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Spreadsheets, databases, technical documents...
Barrie - Hot Top / Gene Cafe Comparison Sheet April 09, 2013 ginny -- 1030 0 --
Barrie - Hot Top / Gene Cafe Comparison Sheet Hot Top / Gene Cafe Comparison Sheet
Mike Rhoads Roast Logs September 12, 2007 ginny -- 1252 0 --
Mike Rhoads Roast Logs Mike as done Excel roasting log that is excellent. Add this your coffee support logs and enjoy!!
Jim Schulman Water Article August 29, 2007 ginny -- 949 0 --
Jim Schulman Water Article This is the article that has caused many a late night...
a very long water article. Thanks Jim
Homeroasters Roasting Log February 02, 2007 ginny -- 1047 0 --
Homeroasters Roasting Log This is a MS Excel Worksheet designed for logging your roast profiles.
Gas Burner Designs for Hot Air Roasters January 28, 2007 ginny -- 1094 0 --
Gas Burner Designs for Hot Air Roasters Schematics from two propane construction heaters (aka Salamanders, Torpedos)