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08/22/2008 6:15 PM
Oh, and here I thought a profession was something someone did to earn cash. Silly me!
08/22/2008 5:46 PM
yeah, pictures!!! I think Eddie has a HUGE stash, probably over 200 pounds!!!
08/22/2008 5:32 PM
Still haven't seen any pictures of 100lb + stashes...?
08/22/2008 5:19 PM
anybody win a bet??
08/22/2008 5:17 PM
looks like the up to 15 pounds and over 100 pounds lead in the poll.
08/22/2008 11:17 AM
Howdy, kbow12! B)
08/22/2008 10:56 AM
no cliques here, just some fun in the sun!!
08/22/2008 10:47 AM
sorry Dan, a paycheck does not by any means make someone is professional!!
08/22/2008 8:38 AM
kbow12, WELCOME TO THIS BUNCH. Thanks for taking time to join!!
08/22/2008 7:14 AM
Welcome aboard, kbow12! Don't look first, just jump in!
08/22/2008 7:06 AM
You guys are confused. The difference between amatuer and professional is a paycheck!
08/22/2008 7:05 AM
Oh, BBL and GRL is Ginny's clics, now I understand. Please, don't nominate me, had enough of clics in high school!
08/21/2008 11:09 PM
Dang Dan! We are all pro's!!!!
08/21/2008 10:19 PM
Indeed, Ginny! The BBLPHCA will now come to order; Grand Poobah Chad presiding.
08/21/2008 10:13 PM
Keep up that kinda talk, Dan, and you'll be on the BBL. It's professional homeroast TASTER. All about the drinking.
08/21/2008 9:07 PM
Welcome aboard kbow12!
08/21/2008 8:29 PM
What's BBL? Isn't "professional homeroast" a contradiciton in terms!
08/21/2008 1:00 PM
John my lad, what a great idea:
The BBL Professional Homeroast Cuppers Association
08/21/2008 12:59 PM
eddie, love your new avatar!!
08/21/2008 12:02 PM
Ed, thanks for the introduction to the new Greens Forum...