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Kaffee Bitte 10/23/2008 3:00 AM
Is it a sweet fruit flavor John? Or is that brightness the very acidity bvwelch is asking about?
John Despres 10/22/2008 5:56 PM
I think it's fairly low. The bright, full fruit may be disguising it a bit, though. I can't tell.
bvwelch 10/22/2008 12:34 PM
John, how would you rate its acidity? I'm always on the lookout for low-acidity coffees
John Despres 10/22/2008 8:39 AM
Having a shot of Guatemala Oriente D-P. Fruit AND chocolate! YUM! Roasted yesterday FC+ Can't wait until it rests a bit...
Kaffee Bitte 10/21/2008 3:01 PM
Nope. My hours are kind of odd. I work evenings and nights mostly.
seedlings 10/20/2008 1:28 PM
Lunch break, Lynn?
lzsbearly 10/18/2008 12:06 PM
Welcome raymond!! H)
David 10/18/2008 9:22 AM
Howdy, raymond! B)
EddieDove 10/17/2008 11:08 PM
Welcome aboard raymond! H)
seedlings 10/16/2008 5:49 PM
Raymond, you know everybody loves you around here! Welcome!
ginny 10/16/2008 2:07 PM
hmmmm, a bean cracking contest!!
ginny 10/16/2008 2:06 PM
raymond, raymond, raymond... welcome to this bunch of bean crackers!! thanks for joining.
John Despres 10/16/2008 10:43 AM
I think Mark's the bad cop and he likes to crack those beans.
seedlings 10/16/2008 7:28 AM
What? Lynn, Mark.. are you the good cop, bad cop tag-team? Interesting! Wonder who's who?
Kaffee Bitte 10/16/2008 1:52 AM
I think you might want to work on your interrogation technique, MarkBart!
MarkBart 10/15/2008 10:15 AM
My beans usually crack after 3 hours of intensive interrogation under hot lights using bad cop/good cop. Just Kidding!
farmroast 10/14/2008 1:17 PM
There is an actual internal bean temp for 1st crack and a diluted radiant bean temp. that is measured by thermocouplers and thermometers
seedlings 10/13/2008 8:07 AM
Good morning, markB!
ginny 10/12/2008 4:45 PM
trick ?, no, when do beans typically crack (aka first crack), what temp. I need to refine my questions, hmmm.. Mushy did fresh roasted from the crap beans he got in town.
farmroast 10/12/2008 11:57 AM
Been wondering if the poll Q is a trick question? Also did Mushy roast his own or did he bring along a big can of folgers on the cattle drive?