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How old are you? What is your job? Tell us about yourself...
I"ll be 59 in Septmeber. Live in the Orlando area with my long suffering wife of 38 years, an 11 year old lab, a 7 year old beagle and a 14 year old siamese cat.

We have 3 grown and moved away children, and one joyful grandson,who lives too far away!!

I've been involved in public administration for over 30 years, and currently do consulting for governments and agencies who are upgrading or looking to upgrade their software systems. As such, I travel all over the country.

I've been roasting since Dec 2005. Started with a freshroast 8+, migrated to an iRoast2 and currently use a Gene Cafe. Results are brewed in either a TVM or a yama vac pot. I am waiting for the Fed Ex guy to drop off my latest eBay find, a Gaggia Espresso. I must go to the dark side!!

I go by Leo, this summer I'll be 33 yrs old, that's providing some catastrophe doesn't occur like you know, falling objects from the sky, stray vehicles running me down, you know...bad stuff
I call Fresno California home
No kids, going through divorce, I feel your pain(s)
Have a 4x4 and go to the beach and tear up the dunes when I can
Currently am an Engineering Tech, but I think I can make a run of opening my own Espresso Bar someday with my Girlfriend, she bakes mexican pastries and together I think we have all the high trump cards.
Wish I could post more often but dang if there's not enough time in a day to hold down a full time job and try and build a biz. Currently gathering information to become the bestest baddest Barista this side of the Atlantic, well you know, I set a high bar for myself to reach for. I figure even if I fall way short I'm still up on most folks smile

I read the FAQ's I can handle them pretty easily

Still no sailor smilies huh?


ginny wrote:
Thank you Dennis:

Rules we don't have very many; there is a forum disclaimer under the FAQ's you can look at.

You can talk all you want about other lists, where you get stuff, OT is fine by us. I love to the shout box.

Thanks for posting about yourself.


FC1(SW/AW) Dennis W. True
USN (ret.)

HG/DB roasting in the warm Cuban Sun

Check out my Blog!!!!!
Hi, I'm Tom. I'm 47 and live in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. I'm a Network Engineer / Project Manager. I currently work for HSN. I'm married 15 years and have two daughters, 11 and 8 years old.

I'm new to home roasting of coffee. I'm playing around with a Fresh Roast +8 and a HG/DB. I brew with a Bodum Chambord French Press.

I enjoy a fine cigar with either a cup of coffee or a port wine. Depends on the time of day and my mood.
Hi Tom:

Thanks for posting here and for joining up on this crazy site.


always s:8s:8 :(
I'm 51, I am married. 2 grown kids. 2 dogs. I play the blues on the harmonica. I am a environmental sample coordinator/Lab tech/potable water operator/whatever else no one in the company wants to do out here in the wilds of north western Colorado (good hunting and fishing). I have an I roast (1) that I have been useing for about 2 years now. I just built and used last week for the first time a BBQ roaster loosely based on Ed Needem's and RK's websites. My new home roaster really works well. I plan to enter the contest.

Pat the Harprat
I'm coming up on 48 like a freight train on a 3-legged deer. Scary how quick the years roll by isn't it? Married almost 28 years, one child - son is 27.

Spent 10 years in the Navy, 3 weeks out of high school. ET1 -Electronics Tech - when I "retired". Worked on radar, microwave and HF radio. Also waxed and buffed a butt load of floors.

Stationed in Great Lakes, IL, Millington, TN, Jacksonville FL, back to Great Lakes, Keflavik, Iceland and Va. Beach, VA.

Just completed 20 years with electric company, Sr. Comm. Tech. I install, repair and maintain a sonet microwave radio system, IDNX (data network) system and OC-48 Sonet network. Also work on substation electronics when absolutely necessary.

Hobbies: Coffee snob, bbq snob, beer snob and Disney. I enjoy GOOD food and drink.

I've been q'in (bbq'in) for 6 years, Weber Smoky Mountain. There's nothing like low and slow smoked ribs, brisket, pork butt, rib roast, etc...

I discovered really good beer about 8 years ago: Belgian ales, wheat biers, wit biers, British & Scotish ales & stouts.

I started roasting last year. 9 months with a FR8, just started with the GC 2 weeks ago. I've been a coffee hound since Uncle Sam had me shoveling snow in Great Lakes for 2 months while waiting for a school 29 years ago. It took me a long time to realize the coffee I'd been drinking all those years was horrible.

Sorry for the rant - Steve

No rant at all, thanks for your post, great to have you here.

Having a bit of info about our fellow roasters is cool. Just a way to get to know each other and a great way to make friends.



only 101 right now...
I am a fairly new member, born in 58, husband of one for 26+ yrs, dad of 7 for 22+ yrs., techie, musician, chess player, sailor, oh and I do like coffee.... I've been roasting for 4 years, tinker a lot, live in the MidWest, and like to hang out online with the likes of Ginny and Eddie.... I get along with practicaly everybody and have no known enemies... (The "Ballzz-Off" has been doing wonders for my demeanor....)
33, happily married since we were 19... (high-school sweethearts since 15!) 2 children, oldest son is 11, daughter, 9, dog, chocolate lab, 12 years old and still chasing squirrels and cats!

I dig music, play the guitar, drums, bass, keys, sing... none of them spectacular. Mostly with the band at church... no hymns, no country, we rock out! I also write and record music... for fun. It's an excruciating hobby, but very fun. Recently built my first all-tube guitar amp. It was another learning experience, much like the roasting.

I worked for AT&T for 12 years next month... which is rapidly becoming entertainment based (TV, internet, text messaging), rather than communications based! In short, I install and maintain fiber optic equipment (multiplexers). Shout out to Steve! I feel your OC-48s and SONET overhead! Although it's mostly OC-12 and down for me... Fujitsu FLMs and Flaswaves...Alcatel...AFC...

I've only been roasting coffee since April or May 2007.

As the caption on my t-shirt says, I am conservative politically, fiscally, and morally. I really like this site and just found this old thread.


Oh, FWIW, I do get to check the "some college" box. I went to MU for EE, but failed physics in semester 4. I transferred to a local college, but got this job before the degree. No drugs or alcohol or partying... just didn't study enough I guess.
Edited by seedlings on 11/02/2007 6:11 PM


seedlings wrote:
[...] Mostly with the band at church... no hymns, no country, we rock out!

I go to a similar type of church ... we rocked the roof off the sucker today ... opens it up to the heavens!

Thanks for sharing chad!

Eddie Dove

The South Coast Coffee Roaster
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Home Coffee Roasting Blog and Reference
Do you play Eddie?
No. Just enjoy, sing, move, praise ...

Eddie Dove

The South Coast Coffee Roaster
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Home Coffee Roasting Blog and Reference
Not for the easily offended, but check this out, Eddie:


I just love it...
It was a dark and stormy night.... when I was born in New Zealand in early 1953, the youngest of 5 children - and funny thing is, no matter how many years go by, I am still the youngest!

I grew up in a small country town where my father ran the local trucking firm (and mother drove trucks too).
Pursued an academic stream at school (languages and science).
Joined the Post Office in 1970 as a telecommunications technician, and filled various roles over the next 24 years in comms and computing.
Left Telecom for a systems integration job in the electricity sector, and left that to set up my own consulting business (still in electricity).

I live to invent, innovate, improve. I also love altering and renovating houses. I drive an old Jeep, and also a classic 1980 Morris Mini as my hobby car (I do all the maintenance).

Father of 4 from a previous marriage, and stepfather to 2 more from present (wonderful) marriage. 2 of 6 getting married early next year!!
Very nice to meet you, Brainiac! Your membername reflects your hobbies quite nicely! That's a great line:


Brainiac wrote:
I live to invent, innovate, improve.

Pleast take as a compliment that this is very "American," if I may say so!

Hey Brian!

Glad you posted here! Good to get to know you a bit.

Eddie Dove

The South Coast Coffee Roaster
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Home Coffee Roasting Blog and Reference
Donut Dog
lol very funny

Hoomin Bean
I'm very happy to have found this forum. From my years (age 56) in construction and facility maintenance, I don't need to be told that there is a DIY knockoff or enhancement for everything under the sun. You only have to read a few threads to see that there is a great community of inventor-mechanics here.

In late 2005 I started a coffee and espresso concession for festivals. http://www.hoboes... For the coming season we decided to add on site roasting for the smoke and magic, the crowd attraction, and the retail sales. My rk drum just arrived, rotisserie on the way. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions, but I'm still reading the boards for what has been discussed already.

Looking forward to your acquaintance, Ed
Hey Ed ... you can always trust a guy named, Ed!

Glad to meet you, and thanks for taking the time to post. Great website, too ... Love the hoboespresso!

Eddie Dove

The South Coast Coffee Roaster
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Home Coffee Roasting Blog and Reference
I'm 59 and I work as a construction site safety manager. I contract out through an agency to companies. Currently working for an electrical contractor on a data center project. Previous project was a multibillion dollar semiconductor facility, also for the prime electrical contractor. That pattern may be related to my background as an electrican and a technican.
Been in Phoenix for almost 38 years now. Will be relocating to southern Oregon about mid 2008.
Do a lot of smoking of meats and got into coffee roasting as a means to find a use for my Brinkmann four burner grill. Basket roast currently but just bought a drum and will set that up about the first of the year and give that a try.
Hey FRBean,

Thanks for posting. I work in the Energy sector and safety is no joke when it comes to electricity; you provide a valuable service!

Keep us updated on your roasting and smoking!

Eddie Dove

The South Coast Coffee Roaster
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Home Coffee Roasting Blog and Reference
Kaffee Bitte
I am 31 and just five short days away from graduating with my nursing degree. Finally going to be working a job that pays a living wage (for more than one). For the eleven years leading up to now I have been working as a barista in various shops around Montana, mostly in Missoula and Helena. Just this summer though I ended that portion of my life, and started my own business. Now am roasting coffee for profit. So soon I will be a coffee roasting Nurse (or Murse as my friends love to say snidely).

After working for a while I plan to go on to get my masters so that I can work as a Nurse Practitioner. Might as well have massive amounts of education right? After all my English degree wasn't doing much for me.

"Some days it's spice, other days it's bitter dirt."
Hola all,

I?m 42, born in Havana Cuba raised in NYC/NJ. I live in East Brunswick NJ were I work as an H-R. I have been married for 1year an 3 months. Yes my wife knew I was a coffee Geek before we got married and, yes she thinks I'm crazy for roasting coffee in the garage in the cold winter weather. But she enjoys coffee too & loves the smell of coffee roasted in our home plus she makes her own cappas on the espresso machine too. So I have a very coffee friendly wife.B)

I have been drinking coffee all of my life, black no sugar. My favorite way of enjoying coffee is on the French Press and our espresso machine, (QM Vetrano). I just started getting into the clover via a local NYC shop (Cafe Grumpy) really loving it. What an experience in taste and detail.

I got into home roasting b/c I'm just a coffee nut. It was the normal thing to do. I use the UFO/TO b/c I love roasting 1lb batch. Couldn?t really justify anything smaller.
I'm thinking on upgrading to a Behmor but I've been waiting to see how it all turns out. So far I really like what I've been hearing/reading.

As an innocent bystander.
I've gotten the privilege to visit some of the worlds best Latin America coffee regions/fincas/ and people that make what I enjoy every morning.
You can see some of our coffee journey photos on our flickr site.

I'm a people person so I enjoy getting to know & understand the human aspect of the cup.

This coming year I'm looking forward to understand more the bean and the roasting part of the process than the $$$$ coffee making toys.

That?s why I think it's great to be here & to be able to learn/share from all those that have gone this same road before.

Looking forward to contributing and learning from all of you.

Enjoy c:1
Edited by David on 02/05/2008 10:23 PM

Your mini biography was a great read! Thank you for taking the time to share!

Eddie Dove

The South Coast Coffee Roaster
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Home Coffee Roasting Blog and Reference
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