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March 2010 roast comparison and tasting bean swap.

I'm in for 5#- Just sent you the money.
Sounds like a winner!

Sorry I have to pass this time - my Gene Cafe is not heating properly:yuck: and I don't want to hold things up for anyone-
Marshall Schmidt
Foxboro, MA
Just got in a good number of orders. This is going to be fun!

My one cafe account is increasing sales at an incredible rate, so I had to tend to an emergency roasting which may set orders back till the end of the day rush at the PO.

I'll give those who haven't jumped in till 4pm today.... of course if inventory looks good, I'll keep the offer open so everyone gets a chance to participate.
-Marshall Hance
Asheville, NC

I'm torn between a trailer and a complete "Market Bike":
A long bike with a fold out table, inventory storage beneath, and a place for an umbrella.

Perhaps even a pedal driven grinder for those who just must have their coffee pre-ground.
-Marshall Hance
Asheville, NC
Thinking about what roast level to start this exercise, I say we start with

lightest, City roast
start at Full City+, the first snap of 2nd crack

to get a baseline for comparison. Full City+ is easier to land on, but it would be interesting to see how others roast light.

Whatcha-whatcha-whatcha think?

Edited by seedlings on 02/26/2010 2:32 PM
Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Based on my roasts with this coffee thus far, I don't think this dry process is the bean for illustrating roast names. It's far too wild. Getting to turn up ripe fruit flavors past eleven with a well developed light roast is the challenge I find this bean to offer. I think folks should roast it till they have what they think it best offers and submit that, final degree be darned.

As far as naming roasts, Sweet Maria's has macro pictures that are for all intents and purposes the absolute definition of the terms. I mean, the "+" is their invention, after all.


Not the destination but the journey!
-Marshall Hance
Asheville, NC
Have you shipped beans already, Marshall? I'd be in for a pound if you're still taking orders.


Hamilton wrote:
Have you shipped beans already, Marshall? I'd be in for a pound if you're still taking orders.

Making another run to the PO in the morn before work.
-Marshall Hance
Asheville, NC
Sorry to be "that guy". You should have money in your paypal.

Thanks for helping everyone out with this, too. I'm looking forward to it.

I have now sold all that I can allot from this really neat coffee. Lookin forward to what everyone does with it!
-Marshall Hance
Asheville, NC
Coffee arrived, thank you!

What's our next step?
John Despres
Sign up for random pairing.
I'm in
Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
My thought is play with the beans until you kinda know what they've got and what you like, then share your results and notes with the others. With everyone's permission, I can re-mail the mailing list.
-Marshall Hance
Asheville, NC
John Despres
I think maybe we should let participants trade addresses. Thoughts?

We also need to resolve how we're going to taste the coffee. I'm for cupping it. I'm not great at it and have only done it a couple times, but it'll be fun to expand our skills and mail the samples for very little $$ since it could add up over a few months time.

Edited by John Despres on 03/01/2010 5:41 PM
Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
I would like to trade roasted beans with someone to get their feedback.
I have everyones address, so it might be easier that way, I thought. Cupping makes the most sense when you have several options in front of you, as here could be. It paints a picture quickly, and I think we'll all learn a whole lot fast after a few iterations and subsequent discussions.
-Marshall Hance
Asheville, NC
John Despres
Ah.... Marshall, are you thinking I send a small cupping sample to all the players involved rather than just a sample to one partner?

I was thinking one partner, but I think I like this idea of samples to all players. In which case you're idea makes a lot of sense.


Thoughts, all?

Edited by John Despres on 03/01/2010 5:40 PM
Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
John Despres


endlesscycles wrote:

I have now sold all that I can allot from this really neat coffee. Lookin forward to what everyone does with it!

I ordered 5 pounds and even though I love Ethiopia coffees, I'll share some if Marshall runs out.

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
I like the idea of sending out samples to all players too.

I have 10 pounds, and would be happy to share also.
I'd love to have several to compare. You know, I've never even done that myself..? Roast 3 batches, then cup them to see how I did? Great idea.

Marshall, can you post the list of buyers?

Let's pick a day and everyone roast on that day, then ship the next day. Then we're comparing coffees rested the same amount of time? Wait until all entries arrive before cupping them side-by-side. Post pictures and comments! If you can, reserve enough of your OWN roast to add to the fun!

Anyone else who wants in, contact John, Bill, Randy or myself and we'll make sure you have some coffee to trade.

Edited by seedlings on 03/02/2010 9:43 AM
Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
I got my beans today, thanks Marshall! That was very fast. I'm looking forward to roasting, although I only have one pound of beans. I don't know that I'll have enough to send to everyone.
I'm in, got my 5# yesterday, thanks Marshall.

I have way too many greens, compared to my consumption, so I can share if someone else wants to join. I really only bought these greens to join the comparison, and see what I can learn.

I hope we have a little time before trading, so I can do a few sample roasts, and see what works best.

John Despres
All righty!

At the moment, the players are:

John Despres
Bill Welch
Marshall Hance

Format suggestion:

Roasting date: March 20 or 21 - you choose This gives us all time for trials and tests between now and then. Who needs coffee, yet?

Roast degree: It's an Ethiopia - let's keep 'em light. My suggestion is for everyone to roast this bean to their favorite degree and we'll discuss from there. So: ending after 1st crack up to, if you so choose, the kiss of second crack.

Tasting: Let's all try a true cupping format. I posted a thread about cupping here: http://forum.home...post_19309 There's a great site posted by Koffee Kosmo, too.

How much to send one another: 1/4 ounce or 7 grams is rather typical for cupping. Perhaps 10 grams per participant? Depending on packaging, this amount will cost very little to send.

Mailing date: Monday March 22

Cupping date: March 27 or 28.

Post your results and comments right after cupping.

Last, and I probably don't need to go here, but we may need thick skins. It may be difficult to read negative (yet kind) comments if they go against something a roaster may be proud of. I imagine I may send a roast some do not care for and I hope they say so, but most importantly, I hope they say why. If nobody likes it (ouch!), I'll tough it out and survive. This is great group here and I'm excited to taste everyone's offerings.


Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
I've got little or no experience with cupping. But just reviewing this thread, amounts from 90g, 20g, 10g, and now 7g have been recommended... I need to do a little homework before I say anything further on that.

About the dates suggested: If those dates are good for everyone else, fine, but for me, it won't work so good, because I plan to be visiting my Mother on her 80th B'day, on the 29th. Sorry.


bvwelch wrote:
I've got little or no experience with cupping. But just reviewing this thread, amounts from 90g, 20g, 10g, and now 7g have been recommended... I need to do a little homework before I say anything further on that.

About the dates suggested: If those dates are good for everyone else, fine, but for me, it won't work so good, because I plan to be visiting my Mother on her 80th B'day, on the 29th. Sorry.

Bill, what date near the 20th would be best for you to roast and ship? With your documented mad roasting skills you WILL be in the rotation!

Regarding cupping, you'll only need to "brew" one cup of coffee for each sample, like in the sweetmarias HB contest video. So, we "can" get buy with small samples.

USPS rang the doorbell to deliver my greens while I am typing! Perfect!


CUPPING INFO: http://coffeecupp...upping.htm
Edited by seedlings on 03/02/2010 6:16 PM
Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
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