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How old are you? What is your job? Tell us about yourself...
Smokehouse, Dozer, Evangelist, most excellent to meet you all officially! This is where we all experiment, learn, and share.

(The good and the ugly)

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
I just completed the bread machine mod thanks to the instructions on this site. So far, I've roasted 1/2 lb, and wasn't to bad for an amateur.c:2

I'm 53 and started playing with coffee in the last year or so. I hopefully will be able to retire from my civil serpent job soon so I can devote more time to my other hobby...breeding, raising & selling live tarantulas, scorpions and other bugs. My website is crazydavesinverts.com
Since I jumped in here with both feet I figure I'll spill the beans about myself.... B)

Real name is Aaron

I'm 26

Married to a wonderful woman who puts up with all of my insanity. No children (yet). Have a wonderful German Shepherd, though.

My career is industrial design, I work for a furniture company, but I'll design just about anything. I've been in the furniture industry for about 5 years now.

I have too many hobbies. Most revolve around building things, the hobbies I'm hooked on at the moment are building and paddling kayaks, smoking cigars (and building smoking accessories), drinking microbrews (don't brew anything myself, but I tried it a couple of times without success), and messing about with wood (furniture, turning, boats, small boxes). Minor hobbies that I dabble in include photography, cycling, auto repair/maintenance, art, electronics, home renovation...

Coffee isn't a hobby... its more than that!

I got into home roasting a couple years ago. I've been a coffee nut for a long while, but a good friend introduced me to home roasting and lighter roasts and i've bough precious little coffee at retail since. I approach it more as an art than a science, I rarely have time to really delve into the finer details. If it tastes good, I'm happy. Grin

If anyone ever needs any industrial/product design services or CAD work, just let me know. "Will work for coffee" c:1
Very interesting bunch of folks here with some similar interests to many.

My name is Chad which is where seehad comes from (c had). In June I will be turning 31 and in September I will be celebrating my 10 year anniversary to a wonderful woman that puts up with my various hobbies and ambitions. We have a wonderful 4 year old son who says "When I'm bigger I'm going to drink coffee and when you're littler you can drink blue juice". We currently reside in suburban Phoenix.

At 19 I was a barista for a suburban harbucks knock-off that a friend's dad owned. That business lasted two years and I moved onto trying to get a non-college-educated career and figured computers was the way to go. I started taking classes to become a systems administrator. Fortunately I found a job in a network operations center and changed my career path to work on network devices. I moved up quickly and became a network engineer only to be laid off in 2001. I had to work in tech support for 3 years before getting back into an admin/engineer role with the company. This is just to pay the bills.

My true passions are music, coffee and photography. I have a very low volume side business shooting portraits. I really enjoy landscape, still life and macro photography. Unfortunately it looks like my site is down ATM. http://gallery.redrockexposure.com is my landscape stuff and http://redrockexposure.com is the business side.
As far as music, I am a classicaly trained violinist and played in various orchestras when I was younger. About 3 years ago, I decided to learn some jazz stuff by slowing down Stephane Grapelli. That led to jamming with other musicians. About 18 months ago a band was formed and we play out about 3-4 times a month. All original music from rock to jazz to bluegrass to raggae to punk.

Coffee didn't become too serious for me until about 4 years ago when a good friend of mine gave me a half pound of the Espresso Vivace Dolce blend. I drank about 8 double shots that night and laid in bed for hours pontificating the need to make coffee my career at some point. I have an Isomac Relax and Rancilio Rocky at home. Sometimes I bring it into work for charities. The office gets wired on caffeine on the companies dime while people donate money to charities like the pink ladies (my favorite charity ;)) I started a coffee club at work to lower the costs by buying bulk from the roaster. It has grown to a point where we are buying 17 lbs of coffee a week. That takes us to the present where I am building a roaster so I can migrate those customers to my roasts.
My goal is to use any profits from that to save up for a commercial 2kg roaster. From there I want to get a shop setup at the building where our band practices. Eventually my goal is to run the roaster/retailer business as well as some carts or drive-thru's around town.

Some other random interests include meditation, string theory, politics (the government is supposed to be we the people and I want to see a healthy democracy. After all we share a lot more than we disagree with), tai chi, lego games on the wii and camping.

Thanks for the great post and for joining us here. We really appreciate your participation.

Wii Lego's a cool!!

There are way too many Chads here. ;)

Here's a scene from the next Homeroaster's gathering

Chaps, I'd like to introduce you to a new roaster.
Dave, this is Chad.
Dave, this is Chad.
Dave, this is Chad.
...Is your name not Chad then?
No, it's Dave.
That's going to cause a little confusion.
Mind if we call you Chad then, just to keep things clear?

Inspired by this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f_p0CgPeyA

Edited by seedlings on 02/06/2009 4:22 PM
I guess I'll go next... My name is not Chad.

I?m Tom (real name).
I?m 35. I married my best friend in November 2002.
The screen name ?hebrews? came from a conversation I had with a few fellow church mates as to what we should call our monthly coffee house. We had many favorites, all of which would likely offend at least one person or another. I can provide the full list for the non-faint-of-heart. Needless to say, hebrews was my favorite. ?Master?s House--God to the Last Drop? my least favorite. We ultimately landed on something with ?grounds? in it? ?holy grounds,? ?common grounds,? ?solid grounds??
I have been a coffee snob for a bit over 20 years, when I first discovered a tiny cigar shop in Englewood, Ohio called Boston Stoker who served gourmet coffee to its cigar smoking patrons. Being only 15, I couldn?t share my new found love with anyone else but the hooligans with whom I spent time. They had more interest in the cigars than the coffee, however, and I carried my torch for coffee alone for quite some time. Now I have a new appreciation for cigars, but Ohio has gone smoke-free? I?ve never had good timing.
I began my roasting journey just six months ago. It is still a hobby, though I have already drawn a few loyal customers since premiering my coffee at a work ?holiday craft fair? in December. As it is, I have less than 20 lbs of green beans stored in my basement at any given time.
The company who pays for my hobby is McGraw-Hill Education. I work as a content editor. I fix materials that have inconsistencies, bad grammar, poor structure, wrong information, etc. I began working for them in 2006, two months after I finally received my college degree.
My wonderful wife supported us and worked while I finished my degree. Then two years ago, a disease she has been battling with for 16 years finally began to take its toll on her. She has MS, and it smacked her around so badly, that now I am the one supporting our family.
Our family consists of two children and two dogs. We spaced our family by starting with one dog, fostering/taking custody of my then 8 yr. old niece, taking in another dog, adopting the aforementioned niece (she?ll be 13 in March?ugghhh), then having a little baby boy (he?s my avatar) three weeks ago.
In my spare time (HA!), I play bass for my church?s band, I teach the middle school youth group, and I am learning to play the mandolin.

I think that?s enough to make you really wonder about me.
Edited by hebrews on 02/06/2009 2:18 PM
Blah, "Tom", blah, blah, "McGraw-Hill", nicety-nice, blah... "bass player"? Oooh! Got my attention! Awesome, Tom. Maybe we can do coffee and rock out sometime.

Just kidding about the "blahs," by the way, it's the Monty Python Downunder trying to be funny. Great to meet you for sure. I guess the little bean squirt will be a drummer...he's got the hair... to complete the rhythm section.

Oh, and to clarify, I'm CHAD, not Chad, or chad, or CHad, and not even ChaD - maybe occasionally chAD, but not enough to mention.

Edited by seedlings on 02/06/2009 4:38 PM
Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Hi: I was introduced to this forum by Ginny who is my neighbor. She is very cool and have given me the best coffee I have had ever. I am 53 as of next Thursday. Don't have a job as I am disabled thanks to asthma, etc. My joy is being director of Hayes Hideaway, Soul of the Wolf, a non-profit sanctuary for wolves and wolf hybrids born in captivity who have had stupid owners. I also have the company of 7 little dogs and 2 cats. The kids in the neighborhood grew up howling out their windows first thing in the morning. I love running with the wolves (limping now due to bad hip). But it is the best joy in my world.

Can't wait to get to know all of you. Just a note though, I'm a sporadic computer person as I'm still on dial up. Ginny's house is the last down our road that got DSL. Soon I hope but no complaints.
TTYL and thanks for inviting me Ginny.
OK, my turn...

I am a professional violinist, currently playing for The Phoenix Symphony, I am 59 years young, married to a great lady since 2001. We both own a coffee shop called The Coffee Buzz, in Ahwatukee (Phoenix), AZ.

I grew in Bucharest, Romania, where I got my first taste of coffee. It was Turkish coffee, brewed by my mom and served by the mug. I was supercharged all day, mind you...

After my defection in 1980 I spent a little time in Italy where I tasted all the good espresso and cappuccino drinks. I arrived in Arizona in 1982, hired by The Phoenix Symphony. As for coffee, I always liked the strong/bold coffees and occasional espresso but never dreamed that one day I might become a barista.

In 2007, both I and my wife made a decision to buy a Coffee Shop in the neighborhood. That changed our lives in ways I cannot fully describe. I am enjoying the beans coming from a local roaster called Espressions. Our favorite beans are Sumatran, Guatemalan, Organic Ugandan and Kenyan AA, the last two being my best likes. We also make a toddy (cold brew system) from Mexican Altura beans.

I got curious about roasting in talking to one of this Forum's members, who used to be my violin student, who is also an accomplished photographer, his first name is Chad.

My wife works as a Goodwill store manager and helps with the coffee shop, we have four cats, a dog and a desert tortoise. And, most of all, we both enjoy riding Harleys.
Hey everyone,

First of all thanks for being a group of people who like to share and help in the true spirit of coffee. This forum has a really good vibe to it.

My name is Paul, I'm 29 and from Wellington, New Zealand, currently living in Queens, NY with my amazing wife of two years.

I am about to return to full time study after a short break. I'll be finishing off a MA in theology. From there who knows? I have dreams to get into coffee full time but I think they are a ways off yet.

Coming from a country saturated with decent roasters I've found myself on a quest to produce some for myself, friends and family. I recently gained acceptance to sell my beans and brews at my local Farmers Market which I'm pretty excited about.

All the best!

Thanks for your post. You will enjoy for time at your local Farmer's Market.
Is is always a fun, joyful and ever interesting day...

Will you be roasting there as well?


@ long last, I'm posting here. No longer working for the green monster. 29, bordering 30. IT. Linux dork, supporting WinBLOWS. @least our file servers are moving to Nexenta (based on OpenSolaris, but w/ the package management ease of Debian/Ubuntu LINUX!!!).

Roasting for, I dunno, 3 years now? Built every roaster I've used. Started w/ a (quickly modded) West Bend Poppery II, now roasting w/ a pasta strainer over a stockpot containing 1800W of tubular heating elements, controlled by PID, stirred by hand by 2 wooden spoons. Too tech for current setup, hopefully a better one will come soon. Brewing w/ a PIDed Gaggia Baby 1st gen w/ passive preheat mod and resister/dimmer pressure mod, French press, *$ Barista 8 Cup (cone filter, who knew they used Swissgold?), or cupping (I swear, it makes a press taste like instant coffee).
Edited by stereoplegic on 07/08/2009 3:24 AM
I'll be 35 in December. I'm a high school English teacher from Central Ohio and recently took up home roasting as a hobby.
Hello, my name is Ron.

I am 54 and living in my home town of Austin, Texas. Up until about 6 years ago I had worked at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. I worked there about 14 years and had several job titles over those years.
Started out as a technician in the Shuttle Mission Simulator and then 7 years as a telemetry flight controller in the Mission Control Center.

Then moved to the Space Station Training Facility as an instructor and training developer. Left NASA for about a year as an instructor teaching Sun basic OS till the facility closed. Went back to NASA and worked about 3 years as a UNIX Admin.

Hmm, this is sounding like a resume (/yawn).

Anyway, to make a long story short, I lost my job and not long after my dad passed away so I moved back to Austin so that my mom wouldn't have to live by herself.

So here I am looking for work.

I've always liked coffee but wasn't a coffee nutt. Up until a few weeks ago I guess the best cup I had was pre-roasted from Whole Foods. I got interested in home roasting when I was checking the web for espresso makers and I came across coffeegeek and Homeroasters.

Now I have the bug. smile

I love this website, friendly folks here with lots of knowledge to share.

But enough about me, glad to be aboard with all you good folks.

Just for grins, a younger me at JSC:

And most recent at my sister's house:
Beaner attached the following image:

Edited by Beaner on 08/01/2009 10:20 PM
Hey wolflady, your story reminded me of one of my favorite movies, Never Cry Wolf with Charles Martin Smith and Brian Dennehy.

Most excellent movie.

Koffee Kosmo
Welcome Plucky
Your tastebuds will thank you
Home roasting will become the norm when more folks support it and shout it out loud

Welcome Beaner
Have you ever thought Hmmm what if I placed some coffee beans in the shuttle
How would they taste after a little trip in space

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
I don't know KK but I volunteer to be the first roasternaut.

Would probably have to use a vac pot to brew the coffee.
Hello to all:

Been roasting for 9 years and have not given the internet roasting sites too much thought until I heard about you from a post on the Sweet Maria list regarding the
Auction for Coffee Kids!!

Great thing you did, super outcome from a small band of coffee nuts/beans?

Your forum seems very open and friendly.

Thanks for activating my membership so FAST!!!


hey Beaner, love to have you over for dinner!!


What are you cooking?
Hi all roasters, I'm gerry, 67, retired from too many years of management . I loved working with my hands and I guess my forte was problem solving. My wife got me into whole beans pre roasted 22 years ago. The internet showed me the unthinkable, HOME ROASTING. A year ago I started with a SC/turbo. I found that I loved building the machines as much as roasting and drinking the coffee. So now I look for sources that spin and throw heat and try not to break my retirement budget. Now I ask you!!! Doesn't everyone need 7 roasters? Grin
Hi, all! I'm 58, an electrical engineer living in Hoover, AL (Birmingham area). I've been home roasting for a year and a half, using HG/BM -- loving every minute.

I blame this all on the internet. I was looking for a new way to brew coffee and happened across the home roasting phenomenon (including this site). Since then, there's been no looking back. Though I lack the refined palate of many of you, I can happily say I've yet to encounter a (home-roasted) bean I didn't like.

For brewing, I use an inexpensive Krups espresso machine, Yama vac, couple of moka pots, Aeropress, and manual drip. Oh, and an antique Trosser grinder.
gerry and John, we're happy to benefit form that wacky internet sucking you down the coffee-roasting vortex. Jump in to any conversation and add your valuable input!

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover


JohnIII wrote:
Hi, all! I'm 58, an electrical engineer living in Hoover, AL (Birmingham area). I've been home roasting for a year and a half, using HG/BM -- loving every minute.

Welcome John! I live in Albertville, AL. I wish I lived closer to B'ham. I'd like to try the various coffee shops and visit all of the local commercial roasters sometime. I almost visited the place in Leeds, but they don't encourage walk-ups - you need an appointment.
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