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09/11/2008 7:11 PM
Welcome aboard norton31!
09/11/2008 5:00 PM
What a rancid thought. Are you going to make it?
09/11/2008 4:07 PM
sorry that was "hard"
09/11/2008 4:06 PM
It's great to be back here, I've been a bit depressed. It was had to watch my parents mixing instant and fresh coffee
09/11/2008 4:04 PM
Welcome norton31!!
09/11/2008 12:10 PM
Here's a rousing caffeinated welcome to you norton31!
09/11/2008 9:44 AM
norton31 WELCOME, thanks for joining us!!
09/11/2008 8:46 AM
I'll take "chocolate bomb" for $1000, Pat. Uh, I mean, Lynn. Great description!
09/10/2008 9:38 PM
It probably isn't the same El Salvador Chad. But the one I got was really tasty at City, iffy at Full City, and a chocolate bomb at Vienna.
09/10/2008 10:57 AM
CRLM for a coffee tasting I'm having. And, Kenya Auction lot peaberry.
09/10/2008 10:20 AM
Never had it before but I got a pound of El Salvador for my birthday. Any roasting tips?
09/09/2008 10:07 PM
Morecoffee has some. I am not sure about SM. They might still have some.
09/09/2008 9:27 PM
Love El Salvador coffee. Used mine up last week ... need to get more ...
09/09/2008 8:26 PM
A really nice Mallabar and Aged Sumatra for the french press. And an El Salavador resting to be sampled soon.
09/09/2008 8:25 PM
I have a nice Yemen SO in my espresso grinder.
09/09/2008 8:12 PM
Tomorrow morning, Kenya Hiriga ... can't wait!!!
09/09/2008 7:26 PM
Hello out there! What's everyone drinking this week?
09/05/2008 5:30 PM
I just arrived in Susanville, CA on my way home to Snowflake. the only good motel is a wi fi motel!!
09/05/2008 5:25 PM
eddie you had better watch your pea's and que's
09/05/2008 5:24 PM
love the avatar CHAD...