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April/May East Ohio gathering?
Friends and fellow coffee addicts,

I'm contemplating having a gathering in east central Ohio in April after Easter of sometime in May. Springtime in East central Ohio is wonderful! I know several folks are heading to Atlanta in April, but I thought I'd fly this trail balloon to see if there is interest?

I have thrown this idea around with several folks in the Columbus Ohio area and the Pittsburgh area that I have met through our internet connections. I've tried several times to get to B/Js and have never found the time to get away from both my jobs, but after Easter I'll be a one job man. We could go to a coffee shop in either Pittsburgh or Columbus area if that fits the groups thoughts better? I like to host and it would be the cheaper way to go. I'll buy the steaks!

I have some acreage in the middle of no where off state route 22 between Cambridge, Ohio and Pittsburgh, Pa. I am four miles back gravel roads in a heavily wooded area with a three acre lake with lots of fish to catch. thejavaman, Dale, and several others have talked about doing this, but we've never set a time and date. I would be glad to host at my cabin. I have four extra beds and Salt Fork State park is 20 minutes from the house for excellent lodging and fun. I can roast in advance, we can pull shots, vac pot, press pot, and finish with a steak on the grill. "Maybe a beer or two?"

Pittsburgh and Akron/Canton airports are the closest and I could try to help with travel if need be. It's two hours drive time to Columbus and 70 minutes to the Pittsburgh airport. Akron/Canton is also about 70 minutes.

So, send me a note or add to this thread if your interested, and add a prefered list of dates that would work best for you. We'll see what happens???? Jim
"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
Sounds great, count me inGrin
May the Force be with your cup


Clifford wrote:
Sounds great, count me inGrin


Where will you be coming in from? Do you have a particular weekend that works the best for you? I'm looking at 4/25, 5/9, 5/30. Any of those work better than others?

thejavaman has responded and may be availble. Hope to hear from others...... Jim
"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
Cleveland, Ohio I am retired so all work the same except that later is warmer outside
May the Force be with your cup


Clifford wrote:
Cleveland, Ohio I am retired so all work the same except that later is warmer outside

Thanks for the quick reply! I'll wait to hear from Kevin in columbus and a couple members from the Pittsburgh area and see what other interested parties might want to join in and when works best for them.

Depending on where at Cleveland you're coming from it's about 2 hours from you down 77 south and then 800 south into Freeport and then to the cabin.

I'll keep you in the loop as more chime in on what works best for them! Jim
"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
Hey Jim,

New to the board from SW Ohio (Waynesville area.) I've never been to one of these gstherings, but it sounds like a lot of fun.

Not sure if I can swing it, but would like to come out. Weekend of 4/25 is definitely out though.


Thanks for the response! i have not had many respond but we'll give folks some time to see if they can attend. I have also posted the invite on another site and am awaiting ideas for a final date. Once I have a date and numbers of interest, I'll let you know. Glad to have you as a member here! It's a great bunch. Jim
"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
Clifford, Jimbo and anyone else within traveling distance,

I know this is short notice but a few of us are gathering here at the cabin this Wednesday! I know it's in the middle of the week but I'm off on vacation and a couple other roasters from GCBC are stopping by the cabin to split a bag of greens, roast a batch, drink alot and BS just a bit.

I know a Wednesday will be tough, but if you can make it let me know and I'll forward directions. Beds are available if you want to spend the night.

Happy Easter,

"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
Hey Jim,

Thanks for the invite. Unfortunately Wednesday's not going to work for me:|. For some unknown reason my employer expects actual work for pay. Who knew. :@

Work is always getting in the way of having a little fun.

Less than 15 years to retirement when I open my own little corner shop.
I can't believe you'd let a little thing like work get in the way of a good day of coffee cupping!!!!

I do understand. The next time will be a Saturday! Jim

"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
Sats and Suns are best for me, too. Even though I'm usually only an hour or two away from the cabin, I'm about 900 miles away this week.
Thuis wed. Is that April 15 ? If so, I have not yet Rendered unto Ceasar the this that are ceaser's. If I file my return today, I can make it. Please advise. I will make it if next week. Cliff
May the Force be with your cup

I KNOW! IT"S SHORT NOTICE!!!! I have a couple guys that are coming in to split a bag of Costa Rica from Royal NY. One lives in Pittsburgh and the other Cinncy.

This was the only day that Dale could make it. He's taking a vacation day. Poor Caesar.... he can wait..... the 15th is the day. That's tomorrow! I still don't know for sure what time they will be here but if you change your mind let me know.

"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
Unfortunately Ceaser has heavy penalties if he waits I will try to get the task early and see.
May the Force be with your cup
Well the first ever gathering of the east central Ohio/Pittsburgh cupping group has just completed and we had a blast. 11 different greens cupped, 3# Costa Rican roasted, Rwanda COE through the espresso machine, and steaks for all! We had a blast and split a bag from Royal! Life is good! Next time it will be a Saturday and for all of you that couldn't make it.... There will always be a next time. Content in OHIO! Jim
"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
Thanks for saying that there will be a next time. Ceasar was very demanding and I did not get my return filked till late this morning. Then I needed a nap:|
May the Force be with your cup
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