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Kaffee Bitte 09/10/2008 9:38 PM
It probably isn't the same El Salvador Chad. But the one I got was really tasty at City, iffy at Full City, and a chocolate bomb at Vienna.
Dan 09/10/2008 10:57 AM
CRLM for a coffee tasting I'm having. And, Kenya Auction lot peaberry.
seedlings 09/10/2008 10:20 AM
Never had it before but I got a pound of El Salvador for my birthday. Any roasting tips?
Kaffee Bitte 09/09/2008 10:07 PM
Morecoffee has some. I am not sure about SM. They might still have some.
EddieDove 09/09/2008 9:27 PM
Love El Salvador coffee. Used mine up last week ... need to get more ...
Kaffee Bitte 09/09/2008 8:26 PM
A really nice Mallabar and Aged Sumatra for the french press. And an El Salavador resting to be sampled soon.
Kaffee Bitte 09/09/2008 8:25 PM
I have a nice Yemen SO in my espresso grinder.
EddieDove 09/09/2008 8:12 PM
Tomorrow morning, Kenya Hiriga ... can't wait!!!
Kaffee Bitte 09/09/2008 7:26 PM
Hello out there! What's everyone drinking this week?
ginny 09/05/2008 5:30 PM
I just arrived in Susanville, CA on my way home to Snowflake. the only good motel is a wi fi motel!!
ginny 09/05/2008 5:25 PM
eddie you had better watch your pea's and que's
ginny 09/05/2008 5:24 PM
love the avatar CHAD...
seedlings 09/05/2008 8:05 AM
...Only 2 hours and 55 minutes till Rush... smile
seedlings 09/05/2008 7:57 AM
Point taken, Eddie! Sure don't want someone thinking another messiah could change my mind.
David 09/04/2008 9:04 PM
Chad, who is that un-masked man?
EddieDove 09/04/2008 7:39 PM
I agree with Lynn! Great new avatar Chad! Any way to incorporate your previous with it?!?!?! Loved it too and it tweaks Ginny and will keep you on the BBL in good standing!!!
Kaffee Bitte 09/04/2008 7:26 PM
Like the new avatar Chad! Drinking a good deal of coffee now a days eh?
seedlings 09/04/2008 2:39 PM
Updates, Ginny? Hmmm...might as well update the avitar too...
John Despres 09/03/2008 7:42 AM
Thanks, Eddie. What a difference it really makes. I now have a yardstick to measure other brews against. YUM!!!
EddieDove 09/03/2008 7:24 AM
Hey John, Congrats on the new Tehnivorm!