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New Members - May Start Here !
John Despres
Welcome, Alex.

Your sisters have great taste in choosing the Gene Cafe. I've had mine for about 18 months and love it. If you have any questions about it, there's plenty of support here on HRO.

Have fun and post often.

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Hello everyone my name is Roger I hail from Oak Island NC. have been here at HRO for 1 month during the auction. Been roasting for about 2yr.
started with poppers,Then fresh roast,BM/HG,couple of SC/TO's
capresso grinder.Love guat DecafThumbsUp, Ethiopians,Kenyan,I am 55 on7/7/09.An E&I tech.for a large Agra. Co. on the east coast.most know me as" Sigr"on line.Smoke Romeo&Julieta cigars and not very good with posting Pics.Someday hope to help with distro's of great beans.
Welcome, I am from Clemmons, NC. I just reserved a campsite at Holden Beach for July 4th. I also am 55 roast with fresh roast and bbq and soon with a popper.
Jim Lyon
Jim's Coffee Beans


jlyon10 wrote:
Welcome, I am from Clemmons, NC. I just reserved a campsite at Holden Beach for July 4th. I also am 55 roast with fresh roast and bbq and soon with a popper.

You will be next door so I say hello neighbor ,if you smell greens roasting
it will be to your north
Hey all!

My name is Jaanus. Not yet a home-roaster, i`m anxiously awaiting my Behmor 1600 to arrive.
I`m a former waiter, got into coffee about 4 years ago and i work currently as a barista-trainer.


Edit: sorry forgot, i live in Tallinn, Estonia. So if anybodys coming over i`d be happily giving a coffee-tour in Tallinn.:trink25:
Edited by JaanusSavisto on 06/05/2009 7:52 AM
Hi there. I'm Jeremy and I live in SE Michigan. I want to learn more about coffee and home roasting. I also brew beer and make wine. I've been interested in homeroasting for a while. I'm deciding on what machine to buy. I like the Behmor and the Nesco machines.
I currently own a Gran Gaggia Espresso machine, 2 moka pots, 2 French presses, a Tassimo, and a Hamilton Beach coffee maker. Hope to learn more and hopefully start roasting. Cheers!:trink25:

thanks for tsking time to join us!! we are a fairly cool group and we are all about showing you new roasters tips and tricks.

you will enjoy your Behmor very much. Try and practice with all of the levels of roasitng to see what you may enjoy the most.

Tom and Maria at Sweet Maria's have a sampler pack you may want to try though I suspect you will try to get your greens a bit closer to home!!

again, thanks for joining and shout out or begin a thread in any forum you wish.

you can access all forums by clicking on the discussion forum link at the top left of
the forum home site.



hello again. roaster choice is difficult these days with so many super home roasting machines available to us.

I have not used the Nesco but understand that it is a great machine. now I used a Behmor for some time and it is a great machine that I believe you have more control over then the Nesco plus you can roast more beans.

there a members here who can give you many more tips on the Nesco.
thanks again for joining.


Hello everyone,
I have been roasting for about 5 years. I started roasting because I got tired of paying a lot of money for stale coffee at the grocery store. My first roaster was a Fresh Roast. After I killed it I bought an I-roast. When that gave up I started roasting in a Back to Basics hand crank popcorn popper over a Peak 1 white fuel backpacking stove. I really started to devolp the feel for my roasts when the gears stripped on the popper. My latest set up is an BBQ with a homemade drum and electric motor I have dubbed Roastzilla. Anyway I am here to figure out how to use this thing now that I've built it and to partake in the coffee loving community. Thanks for having me.
Hi all u fellow crazy roasters!
I'm from Holland where homeroasters are pretty rare IMO.
I bought a Gene recently and am experimenting with some varieties like Harar, Mandheling, Bolivia and Brazil Jacaranda. Up till now some pretty wonderful results when pressed through my La Spaziale or my Aeropress Grin

Making real espresso (my fav) for 1.5 year now and really enjoy coffee not only as as beverage but also as a hobby which got an nice extension recently. Hoping to learn some tricks and tips from u guys (and dolls I noticed ThumbsUp)
My favorite roast is still not decided yet, unbelieveable to notice what difference a certain bean can display when subjected to different roasts!
Roasting, i\I like it! Burn baby, burn!
Hello, and thank you for all the warm welcome messages! Wow, this has got to be one of the friendliest forums (of any kind) I've ever visited!.

I'm Eldon, and I'm up here in the NW corner of IA, in the Lake Okoboji area to be specific. I've been roasting for about 16 months, most of that time using a variety of poppers, but now for past week, enjoying my Behmer. I still consider myself a relative newcomer to roasting with a lot to learn from all of you, so I look forward to benefiting from your experience and knowledge. Thanks again for such a warm welcome! smile

Tip: A cup of coffee speeds
up all processes in Windows
Hello everyone.

I'm a home roaster with a few roasters I've built. I live near Raleigh NC and am now between jobs. I like coffee roasting, metal working, engineering, motorcycling, and fishing. My wife is an offical garage widow because of my coffee roaster building habits!

Welcome. great information on here. I am from NC, live in Clemmons but work in Mebane.
Jim Lyon
Jim's Coffee Beans
Hello everyone,

My name is Curt, and I am a home roaster located in Mississippi. I have been roasting for a couple of years now with my workhorse Poppery 1, and I am going to diversify my roasting "operation" to include an RK bbq drum: can't wait for those larger batch sizes! Grin

Anyway, I love the site, and all of you like-minded, coffee roasting enthusiasts make me realize that I am in the right place. Btw, I am considering possibly trying my hand at selling a pound or two in these here parts -- anyone got any good advice? All and any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Good morning everyone. I'm Debbie and a member on the GCC told me about this great place here. I live in Vegas ( Arizona girl at heart though) Lived in Montana for 6 years then came back to the heat and sunshine this past Jan. (thank you DH's job for the transfer) I froze in MT for 6 years. Now those were some cold coffee roasting days (lol) I have been roasting for about 4 years now. I started with a popcorn popper then went to a Freshroast and last a Nesco ( it went up in flames about a week or so ago) Time for a new one. I tried several attempts at building. Yah, not so good :@ The member from GCC that I spoke of above is generously helping me with his time and lots of good information. He's a doll. So hopefully I will be back up and roasting soon. I did go run a get a popcorn popper from Walgreens. It is better than trying to drink store bought :( (yah, I bought some ) Anyway, I am looking forward to meeting you all. I am off to read the forums!

John Despres
Welcome, Debbie in Nevada.

I think you'll find lots of dolls here to help you as well. Tell us about what you're building. We really wanna know! And post lots of pictures.

Edited by John Despres on 09/02/2009 2:34 PM
Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Hi I am Nucer and I live in Benbrook, Texas. I have been roasting my own for quite awhile and enjoying every minute. I started with a Mellitta, and progressed to a hottop. I am probably one of the older members. I enjoy most coffees and like to share with others. I really enjoy Kona as I know BJ does.

So howdy and thanks for letting me into the group.smile
John Despres
Welcome, Nucer!

Glad you made it here. Hang out and post often. This is a great bunch to spend time with.

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.


nucer wrote:
Hi I am Nucer and I live in Benbrook, Texas. I have been roasting my own for quite awhile and enjoying every minute.

Nucer from Texas, eh? That green glowing GCC guy?
It's about time you showed up over here!

David [aka verde]
Yes it is me still glowing in Benbrook. Glad to be here. Just hanging out and watching. Got a line on some Gaut and may think about sharing it. But gottta get the time ....


nucer wrote:
Yes it is me still glowing in Benbrook. Glad to be here. Just hanging out and watching. Got a line on some Gaut and may think about sharing it. But gottta get the time ....

I like Guat! Is it flowery and sweet, or chocolaty and syrupy? I like them both!

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Big B
Hello all.

I am new to this roasting thing, but am having a lot of fun already.

I got started a few weeks ago trying to make a better brew than my wife's favorite (a "Hawaiian Mountain" blend)... not successful so far, but "try, try, again"...

I am using a heat gun & saucepan and just recently added the barbecue grill for more even heating... seems to add more flavor somehow.

Thanks for the invite & all the advice.
It's only as good as you make it...
was just reading the thread, and it seems like there's and awful lot of people in North Carolina that home roast coffee.

now if all the people in Oklahoma that home roast coffee would just come out of the closet.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
I have just started roasting within the past couple of weeks. In regards to this whole roastin' thing, I am as green as my beans. I'm roasting Sumtatra, with a hot air popper for my French press and Gaggia espresso machine.

My goal is to reproduce the same awesome Kirkland Sumatra beans that I used to be able to buy from Costco, beans which made incredible espresso and coffee.

So far, I can only get a good espresso, surprisingly the French press brew is bitter. I'm sure I'll be asking a lot of questions as I am tweaking my setup. My first question is about the bitterness. Bitterness is typically a result of...? Over roasting, burning? What do I begin to tweak first?

Hi All

I just started roasting early this summer. I had wanted to get into roasting for a while, and finally made the plunge when I found a like new Nesco roaster @ a yard sale for $5, and I haven't turned back. On the bench now are a torn apart bread machine & a chicken rotisserie, and am hoping to work something out with those to roast more at a time.

I'm a youth pastor & musician, so there's lots of coffee flowing in our house. Favorites right now are Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Tanzanian Peaberry, and a Brazilian Carmo Nero de Minas i found. My wife & I made friends with a coffee farm owner in Peru on a mission trip a few years back, so I get some from him a ew times a year as well - always quality! I also roast for a friend who is a local home brewer for some coffee porter recipes we're working on. Looking forward to joining the community here!
Edited by karlo on 11/28/2009 9:56 PM
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