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Guatemala Roast [roast beginner]
Hey all, can you help me out I always get tipping on my roasts.
Guatemala mostly 150-250g batch size. I also add a picture of my last profile with 165degree PH. I started with 200 degree but they burned a lot so I lowered but still get tipping.
I already asked somewhere else and they told me to increase batch size. Do you have any Tipps to get a nice chocolate / nutty flavour on my guatemalas?

Menasy attached the following image:
PS: I am roasting on a aillio bullet
Too much power, too less air, rotation too slow.
Drum being too hot due to overpowering and not enough air to get this heat, every bean touching the the wall is damaged.
I would reduce "contact" heat transfer in favor of convection.
Also increasing drum speed to have as much beans in levitation, and drum walls more open and exposed to air.
I can’t increase the rotation. So I have to increase the air. But then the PH could be to low?
I meant the power/air during the roast.
For preheat you can use any combination you want.

Also, at a second read I noticed the unusually low load... 150 of 1000 is out of optimal range for any roaster.
That advice is right, increase load to a bare minimum... 250-333g would be for me, without knowing the machine.
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