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09/17/2008 9:08 PM
About the last poll, to my way thinking, espresso can be bitter and bright, but not at the same time!
09/17/2008 6:43 PM
Good point from the wife there seedlings, we dont seem to worry about that sort of thing, us blokes !
09/17/2008 2:48 PM
redzone, hello and thanks for coming over to see what we are all about, welcome!!
09/17/2008 2:47 PM
kiwipete, welcome to this bunch, thanks for joining!!
09/17/2008 10:23 AM
Welcome redzone and kiwipete!! H)
09/17/2008 7:57 AM
Someone's got to keep an eye on me. My wife asked me if we have the "roaster-explosion" insurance rider.
09/17/2008 2:56 AM
One of the reasons I joined was to keep an eye on your projects "seedlings"
09/16/2008 4:52 PM
The pleasure is always ours, redzone!
09/15/2008 10:29 PM
Thanks HR people !
09/15/2008 9:42 PM
Happy to see the Yemens making a return at SM!!!!
I also just got a hold of some Aussie Mountain Top!!! WOOT!!!
09/15/2008 6:46 PM
kiwipete, redzone, a Big Welcome! B)
09/15/2008 3:57 PM
Roast some for the new guys, kiwipete and redzone! Welcome!
09/15/2008 8:11 AM
Welcome aboard kiwipete!
09/15/2008 8:11 AM
Welcome aboard redzone!
09/15/2008 5:09 AM
Now that is a dedicated husband, Mark! My hat is off to you!
09/14/2008 10:38 PM
She said she wouldnt know what to do if something happened to me...... So now I am teaching how to roast. LOL
09/14/2008 10:34 PM
I took this beautiful day to roast 5lbs of HueHue into a melange blend. My dear wife helped me and tried to learn some of the specifics of my roasting method. She says she wouldn't know what to do
09/12/2008 10:38 AM
I'm mostly recovered, but I wondering if that would be grounds for putting them in a nursing home ;)
09/12/2008 10:07 AM
looking for Micheal Guterman, any help out there??
09/12/2008 12:05 AM
Howdy norton31! B)