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Dale wrote:
hello everyone new to this site transferred over from GCBC and cant wait to bid on the Yama Pot offered by my friend Jspain.


Great to see you!!!! Having a cup of our Costa Rican this morning out of Ms. Silvia getting ready to bid on some items!!!

Good luck with the vac pot! Lots of good greens too! Jim
"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
Hi everyone,

I got my start when I found the local convenience store that I was buying transit passes at sold unknown Ethiopian beans along with other Ethiopian coffee ceremony supplies in plastic bags and started roasting in my built-in convection oven on a perforated pizza pan.

That didn't last long with my Wife's and the smoke detector's complaints so I tried cast iron skillets on the BBQ burner then thrifted poppers with hurricane lamps and a homemade bean cooler. I finally made the jump to larger batches with a Behmor and running BehmorThing to log the results and 30+ roasts in I'm starting to feel I've got a better handle on things. I've studied and picked up a lot of information on many different sites and forums and been helped by a lot of people along the way. The coffee roasting community has been terrific.

My challenge remains trying to roast coffee ahead of time so that I'm giving the beans enough rest to give peak flavors. I usually run out and end up drinking the next day what I've roasted the night before.

I'm glad to see that there's a Coffee Kids auction going on... came by to see if there were any nice grinders available. I was able to put together some items for the last GCC Coffee Kids auction of some equipment that I wasn't using and some beans I could spare.

John Despres
Hi, Chris.

Welcome and thank you for your introduction. We do have one coffee mill coming up in week four - a refurbished Zass donated by Orphanespreso.com.

You can check it out here http://forum.home...ad_id=1349

If you have a bit you'd like to donate here in addition to your past Coffee Kids support, we have been getting offers from members for items they'd like to donate. I'll be adding all the newly member donated items to the last week as they come in.

Feel free to contact me or Ginny or drop us a note in the auction comments thread.

Thanks again and welcome!

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Smoke detectors... Arm each of your children with brooms and position them at the nearest detectors, get the attic fan running, open the back door, and roast away!

Have the firemen visited since you started using the Behmor? I haven't used one yet.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Hi all,
Just parachuted in from the SM list. Been home roasting since December. Whirly pop, now 3 poppery II 3 of which are modded, HG/BM......
Been thinking hard about a behmor, so here I am, looking at that auction...

Have a SJ I picked up for free that was used to grind peppercorns, cleaned and new burred. Had a saeco (pre-*$$) rio vapore since '93. That gave up the ghost last year and led to the Super Jolly quest when I was introduced to Mistress Silvia. And a cruel Mistress she is. Sort of a learning mobius strip for that girl... The grinder helped a ton.
Then the insanity. A co-worker brought in some Nicaraguan her father had home roasted....
Then, of all things, she sent me the link to SM.....

Favorite so far is the Bali "Blue Krishna" but there is so much to play with.....


I "met" Bold Java on a financial forum and the next thing you know I was being encouraged to try roasting my own coffee. That was more than four years ago. I started with poppers from Goodwill and I still have 3 or 4 of them stashed in a cupboard. I then graduated to an I-Roast2 and was happy with it until I started hearing about the Behmor. To keep the smoke alarms off, I have to roast on the deck and even though our winters in GA are fairly mild, sometimes the I-Roast didn't co-operate.

I got the Behmor used from SM in a dent sale last year. After a couple of months it started malfunctioning with an err3 problem. I put it away for the summer and finally contacted Behmor. I had to ship it back, but Joe fixed it for me and it came back like new. What great service!

I roast for my neighbor at cost and also give a lot away, especially to my wonderful mail carrier. I keep buying more greens and since I'm the only coffee drinker in the house, I NEED to give it away! smile

I'm a straight filter drip drinker, I just want that morning cup fast and easy! I grind right before brewing with a Baratza grinder.

I'm glad to be a member and will be checking out the auction!
Welcome J|Nana. Time flies and stocks tanked <grins>. I have kept the day job as Mr. Market has been very rude lately. Always room for great coffee in the budget.

Nice to have you here, B|Java
Edited by BoldJava on 05/02/2009 5:52 AM
Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
Hi y'all...

Been roasting for 6 or 7 years. I bought some JBM (some commercial roaster burned it) for too much money and decided I could probably do it better. After some internet research the journey into home roasting began. Its sooooo much fun and tastes soooooo good!

I'm set up at home to do espresso,vacuum, french press, aero, ibrik and pretty much do 'em all based upon what I have ready to brew and what I feel like drinking! I've been hand grinding on a couple zass for years and felt that its time to upgrade! (the Macap arrives on Tuesday).

Home for the last 4 or 5 years has been Palm Springs, CA. I am a retired ski bum from Mammoth Lakes. Life is good. smile
Ah! Another ibrik man. Ibriks, Zass and Macap's reign! Got 'em.

Welcome Simmich.

BoldJava attached the following image:

Edited by BoldJava on 05/03/2009 4:58 PM
Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI


simmich wrote:
Hi y'all...

Been roasting for 6 or 7 years. I bought some JBM (some commercial roaster burned it) for too much money and decided I could probably do it better. After some internet research the journey into home roasting began. Its sooooo much fun and tastes soooooo good!

I'm set up at home to do espresso,vacuum, french press, aero, ibrik and pretty much do 'em all based upon what I have ready to brew and what I feel like drinking! I've been hand grinding on a couple zass for years and felt that its time to upgrade! (the Macap arrives on Tuesday).

Home for the last 4 or 5 years has been Palm Springs, CA. I am a retired ski bum from Mammoth Lakes. Life is good. smile

Welcome simmich!!!! It looks like you have your coffee act together!!!

Have fun here and don't forget to check out all the auction items! It's all for Coffee Kids! Jim
"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
I started roasting about 7 years ago on an Alpenrost. Modified that with a new controller. Then I just needed a bigger roaster, so I found a Sonofresco about 4 years ago and have been pretty happy with that... but decided to put a new controller on that... but to develop the software I bought a used Hottop, so now I have 3 roasters and am still looking for a larger one.

I've poked my head in here from time to time, but for some rason never joined, until BoldJava and cfsheridan forced me into a trio on the coffeekids auction.

I met them over at the bean place.

I see a few other names here I recognize.

Bid high, bid often Coffee Kids is a very worthwhile cause.

(one thing I do know is Bold|java loves smileys)Grin

I saw a posting somewhere about the auction, I think the Sweet Maria's list and thought I should drop over and have a look. I started roasting with a modified yellow popcorn popper in 1982 or so buying greens from a Coffee house in Marina Del Rey with a small Probat in the window. Then I moved and stopped until last year when I acquired a Z&D which I sold after about 5 roasts and replaced with a Behmor. I use a Rocky and an Aeropress for my morning coffee and all my greens so far come from Sweet Maria's.

I also wrote some software for keeping track of my greens inventory and for tracking roast progress and results. www.extrasensory.com is where you can download it from and even though it says it's for Behmor users, it's useful for those with other roasters and will be even better when the new version comes out in the next couple of weeks.

Ira, welcome. Thanks for developing and sharing your inventory and roast tracking tool--excellent work.
Ira! The man behind the roast tracking tool. Welcome, and enjoy the Guat.

Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
I noticed the link when I signed up for Sweet Maria's listserv. Looks like a great site. Gotta say I'm looking forward to learning more about roasting and preparing coffee.
I started roasting about 6 years ago. First attempt was on outdoor grill - interesting results but half of roast got a bit too crispy. Now using a Hottop (which I like even though it is a pre-digital controller model) and a Behmor 1600, which I've only had a few months.
Favorite beans (so far) are Yirg and high altitude beans from Central America.

Jim Wilkins

WELCOME!!! Thanks for jumping in and bidding in the auction! "Coffee Kids" is a great charity and we appreciate your support! 100% to "Coffee Kids" and FREE SHIPPING!!!

"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
Newbie alert! I am a total noob at both this Forum and at roasting. However... I do own a coffee shop in Phoenix, AZ and I am intrigued by the art of roasting.

Recently I found a 'bargain' on the Craig's List here, a home made roaster, which I got for next to nothing. It's in functioning order, has an unperforated drum which I assume is copper and the burning is done by a long and flat propane burner situated at the bottom of the contraption. I will take some photos and link them here as soon as I can. Anyway, the drum is rotated by an electric motor fed either from a 12V car battery or from a 112V AC to 13.4V DC converter (I have several, due to another hobby that I have, Ham Radio operator). Everything seems to be in great shape, I cleaned the drum well for a test burn and I'll try it soon.

But... Since this is an introduction thread only, I'll stop here.

Good to be here!:trink25:
Mitica, welcome from the city that made that hog you ride. Did you know that H-D has 7 engineers whose only job responsibility is to ensure that each model year retains the 'tell-tale' H-D sound?

http://www.bc.edu...potato.wav Speaker alert.

More on its sound http://www.bc.edu...01101.html

Welcome, join in the fray. There is a nice Yama Table Top coming up for auction tomorrow that would look nice displayed for your patrons.


Glad you are here. B|Java
Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI


BoldJava wrote:
Mitica, welcome from the city that made that hog you ride. Did you know that H-D has 7 engineers whose only job responsibility is to ensure that each model year retains the 'tell-tale' H-D sound?

http://www.bc.edu...potato.wav Speaker alert.

More on its sound http://www.bc.edu...01101.html

Welcome, join in the fray. There is a nice Yama Table Top coming up for auction tomorrow that would look nice displayed for your patrons.


Glad you are here. B|Java

Thanks so much for the warm welcome! Will check the links!
Hello, my name is Bryan and I currently live in Abilene, Texas. My wife and I however are about to transition to the San Antonio area at the end of July.

I have been roasting for about a year now. To sort of quote another new person on here, I got into roasting via Home brewing. As he stated, the homebrew suppliers have also been supplying coffee roasting equipment and beans. I had been interested in roasting for some time, but didn't feel like investing 300 or so dollars, based on the equipment I had seen, and didn't read much else about it. Then a fellow brewer introduced me to using an air popper. That sort of flabbergasted me initially, but I got hold of a popper and started roasting about a year ago.

Recently my wife bought a rotisserie drum from ebay for my B-Day. I have been experimenting with a spare BBQ grill with about 5 batches so far. With desire to improve on this method, I finally started researching sites and ran across this one via another coffee lover related site.

I have already seen many good ideas from this site this morning. I'll try to search other threads, but at this time, my interest is increasing the speed of my rotisserie. It's about the typical 1 RPM. I haven't opened up the unit yet, but I'm figuring on seeing if I can change or manipulate the gears before I look at investing in another motor. Not sure on how many more RPM's I need? I'm figuring 2 to 3 ? My drum holds about 1 pound per roast with three shifters in it.

Hope to have fun with this, I'm a tinkerer, and this is something new to tinker with enjoyable results.

hello all. i'm Peter from Philippines. i'm starting a small scale coffee processing.my source of coffee would definitely come from here in the Philippines.

Probat l12
Roasting since child but with the ancient style of roasting coffee. Grin
Peter, we'd love to see a video of the "ancient style of roasting coffee"!!!!!

Great to meet you, and I'm excited to watch your sample roaster take shape!

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Just introducing myself here. I've been lurking for months, so I guess its about time. I'm from Cape Cod, MA.

I've gotten pretty seriously into coffee over the last nine months or so since I started roasting. The owner of a local coffee shop roasts his coffee and is kind enough to sell me and a few others green coffee at a very reasonable price.

Mostly I have used a 1200W Wearever Popcorn Pumper. My wife still grumbles at me about stealing her popcorn popper occasionally, but if I just make her a latte she'll stop comlaining Grin

I've heavily modified my (wife's) Popcorn Pumper, adding a homebrew PID and logger. Unfortunately it has developed an unpleasant odor during roasting, kinda like burning plastic, and it gives me a little headache, so I've had to retire it. I'm on the hunt for a new roaster. I like the idea of a fluid bed roaster, maybe something along the lines of the seedling roaster, modded a bit. My PID/logger should be portable to most any electric heating roaster,

In the mean time I'm trying to get the hang of roasting in a pan. Had the first almost successful attempt last night.

Anyway, I guess I should keep this short, since it's just an intro, but I'll be posting on some other boards soon.

Hi Folks. I'm Alex, from Morgantown, WV. I turned 60 last week and my two excellent sisters went together and got me a Gene Cafe. I've been doing lots of research and experimentation, discovering web sites, buying books, ruining perfectly good beans. Having a blast!

Let's see...one fellow mentioned 5 cats. We have 3 dogs...and that's at least 1 too many. But we rescued them and they're all great guys. Just, they're also big, and I feel like we live in a kennel sometimes.

I have a wonderful wife (Stephanie), and two great kids (Jacob and Hannah), both at West Virginia University (which is also where I work). We're a musical family...Steph and I play violin, Jacob the cello, and Hannah used to play the violin. So I learned the viola and we had a quartet for awhile...now we're a trio.

I also make soap, and one of these days, I swear, I WILL finish building the violin I started too long ago.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you folks!

Hey Alex:

Happy 60th, thanks for joining us. I love the violin. You have a great family.

Sounds like you have some great sisters; what a super gift.

We have excellent folks here to help out with your new venture...

Again thanks for joining us on HRO.


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