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New Members - May Start Here !
Koffee Kosmo
Welcome new members
We are all crazy for coffee on HRO

We have many inventive and knowledgeable people here, and if we can help in any way for you to join in to our coffee insanity it would make us happy to assist in any way possible on your own journey B)

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
I mostly hang out in a couple of Australian fora, but as I have a TC4 shield and lcd adapter on the way with a view to modifying my model D hottop, it seemed sensible to sign up here too. Hopefully as things progress, I'll be able to contribute something, but will no doubt have a few questions too.

Been roasting for about a year, initially with a popper that was gradually modified, but finally had a meltdown and so I moved on to the hottop that I got for 'the right price'. As I like to tinker, it now has manual heat control (triac controller from the popper), but will be using arduino mega in the future.

Oh - although I live in Australia, I'm not Australian, so rather than g'day, I'll say kia ora.
Tena koe !

Welcome to HRO. Definitely keep us up to date with your progress with the Hottop automation with the TC4.

Plenty of control techies on board here including the TC4's creators so don't be bashful with questions.

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Koffee Kosmo
Tena koutou to all

Welcome UNM to Home Roasters
Enjoy the forum and have fun with roaster modifications B)


I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Hello to all! I love fresh roasted coffee, so i'm in the right place to learn more about it! smile
welcoe stefg,

thanks for joining. are you new, new to roasting or been doing it for a bit?
if you have been roasting for a bit what do you use?

Hi ginny! I'm new to roasting and i'll soon make my first attempt. But i have to study hard first!
It is actually easy; just do it!

There is nothing like really fresh roasted coffee, period!

Also there are inexpensive ways to start out.


While doing research on how to roast coffee I ran into this forum with lots of information, it looks like a good place to hang out and ask questions?

Currently roasting with popcorn poppers
Poppery II, variable fan, jumped fuses, roasts ? cup nicely to full city in about 15 minutes
Nostalgic Electric roasts just under ? cup, start of 2nd crack at about 5 minutes, fast!

Krups burr grinder.
French press.

Currently roasting my 6th lb from a Sweet Maria?s 8 lb sampler, looking for my favorite, current top is a Sumatra Grade 1 Mandheling.

Software Engineer, specializing in embedded network appliances, scuba diver, rock hound and Cowboy Action shooter.

Currently designing my own roaster, who isn?t? Pictures as I progress.
Thinking of using a 2 qt ?Bain Marie? stainless pot for the roasting chamber

A morning without coffee is like something without something else.
Welcome Larry!

I started off with a Poppery I and went on and on from there. Great you found this forum early in your roasting hobby. Took me 6 years and there is so much info here it's great.

Software engineer..... the TC4 folks would like to have a word with you smile
Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, Vibiemme Double Domo V3
Introducing myself to this forum kind of feels like going to an AA meeting. "Hi my name's John and I haven't had Starbucks for 3 months." Actually, that's not true at all, I had Starbucks this morning.

However that being said, I do love coffee. My friends "think" I'm a coffee snob and I think they're insane for drinking Yuban. For a while I've ordered coffee from different micro-roasters, (freshly roasted coffee), like Paradise Coffee Roasters or picked up coffee from local roasters.

But I've decided to put my toe in the water and try it out. I'm not committed, although I assume I will be, and so I'm starting with the newbie popcorn roasting method. I ordered a Nostalgia Popcorn Popper and Sweet Maria's 4 lb sampler.

I've read a lot and watched a lot of videos. More than anything, I just curious to see where this journey takes me. I grew up in Seattle and coffee might quite literally be in my blood. With all the research I've done, I'm less interested in tips, not that I'm not looking for them, and more interested in pitfalls. What did you wish you had known during your first roast? What do you wish you had done differently?

Coffee and equipment will be here next week. I'm interested as to what this community thinks.

- John
Welcome Junkie! Pitfall? Not really...all part of the ride.
Just wish I'd started sooner. -Scott
Welcome John - I'm kinda with Scott. I can't say that there were any major mistakes I would want to avoid if I did it over. Maybe wishing that I had not delayed so much in working on my next roaster and wishing I started sooner smile

Actually, I do wish that I had drilled the thermometer into the roast chamber of my Poppery I from the beginning. It was rough trying to gauge the roast without knowing the bean temp in the beginning.
Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, Vibiemme Double Domo V3
Welcome John

I've been using an appliance previously known as a popper corn popper for almost 2 years. I started by adding separate controls for the fan speed and heater coils. I never roasted with an unmodified popper, so I don't know what you can expect. I do know that the fan and heat controls make a popper into a flexible and capable roaster. You can find many examples of popper mods in these forums. Although I haven't seen any directions directly for your model - I'm sure the examples will apply.

Have fun. I can think of lots of worse things than roasting and drinking coffee.

Big welcome John!

A couple of things to avoid:

Avoid the feeling that you have to have super high-end micro-lot green costing $$$$$$ per lb. Until you have your hands around roasting I wouldn't bother with them and even when you do have it down you'll probably not notice a proportional increase in taste quality.

Avoid speedy 5 min roasts. Check out under "All About Roasting" - Roasting Coffee - Roasting 101 Basics for a good starting point http://forum.home...ad_id=2189

Also, "Roasting Profiles" http://forum.home...rum_id=110

If you look around HRO you'll find some very simple but effective ways to vary the heat in your popper without going to extremes. This will allow you to steer the roast enough to coax some very nice roasts out of your machine.

Happy roasting,

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
I forgot to write what I wish I had done differently when starting out.

I wish I had gotten at least the basics of a coffee friendly profile before screwing up xxxxxx lbs of good green coffee during the first year of home roasting. Some coffees will yield amazing results by just hitting the on button and stopping at the first snips of second crack but most will not and need some finessing.

Only one I can think of.

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
I appreciate the tips guys. Allen, I'm going to take a look at those two links you posted and hopefully come Monday, we'll see what happens. Either roasting bliss or a lesson to learn from.


CaffeineJunky wrote:
What did you wish you had known during your first roast? What do you wish you had done differently?

- John

My first roast was monsoon malabar. I should have picked an easier bean for starting out. Don't know what is in your starter pack, but pick one that has a reputation as an easy bean to roast.

I thought 'fresh is best' as far as roast coffee goes. Didnt leave mine long enough to rest afterwards. As poppers only do small batches, you will get through your first roast really quickly. I'd suggest doing two batches the same for your first attempt, mix together and leave to rest at least three days. By doing a double batch you will have enough to get the grind/dose/tamp sorted before running out and get a few days worth of shots so you know when the beans taste best.
Urban Emperor
Hi All!. NigeL from New Zealand
Just quick post to introduce myself. I have been working on my roaster for about 18 months, maybe getting closer to 2 years now.

Its been in action for just over 12months, upgrading as the development continues. I will post some pics up as I think others could use some of the design in their projects.

Have been lurking in these forums for some time now and thought its about time to give something back.

My small roaster has just cracked a ton of coffee which is a good mile stone.

I'm currently half way though a build on the monster which will roast about 5kg (7ish in, 5kg output). Its been a challenge every step of the way.

Catch up soon. N
John Despres
Welcome, Nigel! Thanks for joining.

I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures.ThumbsUp

Have fun here!

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Urban Emperor
I'll get some up here as soon as possible. The mission is on.

Any Ideas and feed back will be much appreciated!

Great forum, a word of knowledge.



Urban Emperor wrote:
I'll get some up here as soon as possible. The mission is on.

Any Ideas and feed back will be much appreciated!

Great forum, a word of knowledge.


Wow, I want to see this 7K roaster! Welcome Nigel!

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover

Welcome and thanks for coming out of Lurk Mode!

you have a lot to offer us and we appreciate your kind words about our crazy group!

Hello everyone from sunny Colorado,

Thank you all for the great information, Hopefully I'll get better at this roasting thing with your help. I have just recently found an old poppery 1 and modified it. It is a big improvement over the poppery II that I have used unmodified for quite awhile with questionable (read very inconsistent) results. I found sweet maria's a few years ago but just recently found homeroasters and the desire to really figure this out.

I love coffee, mostly expresso, chocolate and beer, recently I put them all together in a homemade Double American Chocolate Expresso Stout 12%ABV the stuff is delicious & dangerous, I learned the hard way not to drink it after work, though their are worst things than drunken insomnia, I will not recommend it!
Welcome to the fold strattons! That almost sounds like a drink that cancels itself out.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
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