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How old are you? What is your job? Tell us about yourself...
Thanks for the welcome, Bill. Bham recently lost a good downtown coffee shop. Safari Cup Coffee specialized in African coffees and motif. (I think the owners may have been originally from So. Africa.) I used to stop in occasionally for pretty decent espresso. Odd thing was, only shortly before closing, the shop had just completed installation of an in-shop Ambex roaster. The next thing anyone knew, all the equipment was gone, and there was a hand-printed sign on the door advising that the owners had left town.
I am one of the old men here, 56. I live in a town called Benbrook which is west of Fort Worth, Texas. I am an engineer at a nuclear power plant and have been traveling to other sites alot recently.

I enjoy puttering around the house and fix the things that need fixin. I am a computer geek. Give me something high tech and I am in heaven. I am always into something, trying to figure out how it works or how to fix it. My wife is never surprised to see parts scattered all over the floor but the bad part is she expect them all to go back into the equipement I have taken apart.

I have two daughters and both are on their own so I am not in total poverty anymore. I have one grandchild with one on the way. So the family is growing and of course we enjoy that.

Been roasting my own since about 2000 and enjoying every minute of it. I am always astounded that I have tried some many different coffees. Each with its own attributes and nuances.

Well that me. If ya ever get to Texas let me know and maybe we can share a cup or two of the latest thing in my stash.

( just a city boy in a country setting in Benbrook, Texas)
John Despres
Good to meet you, Nucer. In all your puttering and tinkering, have you built a roaster, yet?

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
I have thought about it but for now that is on the back burners. For now it is house breaking a small puppy shih tzu. All things in their time.

(from rainy Benbrook, Texas):trink25:
Edited by nucer on 11/21/2009 11:20 AM
Old man, here, at 65. Retiring this coming Feb 1 after 20 years as a forensic chemist and latent print examiner for the Missouri State Highway Patrol. (No, I don't drive a Hummer and lead the SWAT teams in the door!).

My main regret is that I only learned of home roasting last year and I've wasted most of my life drinking Folgers and grinding *$ beans for my Mr. Coffee. Then a nephew opened my eyes with a killer cup of home roasted Kenya AA and I've come up to speed with my current modest set of coffee toys.

I buy mostly from SM and Roastmasters and have about 20 in my 'library'. Still enjoying exploring the various SO beans, playing with roasting levels and drinking a few cups of drip every day. No interest in espresso at this time because of the space and expense.

I'll be back after I've had time to digest all the posts and topics here. Looks like a good forum!
Edited by mldavis2 on 12/18/2009 10:15 AM
I love home roast!

Capresso Infinity
CCD, French press, Aeropress, TechniVorm
Well, I'd posted a "hello" in the other thread, but thought I should add more here..? Maybe? :-)

My name's Jon, I'm 38 years old (it's hard for me to admit that.. I was just getting used to being 37...) and live in Houlton, a small town 2 hours north of Bangor, ME with my partner of almost 3 years (she's the reason I'm here, actually), and our dog and cats and ferret.

I'm currently enrolled at the local community college, pursuing my EMS (Emergency Medical Services) degree to be a paramedic. My shorter half is a LCSW and we live on coffee... For a fun hobby and potential $$$ saver (yeah right.. lol), she thought it would be fun to start home roasting. As I sit here, enjoying the fruits of our labor from a couple days ago, I'd say she was right. :-)

I'd be jumping into the build-your-own home roaster discussion, but I'm more at the "digestion" stage. I've spent the last two days reading all the threads and with all that information in mind, I am slowly condensing and refining that info to the end that will be our pound-at-a-time indoor roaster.



PS. My avatar is some beans from yesterday. :-)

PPS. Attached image is my current setup, as modest as it is. Roaster is the red thing... some really cheap roaster that has lots of extra plastic stuff on it to make it look like a mini popcorn cart... soup can extends the chimney and is covered with a screen to collect chaff.

Moving left, my "log" and watch with second hand, my cooler, a corn cooker on topf of a small fan.. cools 60g in about 10 seconds, then my collection bowls.. where I put the finished beans.
mainestratman attached the following image:

Edited by mainestratman on 12/27/2009 9:13 AM
I guess I am the aforementioned "shorter half" and the one at fault for the mad scientist above being here. smile

I am 35 years old (had to double check my figures with Himself LOL) and as he mentioned i am an LCSW. I work primarily with psychiatric emergency services and a small therapy load.

We both enjoy coffee greatly and living in a very rural area as we do we can't exactly hop on over down the street and pick up a nice fresh fair trade coffee from the local shop. Hence my decision to gift him with home roasting information and green beans. His love of tinkering, building, and otherwise fiddling in the workshop led to the further decision to buy him nothing to roast them with. I was right, and he is having a blast LOL.

At this point, I am mostly watching and doing (sometimes far too much) tasting.
And you had the great idea to replace the grill lid with a pot lid...
Edited by mainestratman on 12/27/2009 8:35 PM
Hey everyone. I'm Brian, roastzilla is what I named my roaster when I was building it. I am 38 I work as a medic which I have enjoyed doing for the past 12 years. I have been hooked on the coffee since the 8th grade and like most things I get involved with I enjoy the process as much as the result. I've been married 14 years and have 2 sons. I have been living in Colorado on and off for about 14 years and I love it here. It is the only place I have lived where you can snowboard a half day then play golf or go for a bike ride in the same day. I have been roasting since 2003 and currently use a home built BBQ drum roaster. Recently I have started to pay attention to hand grinders and have embarked on a quest for the ultimate grinder for a french press. I am grateful for all the great stuff on this site and feel lucky that I stumbled across it.
HERE it goes.. Hi My name is sean and im homeroasteraholic.. Im 31 from southwest New Hampshire and have lived in the northeast for my whole life..ive driven across thjis country 5 different times adn was a bit a of an addict for most of my twenties..I have no regrets..but am glad to be moving away from those days.. I am a father of a 2 year old named Hunter, hes way too much fun and really the best thing in my life. I have a very tolerant wife of 3 years named Kerri.. We met online 8 years ago and moved in with each other two weeks after chatting.. Its been a great ride.I am a alpine ski racer and went to the olympics this last year to watch an old buddy race for team USA.i will be coaching racing this coming winter and teahcing hunter to ski. I ride mountain bikes(rocky mountain element 10) and i'm getting into grasskiiing.Im currently looking to importing grasskis from the chech republic. if your curious about that, look it up on youtube, pretty amazing sport..I am trained as a fine woodworker,I have worked in the commercial construction world starting as a laborer and currently manage million dollar construction projects. I am now transitioning to a renewable energy company Kinesis energy group.com that I started almost a year and a half ago..after so many nights and weekends, its finally looking like its going to make some money. .Im very excited about the propects of helping the USA rebuild its energy infrastucture to include these fantastic clean sources. I have 3 cats(leroy, mike and the stray) 2 dogs(aussie's named Bill and Lucy) and 15 fish, i didn't name them. I built my house with my father, its an energy star rated(HERS 42), geothermally heated, solar hot water supplied, work in progress.. about 93.246 percent complete I would say. hoping to finish it up this summer. .!!YEAH RIGHT.!!.I started roasting coffee when I realized I had a half built house and a half built kid and that I couldnt afford the good joe from the guy down the road. I didn't want to drink bad coffee,so I looked into roasting and before i knew it I had two poppers going and the gears started turning..I roast on a prototype 6kilo hot air roaster. that makes me very happy. If you would like to see picture of anything above im Sean Harrington on Facebook..ill be anyones friend..hope to eventually meet everyone and continue to be a positive part of this radical forum..Have fun people! it's coffee roasting! ..B)
Unta attached the following image:

Edited by Unta on 04/15/2010 9:42 PM
Sean Harrington
Glad to have you hanging out, Sean. You probably use more energy to roast a batch of beans than it takes to heat your home for a year! Great stuff.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
its my balance..HA.thanks CHAD!tallyHO
Sean Harrington
32 living in Charlotte North Carolina. Mass native, Red Sox fan, 2 dog owner, self employed electrical contractor. Here's a short video of my current roaster. Hopefully bigger and better things are on the horizon.


Edit to make link useable
Edited by John Despres on 05/09/2010 8:26 PM
The operation was a success.... but the patient died!
I'm Bean, from Singapore.
Nice to be with U here today ^^
Hello everyone! I'm a 50 y/o happily married male who started roasting just a month ago. I use an unmodified thrift store Popcorn Pumper and roast to Full City. I found a semi-local & rather low profile outfit who would sell me beans, so I bought 4lbs of Colombian. It is decent & I am enjoying myself, but I really have to think the beans I got are just boring. So little aroma regardless of degree of roast, and not very complex flavor. Can't wait till these beans are gone so I can order a variety pack from Sweet Maria's or perhaps from somewhere I hear about from this forum. Afraid if I buy them now I may never use my stash of Colombian, so have determined I must wait. :-)

More useless trivia: Reside in the great San Joaquin Valley (Central California farmland). Am an inactive private pilot & semi active amateur radio operator, work in IT for now but planning to go back into water treatment again- this time on a much larger scale than the ultrapure medical grade I used to do. Water is by volume the largest ingredient of coffee- great way to cripple your cup is to leave excessive amounts of hardness minerals (deep well sources) or chlorine in your brew water. Fortunately most of us can get by with what comes from the tap with perhaps a carbon filter to remove the chlorine if our source water is heavily chlorinated.

Glad to be aboard with what looks like a great bunch of fellow enthusiasts! looking forward to learning more about beans & roasting. Cheers!
Welcome to the forums, Stu!

I ran out of roasted coffee and did a couple of emergency popper roasts, and there are a great many coffees that taste fantastic on the popper (Ethiopian being one). Good times.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
New guy here, might as well say hi!

My name's Dave and I just turned 23. I'm in southern California, a bit east of Los Angeles. I'm about to graduate with my BA in International Business with a specialization in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Philosophy (I know, it's all over the place!Shock).

I grew up in my dad's machine shop running a mill and lathe when I was around 13, and just fell in love with crafting something out of metal that previously was only in my head. I've competed in robotic combat for almost a decade now (here's a quick video of one of my creations: http://www.youtub...OV5dKnIKEw). It's addicting, but difficult and expensive to maintain as a hobby. Now, it's been supplanted by my coffee addiction. I did my time at Starbucks for a college job of three years and I owe them credit for introducing me to the world of coffee, however I ran out of things to learn from them after a while and I grew stagnant. That's where my extracurricular learning led me to homeroasting.

I'm looking to turn this hobby into a job opportunity at the moment, in some capacity. I've been applying to local roasteries in the past few weeks. Ideally I'm hoping to jump into starting my own business. I started another thread recently about my interest in using my machine shop experience to build my own high-capacity roaster to start a business with.

Thank you all for the wealth of knowledge and kindness here!

Edit: Fixed link to Youtube.
Edited by John Despres on 08/03/2010 7:51 PM
Welcome, Dave! We can always use tips and tricks from the robotic fabricator types!

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
John Despres
I want my next roaster to belch flame like that.

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.

I'm a 55 yo pharmacist from the Omaha, Ne area. I started home roasting last winter with a dog bowl/heat gun to a cast iron pan on top of a coleman camp stove to a Whirlipop popper to a dutch oven on top my BBQ grill. My family gave me a Gene Cafe for Christmas after one of my sons asked mom "who is the homeless guy in the back yard hunched over a camp stove." Its been nonstop fun roasting ever since. The only downside is that after giving samples to family and friends I get these calls of "what do you have roasted now, I be right over." I have to thank Jim Spain for sending me a whole range of his beans to get started.
Welcome csundsboe! If it ever cools off here I'd like to try the camp stove idea myself.
The 2010 Homeroasters class is looking great!

Welcome csundsboe!

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
A pharmacist! I could use a little caffiene education when you're ready! -Scott
I did post a hi thread, but here is a little more detail...

I am a 42yo from Columbia, SC, and a software developer. I was independent for a long time and merged with a company here in town. I am happily married to a woman who puts up with my crazy hobbies. I am a historical fencer (using heavier weapons than modern collegiate fencing), and I got into roasting coffee this year thanks in part to a local shop who is the only one I know of in town that roasts their own.

I thoroughly enjoy roasting coffee and am learning lots about it. My wife just laughs at my giddiness over trying a new bean. I would love to get more people involved locally in micro-roasting, but it is hard to drum up interest! I hope to learn quite a bit here.
Phil, welcome to your new home.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
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