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New Members - May Start Here !
Howdy Justin,

Great to have you on board with us! I totally understand your frustration and need for the bigger batches and also the problem with high costs for roasters capable of back to back.

If you end up desiring to build your own you'll have plenty of help from the HRO ranks or you might find advice for an off the shelf roaster capable of getting close to back to back without major alterations.

Thanks for joining!

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Greetings from Brasilia !
Began roasting, in my oven last year. As results began improving I was motivated to get me a Gene Cafe roaster, and have been silently following the Homeroasters forum.
With the GC since last November, as we only use about 1.5kg a month, I have roasted only a couple of kg, with quite good, but not excellent results.
As I believe that the reason lies in this side of the machine, I'm trying to learn from your experience and arrive to be as satisfied as you seem to be.
Thank you for having me.
Welcome aboard! What variety of beans are readily available to you? -Scott
Thank you Scott !
Mainly Brazilian beans, dry or mixed processed.
The good part is that we are able to identify, and buy, from the best regions and farms, and sometimes we even get special ones, meant for personal use.
The ongoing harvest from Sul de Minas is very good and plentiful, Cerrado is good and last year's beans from Chapada Diamantina were also very good.
I've got some Chapad?o lote 911 a good Cerrado, and fazenda Condado an atypical Sul de Minas, and a rest from Unique beans from Carmo de Minas.
I algo get roasted coffee from Fazenda Daterra, is very good (traditional, high chocolate, sweet, great mouthfeel and body) and there is a new kid in the block: Frutado ao Quadrado (fruity elevated to the square) from Leo Moco, that is as good as any Yirgacheffe.
Some friends managed to get beans sent from the UK, a little LA and African beans; haven't tried it yet as to import raw beans is still quite difficult, but I bought roasted from Square Mile a couple of times, that arrived without great delays.
Anyway, trying to get all what is in our local beans, with the best roast possible.
Cheers. Bernardo.
GC, Bezzera Strega, Macap 4M, Graef ES90, Lido, Mokas, Drip, AP & Co.
Fasten your seat belts... AiR'oast is about to take off!
(.. You guess now that I am a former Pilot & aircraft designer)

Ok...! Let's start by saying a Big HELLOOOO to everybody, thanks for allowing me to join the discussion, learn from you, share experiences & I hope bring a little (or a lot) of myself & to make this Roast forum full of perfumed beans batches.

Air'oast .. you guessed is not an airline... (But a Hot Air Fluid Bed Line..)
Yes - I tried to look for blueprints, data, design, calculations, concepts, ideas and a set of tools to assemble a fluid roaster... Could not find!

I believe in Hot Air Rosting! I Shall explain..why & when .. the underway Airoasts sample shall be completed (Might take a year .. though!)

So .. What I propose: As I believe in Open Source and Shareware with participations .. I started to design a Hot Air Roast Coffee Bean machine.
This (shortly) shall be a 2kg batch professional* roasting machine working with the same concept as a 10kg etc.. to be used in coffee shops, restaurants, artisan roasters and coffee capsules manufacturers.

More details .. in the near future
I welcome (& remunerate if needed) real professional assistance.

Who Dares Win!
Airoast attached the following image:

Edited by ginny on 02/06/2013 7:51 AM
Fred l'Orca

Coffee should be Black like the Devil, Hot like Hell, Pure as an Angel and Soft as ..... lovemaking!
I am new to forums and posting, so I hope I am doing this right. I am a coffee nut. I started with a La Pavoni Europiccola about 18 years ago. I've taken it apart several times over the years for servicing it myself.
I then started roasting my own with a Hearthware Gourmet (now discontinued), which also needed home servicing to swap out the PC board. I stopped roasting for a while, but now that I started up again, roasting about 1 lb per week, my Hearthware. I am currently working on a batch of New Guinea beans that comes out nice for the espresso machine when roasted just into the second crack.

My reason for joining the forum is to get some insight into repairing or replacing my roaster because the roaster's motor is dying, and now it is almost fully disassembled on my table. I have identified the motor model and contacted the motor manufacturer, but even if I get a replacement, I don't know how to remove the fan rotor from the motor to get it all back together.

So, I look forward to getting some learning from the members who post and continuing this enjoyable obsession.

thanks for your post here, we appreciate your taking the time.

we are all here for as many different reasons so enjoy, post away; I am sure we can help you out with your new roaster or rebuild or whatever you are up to and we look forward to seeing picture of course.



Plus 1 on the welcome and recommendation to post away!

Go to consumer zone, equipment rebuilds and post lots of photos of the motor/blower combo and close up of the hub so we can hopefully give some tips on how to successfully pull the blower wheel.

Any trouble getting the pics to post no worries, ask and we'll help.

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Thanks! Sounds like exactly what I need! Can't wait to see it.

Uhhhhhhhh... How do I find consumer zone?
La Pavoni Europiccola, Jura Capresso Infinity (one notch from powder), Broken Hearthware Gourmet
Ah yes, where's all the buttons.

Left side of the page see under "Navigation" heading "DISCUSSION FORUM" which lists all of the forums. Then go down to "Consumer Zone" then to "Equipment Rebuilds"

At the top right of the page (after clicking on the Consumer Zone... ) you'll see the New Thread button (have to be logged in). Make sure you give the thread a title.

Any trouble with it give us a post!

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Hi all...I am new to roasting. I was a misguided starbucks fan until I tried roasting in my Wood Fired Oven; now Im hooked!

Attached is a photo of my coffee roaster; its a bit extreme but it works great!

Anyway, I am hoping to learn from this forum and hopefully I can eventually provide some value in return.
jeeppiper attached the following image:
that's a great looking roaster you have there.

what size batches do you roast?


Hi all,
my name is Neill and live in Adelaide South Australia. I am also a coffee lover, don?t drink much else and have enjoyed espresso since purchasing my Technica III espresso machine some 3-4 years ago. My other half, the shopper, also enjoys coffee and purchased our beans from a coffee shop at a large shopping centre, but turned out to be OK but not as good as others. We have some great roasting shops around but wanting to take that extra step and roast our own, as you know what you get and how fresh it is - right? Well only as honest as the green bean suppliers. I found a good supplier here in Australia with a broad range of beans from around the world and at a very reasonable price. I decided to build my own roaster from an old LPG bottle, a round gas ring and 2 thermocouples. Just like home made wood fired oven pizzas beat commercial pizzas hand down, I am lead to believe that home roasted beans are just that much better than commercially roasted, and fressssh.
Tried my first roast yesterday with a thermocouple in the very top of the devise, a bit of a no show as it was not the right place for accurate bean measurement, so I moved it to beside the beans, now all is great, 1st crack in 5 minutes and done in 6 minutes. Not much time to dump the beans to cool but found that if I float a heavy/thick tray (but will try a thin one next time) in a sink of shallow water, the beans are cool and just warm in no time flat! Can?t wait for them to degas, grind them and put through the machine, as fresh as you can get anywhere!
I?ve been making things all my life, built my house second storey 35 years ago, trailers (too many to think) boats, even 2 clubman kit cars down in the shed, a 40? wood fired oven 5 years ago and even made a rotisery for roasting beans but never used due to uncetain temperature control and repeatability.
I hope to initially share my roaster idea(s), pick your brain as I learn more and more about this science and then share with others my knowledge on builds and roasting for the newbies. I was a Tafe lecturer for 34 years and now retired but self employed in building and home renovation/restoration/mainteneance to reduce the boredom factor. As they say, if you don?t use it, you lose it!

Hi Neill,

Welcome to this bunch. I am delighted you joined and thank you so much for
posting here in the introduction threads.

It is really nice to know where you are and a bit about you, thanks.

I know we will all be anxious to see what you decide to build. Please post pictures for us as you move along with your project.


John Despres
Hi, Neill. Welcome and thanks so much for joining us.

I'm looking forward to your report of the first batch and your future progress.

Have fun!

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Howdy fellow bean burners! I am just startingto gather the equipment needed to open up a farmers market bbq roasting side job. I have always wanted to try this an dfigure why not!?
How many roasts should it take to get a constant flavor? How effective is it to roast using a timed method if the bbq stay a constant temperature?

Best if you go over to the roasttng threads or the BBQ roaster threads and post this question. It will get lost here and you will not get enough response.

Plus it is difficult to manage once these specific thought threads once they end up here.

Anyone who has thoughts for Jonuhs post please wait until it is posted in the proper place.


I've been lurking here for a while, felt I should join as I get ready to build my next roaster.
Started roasting about a year ago with a whirlypop on the stove. After multiple modifications, I am now using a modified pressure cooker with an agitation paddle on the stovetop. For cooling, I use my dyson and that original whirlypop kettle (really soft aluminum) with some modifications to create an updraft cyclone in that container. The hepa filter in the dyson helps with chaff and small particles and I always roast with a window open (even when it's really cold out) to manage the smoke.

I am getting ready to embark on an electric air roaster that will do 500g+ of green. I currently go through about a pound a week and roast every weekend.
Been brewing with aeropress, chemex and mypressi twist.

Excited to be part of the community.
Thanks for all of the information I have already gleaned!

timjones attached the following images:
cooler_3.jpg roaster_13.jpg


timjones wrote:

I've been lurking here for a while, felt I should join as I get ready to build my next roaster.
Started roasting about a year ago with a whirlypop on the stove. After multiple modifications, I am now using a modified pressure cooker with an agitation paddle on the stovetop. For cooling, I use my dyson and that original whirlypop kettle (really soft aluminum) with some modifications to create an updraft cyclone in that container. The hepa filter in the dyson helps with chaff and small particles and I always roast with a window open (even when it's really cold out) to manage the smoke.

I am getting ready to embark on an electric air roaster that will do 500g+ of green. I currently go through about a pound a week and roast every weekend.
Been brewing with aeropress, chemex and mypressi twist.

Excited to be part of the community.
Thanks for all of the information I have already gleaned!


Hi Tim and welcome! It's always great to have folks drop out of lurk mode and join the party! We're always in need of fresh ideas to keep everyone from getting into ruts around here and we love to see a new build go through it's different stages and come to life.

Be sure to post a new thread in the fluidbed forum and document all the steps of the new build with lots of photos! Feel free to shoot the gang any questions or concerns you have.

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
geezer girl
Hi everyone!

I am new to coffee roasting (been roasting for 4 months) and like drinking the stuff, its pretty addicting. I started with a pop corn popper which worked ok, but since I had to roast outside it seemed like I could not roast to a fc level.

I now have a gene and did my first roast today. Cant wait to drink it!

I am hoping to learn from the vast amount of collective experience in this group and hopefully become a fairly decent roaster myself.

I live in Montana so roasting outside isn't always an option.

Geezer Girl


geezer girl wrote:

Hi everyone!

I am new to coffee roasting (been roasting for 4 months) and like drinking the stuff, its pretty addicting. I started with a pop corn popper which worked ok, but since I had to roast outside it seemed like I could not roast to a fc level.

I now have a gene and did my first roast today. Cant wait to drink it!

I am hoping to learn from the vast amount of collective experience in this group and hopefully become a fairly decent roaster myself.

I live in Montana so roasting outside isn't always an option.

Geezer Girl

Howdy GG,

Big welcome to HRO! You will become much more than a "fairly decent roaster" if we have anything to do with it!

Just to let you know, no one here or on any site has totally mastered the craft but we're all learning and will be doing so for as long as we're roasting.

Post how you're doing with your Gene and shoot us any questions that come up.

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Dear All,

Please allow me to intoduce my self briefly, my name Pangestu I'm retiree and plan enjoying the rest of my life with roasting coffee hobby, I'm living in my home town Bandung, West Java and as far as I know the home roasting hobbies is not so popular in here, although there are alot of coffee plantation surround but still this hobby is quite rare or may be because I'm newbie in this roasting coffee jungle not really know what happen around me.. smile

Actually I'm about to build a roasting oven a picture already sent to Ginni just to show my intrest in joining this wonderfull forum, but the building is still long way to finished because I need to practise my welding skill beside the idea of designing not always come, and my passion for roasting coffee can not be hold that's why while waiting it finished Gene cafe is aquired as tool for learning the roasting process for sure in easy way and today is the fifth batch that I have done for the whole of my life.. smile

I need a short cut to learn the roasting process using the automation of Gene cafe to avoid wasting the bean if the roasting practise fail, this is because the roaster that I'm building is will be fully manual and the source of heat that was choosen is charcoal or perhaps coffee waste.

And of course through this forum my learning process will be speed up and thank you in advance for your guidance..

Howdy, folks,

The name's Brian, and I've fallen down the rabbit hole. I've always been a coffee drinker, but perhaps a year ago I got my first real grinder and a Chemex, and I haven't looked back.

I haven't tried roasting yet, however. I just got a Poppery II from eBay, and it should be arriving early next week. As soon as that and the eight pound sampler I bought from SM comes in, I'll give it a go.

Of course I'm already looking ahead at what I might want to try next: whirley-pop or Behmor or something else. I'd like to find something that gives somewhat consistent results and that can roast a batch that will last me for a week (200g or so, roasted).

There you have it. Can't wait to explore this site further.


Brian wrote:

Howdy, folks,

The name's Brian, and I've fallen down the rabbit hole. I've always been a coffee drinker, but perhaps a year ago I got my first real grinder and a Chemex, and I haven't looked back.

I haven't tried roasting yet, however. I just got a Poppery II from eBay, and it should be arriving early next week. As soon as that and the eight pound sampler I bought from SM comes in, I'll give it a go.

Of course I'm already looking ahead at what I might want to try next: whirley-pop or Behmor or something else. I'd like to find something that gives somewhat consistent results and that can roast a batch that will last me for a week (200g or so, roasted).

There you have it. Can't wait to explore this site further.

Hi Brian, Big welcome to HRO! Looks like the great coffee bug has bitten yet another victim!

Make sure you read all you can get your hands on in the popper forums for modding and how-to's and anything else you don't find there be sure and post us questions and we'll try and answer! BBQ grill

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Hello Brian, welcome to HRO!

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