with YouTube, but heres the link to the video if it doesn't show up


Edited by dja on 03/09/2011 5:04 AM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
Freakin' Fantastic!! Now you've got a plume! Got my fingers crossed...no lathe problems etc. Good luck with the fab work. Cheers,Scott
2.75# is a fantastic load! Very even plume. I do notice some beans getting 'stuck' at the outer bottom edge. I know you want to keep the original screen, but it may have to be larger... maybe keep the ratio the same?

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Chad the beans sticking on the side are hanging on a lip on the pvc that will be machined off when after I cast the part in aluminum, what you are seeing in the video is a very rough out bottom section for the roast chamber.
If the pref plate that is in the roaster now does not work I will make a complete other pref section which I will probably open to 3 inches to give plenty of room for holes. the object is to keep the beans moving smoothly done the sides and into the air stream, but also to hold enough back pressure that I can heat the air before it leaves the heaitng coils, granted it dosen't take much to heat air using the wattage that I have in this thing.

Right now I am liking the way the beans are moving and have a little bit of cleanup on the white PVC section before I can use it to make a sand mold to pour the molten aluminum into, which I am hoping to only have to do minor cleanup on to have it fit the tube and parts that were used with the 4 inch tube.

I am planing on keeping the 4 inch tube active with the roaster to do small 1 to 1.250 pound roast with.

I haven't tried to load more then the 2lb 12oz load that was used for a flow test.

belive me its no fun when things slip apart while trying to dump 3 lb of green and you spill most of it, waste of some darn good brazilian beans purchased from a certian HRO admin.

Scott; I hope you enjoyed the video an didn't spill to much of your popcorn.

This thing rock's
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
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