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4-channel TC meter and datalogger project
Wow, cool stuff happens while I'm taking a nap! I'm gonna take another nap and check back to see what happens next!

JimG and Randy: I updated the 'quickstart' guide to eliminate some out-of-date instructions and pasted some of your notes above into the quickstart wiki.

Allen: our post office was closed yesterday, sorry, so we'll mail the chip tomorrow.
I added my detailed setup instructions to the download page

To whoever tries it, let me know if you have any suggestions or comments, and I will update the instructions.

Instructions are for WinXP. Should be similiar for vista or 7.


Do you have a preferred wiring for your LCD? Maybe we can agree on a standard/common wiring. If not, that is OK - easy enough to change.

MiloweBailey has an LCD in a shield format, but I haven't found a schematic for it yet either.

I'd like to avoid using the Arduino Digital 9 and 10 pins that the tc4-shield is using for its two outputs.


bvwelch wrote:

Do you have a preferred wiring for your LCD? Maybe we can agree on a standard/common wiring. If not, that is OK - easy enough to change.

MiloweBailey has an LCD in a shield format, but I haven't found a schematic for it yet either.

I'd like to avoid using the Arduino Digital 9 and 10 pins that the tc4-shield is using for its two outputs.

Hi Bill
I was going to copy this guy

since he already figured out what to do, but it's easy enough to change the data bits.

So, I think you don't want to do this
13 DB6 → Arduino 9 Data bit 6
14 DB7 → Arduino 10 Data bit 7

Did you already pick out the pins?

I can just copy what you do.

Hi Randy,

I haven't wired anything up yet, but I was planning to use the built-in 'LiquidCrystal' software library. Since their "hello world" example is included with the Arduino installation, why don't we adopt their 6-wire pin-out:

The circuit:
* LCD RS pin to digital pin 12
* LCD Enable pin to digital pin 11
* LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5
* LCD D5 pin to digital pin 4
* LCD D6 pin to digital pin 3
* LCD D7 pin to digital pin 2
* 10K resistor:
* ends to +5V and ground
* wiper to LCD VO pin (pin 3)


And here is their write-up:


Note: one down-side, this ties up the SPI lines, should we want to use SPI some day.

Edited by bvwelch on 07/05/2010 10:57 PM


bvwelch wrote:
Hi Randy,

I haven't wired anything up yet, but I was planning to use the built-in 'LiquidCrystal' software library. Since their "hello world" example is included with the Arduino installation, why don't we adopt their 6-wire pin-out:

The circuit:
* LCD RS pin to digital pin 12
* LCD Enable pin to digital pin 11
* LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5
* LCD D5 pin to digital pin 4
* LCD D6 pin to digital pin 3
* LCD D7 pin to digital pin 2
* 10K resistor:
* ends to +5V and ground
* wiper to LCD VO pin (pin 3)


And here is their write-up:


Note: one down-side, this ties up the SPI lines, should we want to use SPI some day.


Sounds good to me.

Randy, Bill -

First question: could that 6-pin scenario eventually support both an LCD + a few buttons?

Second question: what's the best way to handle the connection to a remote LCD? Ribbon cable with pin headers seems likes the way to go, but I haven't figured out yet which pieces/parts to use. Suggestions are welcome.

Third question: is it time, yet, to consider adding a 6-pin LCD output header to the TC-4 board design? The Eagle .sch and .brd files that are posted on the googlecode site should be up to date if somebody wants to add an LCD header to the current design.



randytsuch wrote:
I added my detailed setup instructions to the download page

To whoever tries it, let me know if you have any suggestions or comments, and I will update the instructions.

Randy -


When we moved the project to code.google.com, I broke several of the links to my web pages that you referenced in the write up. I will try and mark up a copy of the guide to reflect the broken ones.

In general, I think all of the links (except the board order page, for now) should prolly point to code.google.com instead of my web site.

A ribbon cable seems a good option to me. Or maybe a prototyping shield if you have other circuits you wish to add, like maybe an eeprom.

I looked at some of the existing LCD+keypad shields and they use a single analog pin for reading buttons. But so far, the ones I've seen conflict with our use of pins 9 and 10.

What I've done previously is use an I2C I/O expander for the LCD, which would work nicely with our existing I2C devices. An I2C eeprom would be welcome also.

But is the LCD even the priority? I don't know. What other changes might be needed to make this a better solution for coffee?


bvwelch wrote:
A ribbon cable seems a good option to me. Or maybe a prototyping shield if you have other circuits you wish to add, like maybe an eeprom.

I looked at some of the existing LCD+keypad shields and they use a single analog pin for reading buttons. But so far, the ones I've seen conflict with our use of pins 9 and 10.

What I've done previously is use an I2C I/O expander for the LCD, which would work nicely with our existing I2C devices. An I2C eeprom would be welcome also.

But is the LCD even the priority? I don't know. What other changes might be needed to make this a better solution for coffee?

Ribbon cable would make it much easier for a non engineer to make one.

I was thinking a LCD would be nice, if you want to roast without a PC connected. My plan is to eventually replace my PID with this. It would be nice to store a few profiles in it(eeprom), and run in a standalone mode with a LCD and a simple input device.

I still plan to use this as my input device, just because I already have it.
It's I2C, which is probably overkill for a few buttons.

I'll update my guide sometime today. I made a few minor tweaks to it, mostly to use sketchbook to start the Arduino because it's easier that way.



bvwelch wrote:

But is the LCD even the priority? I don't know. What other changes might be needed to make this a better solution for coffee?

My 2c worth,

I know there are a lot of different applications possible with the shield and I see there is a question as to what to concentrate on first.

My preference for priority would be to allow us the means to build a stand-alone rate of rise box with LCD (battery or wall wart). As other bells/whistles become available we can add on to it, transfer it to a bigger project box, add switches, buttons, cable sockets, whatever it takes.

I think this is going to be something a lot of us will want to add to our collection right out of the starting gate.

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Thinking here is that the standalone application, out of the gates, ought to be no smarter than a standard box o'rocks. No buttons, no PID control, no manual control.


- display elapsed time (min:sec),
- display the temperatures on channels 1 and 2 (nnn.n),
- display RoR for channel 1 in degrees per min (snnn.n),
- refresh the display every second, and
- a reset button to restart the timer.

I think that this is about all the information that will fit on a 16 x 2 LCD display. Will that be acceptable?

If this is good enough, then it is really close to completion. About all that it lacks is the LCD display piece because the rest is already being done for the PC logger (in the Bourbon release).

I'm willing to add the code to aBourbon that's necessary to create the character strings for that list of items. Anyone want to volunteer to tackle getting those strings to the LCD?



JimG wrote:
Thinking here is that the standalone application, out of the gates, ought to be no smarter than a standard box o'rocks. No buttons, no PID control, no manual control.

- display elapsed time (min:sec),
- display the temperatures on channels 1 and 2 (nnn.n),
- display RoR for channel 1 in degrees per min (snnn.n),
- refresh the display every second, and
- a reset button to restart the timer.

I think that this is about all the information that will fit on a 16 x 2 LCD display. Will that be acceptable?


For a RoR meter, that's very acceptable to me. I didn't know you were going to be able to get that much going on a small LCD.

I'd love to help with the LCD strings but I'm not up to the task technically.

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Put the board together tonight. Thanks to the silkscreen, it was easy, you guys did a great job on this board.

The surface mount stuff is a little tricky, but the pins are pretty large, for surface mount, so it shouldn't be too hard for people to mount them. The little 5 pin guy was a little work, just because it's hard to hold down while soldering, since it's so small.

I want to see if I can find some sockets with long pins at a local place tomorrow, otherwise I'll mount the pins I got from Digikey, and fire it up.

I also updated my setup guide, changed a link and changed instructions for starting the Arduino program.

Edited by randytsuch on 07/07/2010 1:25 AM
Credits to JimG for the silkscreen - previously I haven't bothered with that, and wow, it does make it so much nicer! Thanks Jim!

About long pins - Jim found some at Modern Devices, and I've ordered some from Sparkfun, but they haven't arrived yet.
Edited by bvwelch on 07/07/2010 7:21 AM
The LiquidCrystal library is built on top of the same 'Print' library that is used for the serial port, so printing formatted floating point numbers with sign-bit and one digit to the right of decimal point should be easy.

There is also a routine to position the cursor.

But please describe the preferred layout on the LCD.
Bill -

Missed your post about the LiquidCrystal library providing formatting :@ Dang I wish I had looked here first because the way I did it (sprintf, strcat, strcpy) was probably way more trouble than it needed to be.

Anyway, I've added a few lines of code into aBourbon.pde that should create two 15-character strings intended to go to the LCD.

LCD display format I chose (please feel free to suggest or make changes) is:
mm:ss temp1
RoR1 temp2

I did not have time to test the code I posted, but it compiles OK.



bvwelch wrote:
About long pins - Jim found some at Modern Devices, and I've ordered some from Sparkfun, but they haven't arrived yet.

I've got a bunch of spare pins. If you let me know before Friday I can mail you what you need to get a board or two up and going.

My package from Sparkfun should arrive today, but Randy may want some pins from you. I'll have a few extra pins as well. Just let us know.

Allen, sorry to say but your chip didn't go out until yesterday (Tues), since our Post Office was closed both Sat. and Monday.


bvwelch wrote:
My package from Sparkfun should arrive today, but Randy may want some pins from you. I'll have a few extra pins as well. Just let us know.




bvwelch wrote:

Do you have a preferred wiring for your LCD? Maybe we can agree on a standard/common wiring. If not, that is OK - easy enough to change.

MiloweBailey has an LCD in a shield format, but I haven't found a schematic for it yet either.

I'd like to avoid using the Arduino Digital 9 and 10 pins that the tc4-shield is using for its two outputs.

Here is the schematic of the LCD keypay/display I have.
Jim is going to send me some pins, but until I get them, I may hand wire this up, to make sure it works.

Seems like I just need to hook up the I2C pins on J2-5,6 and power on the Power connector pins 3 +5 and 4,5 for gnd.

Just an FYI, the Arduino sockets do wear out. I have one Arduino that I've plugged and unplugged the shield too many times and now need to replace the sockets because I get intermittent connections on some pins.

so be nice to the little guys


milowebailey wrote:
Here is the schematic of the LCD keypay/display I have.


bvwelch wrote:

I haven't wired anything up yet, but I was planning to use the built-in 'LiquidCrystal' software library. Since their "hello world" example is included with the Arduino installation, why don't we adopt their 6-wire pin-out:

The circuit:
* LCD RS pin to digital pin 12
* LCD Enable pin to digital pin 11
* LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5
* LCD D5 pin to digital pin 4
* LCD D6 pin to digital pin 3
* LCD D7 pin to digital pin 2

Sorry for playing catchup again, but I'd like to suggest a rearrangement as follows for the LCD output pins:

Arduino     LCD
D2          RS (pin 4)
D4          EN (pin 6)
D7          DB4 (pin 11)
D8          DB5 (pin 12)
D12         DB6 (pin 13)
D13         DB7 (pin 14)
A0          keypad (future)

The reason I suggest this new arrangement is because it avoids all of the Arduino's PWM pins, which I think we may find uses for as output devices in the future. I think this arrangement will support both a plain vanilla 16 x 2 LCD, as well as the version with buttons.

This arrangement leaves Arduino pins D0(RX), D1(TX), D3(PWM), D5(PWM), D6(PWM), D11(PWM), A1, A2, and A3 available for future applications.

In addition, I'd suggest that any future versions of our TC-4 board should incorporate an 8-pin header:

Header     Arduino      LCD
pin          pin        pin
0            GND        1
1            5V         2
2            D2         4
3            D4         6               
4            D7         11
5            D8         12
6            D12        13
7            D13        14

I hope this doesn't screw up anything somebody has already done. I should have looked at this sooner and brought it up then.

Will this work?

Edited by JimG on 07/08/2010 5:01 PM


JimG wrote:
I hope this doesn't screw up anything somebody has already done. I should have looked at this sooner and brought it up then.

Will this work?


Bill, received the MCP9800. Appreciate you going through the time/trouble!

I'm not totally following what this change will affect.

Will this change how we construct the shield (headers) or does this only affect the connections from the Arduino to LCD?

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
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