Thread subject: Homeroasters - Home Roasting Coffee Community :: Thinking about going commercial - help!

Posted by ginny on 04/26/2016 2:25 PM

Interesting and Scott thanks for the peak at Gillis...

well, my guess is that you cannot do 60 plus pounds on your home roaster so you need or they need to buy a large batch roaster and do it on site which leads to multiple other issues like can they??

are they set up for roasting or do they want you to do it off site?

I may be wrong since I do not know what you use to roast with, can you do 60 plus a week? do you have time? how many kinds of coffee do they want?

you will most likely not make a dime for some time as you will have out of pocket
costs for bags, equipment for packing and labeling (that can come later) but still there are many expenses to starting a new business, new business for you, unless you are simply the roaster using all of his equipment.

I am very inclined to look to Scotts idea of Gillis Toll for an initial move in the direction of in-house roasting.


let me ask what this person's reason is for asking you, does he simply want to roast for himself, save money, both, create a new business plan or...

and the kicker is are you prepared to start all over in life with a new direction for your hobby??

lot to think about here and I have just added to your issues with my random thoughts.

will be looking for your comments.

hugs, your gonna need some...

