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Renatoa can you walk us through a roast based on Heat power control vs PID?
I don't roast outside if temperature is out of 20-26C range.
Even when temperature is spot on, avoiding roasting outside because of air turbulence.

smoke issues? or why the preference for outside roasting ?
Wife has chaff ejection and smoke retention issues... not enough of a fanatic to tolerate crazed coffee addicted husband's bad habits. House is too small and old to modify
Roasting outdoor raise another variable, that is not covered by discussion so far... all those thermodynamics are valid for constant airflow.
A change in airflow, when intended, and controllable, can be equated to a change in ET. But when is random, and out of user control, as is the wind...
I agree being outside raises all sorts of anomalies. For example I consider a 30+ minute winter roast to be normal. Am I getting a baked flavor? Haven't detected one. Others might. However going from light brown to FC is quick, couple of minutes for even a pound of beans.
Wind, particularly in a mountain valley pass, is ever present. you make modifications. My best roast was in a snowstorm. Waiting for another to see if it is repeatable.


renatoa wrote:


If FC starts at 398f ...

Exactly... even 5 degrees off could be a matter of calibration, not reading error.
For air the best is to place a naked junction inside a pipe with holes like a flute, this is the industrial standard for gas measurements.
Some examples:
For DIY, even a spring could replace the pipe, as this:

Somewhere between my lines above I suggested this is one of the main reasons I am thinking in terms of power% instead temperatures... I trust them more smile
Or Watts, measured directly at mains plug, a domestic wattmeter is cheap today...

Great idea, I can't find an affordable dealer in the States, What do you think about using an exhaust probe?

Edited by renatoa on 08/18/2023 11:23 AM
Farnel is worldwide, under different names, in US is Newark.
The items order codes is the same worldwide, you simply search by the code from the EU link.
They (Newark) currently stocks that flute probe, and, even great, hugely discounted, the price is unbelievable, China level.



renatoa wrote:

Farnel is worldwide, under different names, in US is Newark.
The items order codes is the same worldwide, you simply search by the code from the EU link.
They (Newark) currently stocks that flute probe, and, even great, hugely discounted, the price is unbelievable, China level.


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