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New Members - May Start Here !
Welcome. Please take 30 seconds and introduce yourself. Cruise the forums. All are welcome here, be you a novice or long-time bean browner. Share what you care to:

* Roasting gear
* How long you have been browning the bean
* Your favorite origin, etc

Glad you joined and look forward to the knowledge and presence you bring to the group, whatever your roasting background.

[edited: May 11, 2009]

Edited by ginny on 06/08/2009 2:11 PM
Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
John Despres
Excellent new thread, Mr. B|Java!

I'll post an update here in the morning.

In the meantime here's another thread to play and read in and even post to if members are so inclined.

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Ray T
Hi all smile My name is Ray Tolar i live in Sonora Ca. started home roasting about a year and a half ago after stumbling across SM web site at work. I drink a lot coffee due to 12 hour rotating shifts (besides the fact i love coffee) as a Power Generation technician at a hydro power plant. I started with a Behmor (love it) also picked up a Hottop off craigs list love it also. I brew with a Technivorm, French press, Aeropress, no espresso yet (I need more counter space :@ ) . I love the Sumatras,Ethiopians,Yemans, but heck ITS ALL GOOD!!! after drinking burnt coffee for years this is soooooooooo cool and fun. Drinking SM Moka Kadir tonight at work roasted 3days ago to a beautiful FC in the Hottop very yummy. Well enough rambling time to make some mega watts. I enjoy all your posts i have learned a lot .Thank You and HAPPY ROASTING Regards Ray. BTW have 230KV just waiting for your next roaster project ThumbsUp
Ray, welcome to the crew. Your taste preferences run the gamut from bass to soprano.

Please jump into discussion throughout the site. Nice to have you posting.

Edited by BoldJava on 03/07/2009 8:50 PM
Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
Ray T Welcome. I have been roasting for about 6 mo with a Behmor and I am, of course, always open to upgrades as soon as my credit card balances decline. Would like to read about your growth in roasting. Welcome aboard. It's a lot of fun :Clap:
May the Force be with your cup
Hello! I'm John and live in Cincinnati. I've been home roasting for about two years or so. Started with a modified hot air popcorn roaster which worked, but not very well. Tried the Whirlypop method which also worked, but not very well. Experimented with a wok and even a Dutch oven over a propane burner. Too much effort and inconsistent results. Finally bit the bullet and bought a Gene Cafe which I love. I also have a low end burr mill. My current favorite beans are Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Tanzanian Peaberry, Columbian Supremo, Celesbes Kalossi, Indian Monsoon Malabar, Yemen Mocha Matari and Java Estate. I'm still exploring, so those favorites are always subject to change. Don't know if I will ever settle on only a few. I enjoy variety in everything.

I'm also a rabid beer home brewer and that's how I stumbled onto coffee roasting. Many of the home brewing suppliers stock coffee roasting equipment and supplies. These two hobbies share a lot of similarities. These are gadget hobbies and I am definitely a gadgeteer to the bone!

I have not progressed beyond a French Press yet, but probably will eventually. I've had a Chemex for longer than I can remember, but haven't used it in years.

It took me longer than I expected to figure out the ideal roasting profile and probably the most important thing I learned is that there isn't one. IOW, different beans require different roasting profiles. There is no one size fits all when it comes to coffee roasting. I've also learned that it is not always easy to discern the effects of minor changes in technique and much like making beer, it's as much an art as it is science.

Other than that, I have five cats! Is five too many?:BigHug:

I'm an animal lover and a rescuer when time and resources permit. I'm also an engineer and building things is in my blood.

I've been lurking here now and then and finally decided to register. There's appears to be lot's of room for expansion in the home roasting hobby.

Home brew in the evening and home roasted in the morning! It doesn't get any better than that!
Edited by Catt22 on 03/16/2009 9:54 AM
Excellent intro, John. Great to meet you!

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Welcome and well met.

As for your question


Other than that, I have five cats! Is five too many?

The answer is no. One cat is too many.

Of course, opinions may vary.

In all seriousness, welcome. Glad to have you on board!
John Despres
Welcome, John. This is great, two Johns, no waiting!

Glad to have you here.

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Juan Grande
Hello all !
My name is John and I'm a coffee junkie.
I've been browning the bean for over a year now since the arrival of a Behmor on my door step. I don't have a favorite origin but do seem to be fond of the Bourbon cultivar. I live in the San Francisco area and way too close to Sweet Maria's wharehouse, which means I always justify buying extra poundage because I don't have to pay shipping. There's logic in there somewhere me thinks. At least that's how I explain it to the Mrs. ;) I'm looking forward to reading all there is to offer here and am especially interested in Metal's roasters and efforts in the area of smoke supression. Thanks for letting me in the door and I look forard to meeting y'all here at Homeroasters.org !

Juan Grande
Juan, welcome to the fold.

I am a plug and play guy so others will have to help you with smoke suppression questions. When I had my Behmor, the smoke wasn't an issue but for me, it was the lingering 'roast' aroma that was the challenge.

Nice to have you here and join in the fray.

Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
Born in 1974 (nearly birthed at a Kansas concert), I'm happily married to my high-school sweetie since we were 19. My wonderful wife is well-balanced, common sense,purse loving, practical, fun, and outspoken, with family time her priority. We have two fab kids, my son the inventor and science fiend and my daugher, the horse rancher and artist. As for me, I'm a music guy, playing the guitar, drums, keys, vocals, bass, whatever. Mostly the guitar at church.

After 10 years of marriage, we opened the wedding gifted Sunbeam coffee maker for the first time and tried some coffee. Didn't like the Flogers much. Tried some Millstone and thought that was ok on occasion. 3 years ago a friend of mine, joetownroaster, introduced me to www.theroasterie.com 's great air-roasted coffee. Wow! Coffee can taste good! He also heard that one can use a popcorn popper to roast coffee... and I beat him to trying it and overpaid $30 for a Poppery II on eBye! Not that I needed another hobby, but, to quote John Despres, "this is fun."

So, then I heard that some guys roast with a heatgun... so I made this up to get a more hands-free setup:

Then, after loving the Roasterie's air-roasted coffee and upon seeing the www.sonofresco.com I went on a rampage to make a cheaper version, and ended up with this:


But, after a few heatgun failures, I now use the breadmaker and heatgun (a different breadmaker now than what's in this video):

And I really want to make a new air roaster. I'm trying. Keep watching and you'll eventually see some updates.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover

My name is Mark and I am a coffee addict. I am also a home roasting addict. There is no hope or help for me...thank God!

I am an emergency room nurse in Oregon City, Oregon. My family and I are very involved in our church. Needless to say I have a passion for great coffee.

I've been roasting for a couple of months. I first roasted with a WB Poppery II and had sporadic positive results.

I just got my Behmor Wednesday from Sweet Marias and have roasted 4 #1/2 batches.I have been having the time of my life. Thus far the results have been wonderful.

Since I am rather new to the home roasting scene I am all ears and want to learn everything I can about coffee and roasting from you more experienced folks. I'm glad I found more folks who are addicted to this great little bean.


So many coffees not enough money Shock
Edited by coffee4mark on 03/27/2009 2:04 PM
Please don't remind me of church coffee. We bring some home roast regularly, and it goes fast.

Dr. Mark the Psychologist is an emergency room nurse? My uncle has a degree in horticulture and is an inspector for Boeing!

Awesome to make your acquaintance!

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Welcome Mark. Roast, toast, boast, and post.

Good to have you here.

Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
Hey all, from SW Ohio.

I've been roasting for a little over a year now. Lots of experimentation, trial and error. I'm happy to report more trial than error. With just a little bit of attention it's tough to screw it up totally.

I have a HotTop Roaster that is amazing! Got it off Craigslist for a good price.

Pining for a sonofresco 2 lb roaster ... maybe someday.

My preference is Sumatra coffees, but I have found a couple of Costa Rican coffees that are nothing short of amazing.

Soooo many beans, so little time ...



Jimbo wrote:
Hey all, from SW Ohio.


Jim, welcome to the site. Went to grad school in Columbus. You have another Jim in the kitty korner of the state, Jim Spain, near New Philadelphia. He is drumming up business for a club get - together. Here is his thread:


Jump in there, B|Java
Edited by BoldJava on 03/31/2009 7:52 PM
Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI


Jimbo wrote:
Hey all, from SW Ohio.

I've been roasting for a little over a year now. Lots of experimentation, trial and error. I'm happy to report more trial than error. With just a little bit of attention it's tough to screw it up totally.

I have a HotTop Roaster that is amazing! Got it off Craigslist for a good price.

Pining for a sonofresco 2 lb roaster ... maybe someday.

My preference is Sumatra coffees, but I have found a couple of Costa Rican coffees that are nothing short of amazing.

Soooo many beans, so little time ...



Welcome. Nice to see another Sumatra nut 'round these parts, and another hottop user. Drop me a line if you want any ideas about adding thermocouples and datalogging to your roaster.

Hey Jim, I'm a Sonofresco wannahaver too. It's just that I can only afford a tenth of the price! Great to meet you!

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Hi, I am an avid home roaster. I have 2 Fresh Roast plus 8 that I roast on and a BBQ drum roaster. I have my own web site where I sell small quantities of green coffee beans. My favorite beans are Jamaica Blue Mt. that I can't afford but I also really like Costa Rica el tigre.
Jim Lyon
Jim's Coffee Beans
We're overrun with Jims!

Considering your intros, it's a great problem to have.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Howdy y'all, GVDub here. Been home roasting for about 6 years now, having started on a Z&D, and when it gave up the ghost moved up to a Behmor. I tend towards the more untamed natural process beans, lots of Ethiopian DP, Yemen, Sumatra, Java, etc. Been enjoying the Tree-dried Brazil I picked up recently from SM. Along the way also moved from a Cuisinart Grind'n'Brew to a Gaggia Synchrony Superauto, to an old manual lever Arrarex Caravel and a couple of hand grinders that can grind down to Turkish powder if called for. Still developing the palate, and doing some cupping classes when I can. Trying to organize my body of knowledge to roast better coffee and pull better shots.

Also a musician and writer, so I tend to be drawn to the touch/feel/art side of roasting and brewing more than the science side, though I have major geek tendencies as well. Life is a constant balancing act between the two. Hope to pick up some information around here and maybe share anything I've got that's worth the sharing.
Hey all! Welcome to the new members. I've been busy with Holy week and just saw this thread... Thanks Dave for that. Jimbo.... I'm a Jim also. I see B/J was sharing that I'm having a get together. I'm about 1 and 1/2 hours east of Columbus near salt Fork State Park. Sometime as early as next week I have a few folks from Ohio, Ky, and Pa stopping buy for a cup, swapping some greens, pulling shots, etc. I'm getting ready to split a bag with a friend from another site. He and about 2-5 others will be coming to the cabin. Let me know if you feel the urge for a road trip! It will probably be short notice. As early as next week and no later than end of May. All other members welcome!

"How we treat our children determines who we are!"


GVDub wrote:
Also a musician and writer, so I tend to be drawn to the touch/feel/art side of roasting and brewing more than the science side....

Ah, another Zen roaster. Welcome to the fold, B|Java
Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
GVDub... musician and writer - of songs or books or both? I'm a hobby musician and songwriter too. Actually I have too many hobbies.

Great intro.
Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
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