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New from Minneapolis
Hello -

Only been home roasting for a few months but am loving it, so far. Trying to dial in on best practices to get the most flavor out of the roast. Hoping to learn a lot here!

Current (and 1st) Home Roaster: FreshRoast SR540

Like it so far, just wish I had gotten the SR800 right off the bat so I could roast larger batches...

Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, Vibiemme Double Domo V3
Welcome to Homeroasters!

KKTO Roaster.
Hello, I?m new here too and also live in the Cities... I?ve got a 1lb gas-fired fluid bed that I?m just finishing up building and am designing a 2-3kg drum roaster. This is my first foray into coffee roasting, but if there?s anything you need help with, I?m always happy to help.

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