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Holiday Bean Swap
Hi everyone. Hope all are doing well and coping with the 2020 challenges well.
We're late this year in getting the announcement out for the Holiday Bean Swap but if everyone is quick in getting back to us we can still make the swap by the deadline. christmas tree

See rules of engagement:

The bean swap is a tradition at HRO where 2 members are randomly paired together to exchange some roasted beans to enjoy in the spirit of the holidays. Participants will exchange shipping addresses and decide how many beans to swap (usually 1/2 to 1#) and send each other some beans! It's great for new members to have others taste their roast and for older members to show off their beans.

Please keep in mind THIS IS NOT A CONTEST!!! Please all join the swap and have some fun.



(you can tell them what it is or make them guess, sender choice this year.)

Sign up here if you wish to join and we will put to together some names.

HRO Admins
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
I'm in to swap with someone

We'll see if any other takers to pair you up with and if no others are looking to swap, one of us admins and you will be roasting soon for the swap.

Let's give it a couple of days.

Thanks for getting back to us! christmas tree
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Looking for any HRO members interested in doing a Christmas roast swap with Brandon.

This is a lot of fun and nice to taste others coffee for a change. We'll give it two more days.

Going once, twice... christmas tree
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
I would do it this year again if I didn't break my RC like an idiot last week Shock
No worries, you have your hands full getting your roaster back up and running.
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Count me in for a swap. Have a blend that has produced fantastic espresso!
Just saw the initial post a week late! I'm in if there's still time
Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, Vibiemme Double Domo V3
Alright, finally getting somewhere!

I need one of you guys to pair up with Brandon and when you do, post a reply here and I will pair up with who's left. PM the one you're swapping with, with your mailing address and lets get roasting and ship when you're ready.

Any others that want to join in anytime between now and Christmas are welcome to post and we'll get you together with another member. There's no deadline.
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
If it?s cool - I?d like to swap with Allenb! You?ve helped guide my project all along the way. You just have to say nice things about the results - or they?re all your fault!


jkoll42 wrote:

Just saw the initial post a week late! I'm in if there's still time

Ok, please pm Brandon and you guys exchange mailing info and roast away. christmas tree
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana


Lylabrown wrote:

If it?s cool - I?d like to swap with Allenb! You?ve helped guide my project all along the way. You just have to say nice things about the results - or they?re all your fault!

Alright, looking forward to swapping with you! PM me your address and I'll reply with mine. christmas tree

I'll polish up on my perfect cup descriptors right away!
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Hey all you coffee nuts. There's still time to drop your name in the Bean Swap list and make it arrive to it's destination by Christmas and even if it doesn't get there by Christmas, no worries, it won't turn rancid just because it's after December 25th.

Ho Ho Ho christmas tree
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
I have always loved this forum for all the knowledge, friendliness, and encouragement. I can't help but offer this shout out to the homeroaster community on behalf of jkoll49 who has elevated the integrity of this group to an unexpected level. I totally forgot/didn't remember that during this annual bean swap myself and jkoll49 were paired and apparently he never sent me beans! Now, these 2 years later he's offered to send me some beans totally out of the blue.

Shout out to Jon and all the members here who really bring the best to the homeroasting community and world. I am deeply appreciative of everyone here past, present, and future. cool

Roasted your Christmas swap batch this afternoon and will be on it's way to you Monday morning. Hopefully the mail carriers aren't too backed up and it will get to you not long after Christmas. Next year we'll get things going earlier for sure so everyone can get their coffee to their partner on time without having to scramble
christmas tree
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana

Had a cup of your costa dark roast last night. Wow, french dark, bold, heavy body and sweet at the same time. Not sure how you pull that off. I've never been able to do a ultra dark without screwing something up in the process but you pulled it off perfectly. Now I wish I had some chicory to blend with it for some New Orleans magic!

Love to do swaps because of surprises like this.
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
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