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Hi Ciel,

Yes and no. No because I had just come from hands on training on even larger roasters with Diedrich so was pretty familiar. Yes because the Ambex is completely manual, no instruction guide came with it. The flame is very cool with eight burners that let off a really nice blue glow.
Brian King
Roaster / Owner
First Crack Roasters


firstcrack wrote:

... I should just say Yes, the larger roasting is intimidating.

Brian, I enjoy roasting very much - a lot more than I had originally imaged. My browns don't last long because of an increasing number of guests dropping by for a friendly cup. As a result, I have been pushing my little HT towards larger batches of greens; I'm now up to 3/4 lb loads... with surprisingly great results. I am most interested in hearing about your experiences with the new roaster since my eye is increasingly being drawn towards larger drums.
Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101
Ciel, I too pushed my HT toward that 3/4 load and it worked fine. I shopped and read and read more about roaster comparisons everyone I could. It came down to me laying out a cost and tech support and volume side by side. I also considered natural gas vs propane and if propane (which I did go with), could I switch out the jet kit later if I went with natural gas. After months of research, I went with Ambex. For me...the why?
Everyone that owns Ambex loves em. AND they are much more affordable than other bigger names. Now given, the small details of workmanship even down to the agitator arms...I say Diedrich is hands down the best quality machined product there is. But again I was looking for great, but not perfect and affordable. I finally went with Ambex. Downside...the time to get it took forever and a few weeks on top of that. 4 weeks became two months+. But when it got here and I opened the crate...the big smile came and I am happy.

As I learn more with mine, i am more than willing to share. I am about to fire her up and run a few batches through to further season her. Hope this is not too much information.

Brian King
Roaster / Owner
First Crack Roasters


firstcrack wrote:

.. i am more than willing to share...

Thanks Brian,
I am looking forward to reading you forthcoming posts describing your roasting experiences with the new Ambex.

Also, it would be great if you could summarize some of the highlights from the Stephen Diedrich roasting course that you recently attended.
Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101
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