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Aug/Sept Roast Comparison


John Despres wrote:
Randy, Thanks for the cupping form. It will save me a bunch of time finding what was discussed and gets us all on the same page.

Nicely done!


Glad it helped.

So, I have 8 numbered bags ready for cupping tomorrow.
I had my daughter number the bags, and name tags, then remove the tags, so I don't know which is which.

John Despres
Printing cupping forms now. Numbering, labeling an slurping shortly. ThumbsUp

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Cupping done.. One clear winner for me..A lot of great coffee.it really came down to nuance..I went through the form and established the highest ranking coffees ..put all the coffees back in line out of order and re-ranked them just according to slurp no numbers. The coffee was cool and really showed the differences. with the second comparison I came up with the same order.. Thanks everyone, awesome project i cant wait to see some of the profiles used..Whens the next one?!?!?!
UR Buddy,
Edited by Unta on 09/26/2010 7:36 AM
Sean Harrington
John Despres
The next one is when you or another member start it up. Go for it!

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
John Despres
Hey, Sean, I think you can post results once you have them. Since I think we're all cupping blind, it shouldn't matter.

My water's boiling Gotta cup!

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
I am cupping a bit later today; a friend has my small grinder and putting these samples in my mazzer mini is dumber then dumb!!

I am noticing a huge difference in smell from yesterday, since putting the samples
into 1/2 pint mason jars they have really been blossoming.

Cad's is another that is getting a berry scent.
Scott sent such a nice big amount I used his a cafe crema this am, actually 3 cafe cremas and I will go have another smooth and creamy yummy, yummy.

From smell alone I have two clear winners but until I cup, surprise you all later.


I have only cupped twice before, really cupped!!
John Despres
Aw, c'mon, Ginny. I used my Mazzer to grind. No sweat, actually since I don't use the hopper. But if you don't have the stainless canning funnel like me, I can see the difficulty.

Tomorrow I'm making a blend of all the left over beans. Should be GREAT!

My results will post this evening as I'm off to see more of the world's largest Art prize competition, ArtPrize. $250,000.00 is the top prize. 1713 artists entered. http://www.artpri...
I'm entered and in the top 1713!


Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
I took the flavor score as a initial flavor and an assessment after a bit of cooling, two independant scores..
Edited by Unta on 09/26/2010 11:21 AM
Sean Harrington
I am sorry about the mistake in the form, the 2nd flavor was supposed to be acidity, so that obviously will skew the results.

I used it as acidity, but I see Rama just did flavor twice.

I finished my cupping as well, mine was blind, and I scored myself high too, and since I really had no idea who was who, I don't mind.

Not to be modest, but I am somewhat surprised that I am doing this well so far, I think I have a good profile for Ethiopians, which is what I used, basically the same profile as list time's comparison, but I just made a major change in my roaster, and wasn't getting consistent results with this bean.

As for culling, I think I only culled a few beans. I think they were obviously burnt, but don't really remember. I was kind of lazy this time, and basically just sent out what I roasted.

I need to tally my results, and will post the results shortly.

Oh, and I also don't like darker roasts as a rule, and my results are skewed that way. I think the darker roasts tasted "burnt", especially as they cooled, and with 8 cups to judge, the major judging was done with somewhat cool cups of coffee.

I personally think that cool cups are more telling..if you get a chance everyone should post their profiles to the Ethiopian profile thread..I would enjoy running them, I'm sure others would be interested also.

Sean Harrington
I personally think that cool cups are more telling..if you get a chance everyone should post their profiles to the Ethiopian profile thread..I would enjoy running them, I'm sure others would be interested also.

Sean Harrington

I am going to use my mini and simply brush it out well after each! Love my mini!!
Going to grind un NOW!!

Also looking at this thread and they way the results are going to come in I think the nest time we do this superfuntastic cupping (maybe monthly) I/we will setup a separate thread for results only. So you/anyone can go in and see each cuppers results without looking at other comments?

thoughts please?

all atop, please use other thread for results, only results please no comments, thanks.

Hello All,First the comments and confessions, then I post the results.
OK, that was a blast!! The confession; I have never cupped that way...ever. ...I'm over 30,000 lbs thus far.
I'm still a bit freaked about my lack of smell, and it had me pretty worried at first.
On arrival, Allens had the most fragrance. Out of the grinder,
Allen, Chad, Randy won.
My apologies to Sean. I assumed the pouch to be a roasted sample of the Sidamo. Before I could pull it back out of the Miele, someone hit the button.
I drank it...I liked it.
On aroma; I really had trouble making distinctions....other than mine,....very distiguishable.
I started feeling better when the slurping started. I finally started to pick up the nuance.
At that point, I left mine alone. Not a nuance roast.
A few that caught my attention;
Ginny; I picked up a little cabernet, beautifully bright.
Rama; Beautiful acidity and fruit/floral
Randy; Wonderful overall balance.

Ok, enough bla-bla, it was a pleasure that I will certainly do again, anytime.
...I'm postin' scores. Flavor #2 is my acidity. Aftertaste, I had to give a 5 across the board, my buds just couldn't do it.
CHAD.. mind blowing notes.. thanks man.. im going to use alot of the info here, hope to be able to smell some of those aromas and taste some of those flavors when i cup again tomorrow.

Thanks for all that work..I dont know how you write all that down so quickly.:Clap:
Cheers Friend!
Sean Harrington
Sean, I typed it all while the coffee was in front of me, then copied and pasted.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Here's my profile superimposed on Rama's pretty graph (Blue Line). I scrambled the first couple of minutes, hence the missing data.

03 239F
04 257F
05 277F
06 306
07 325
08 347
09 361
10 374
11 381
12 396
13 405
14 410
15 414
16 426 should've stopped here!
17 435 dump cool.

Air temp made it up to 590F by end of roast.



*edit: It would be very cool to get everyone's profile on one graph...
Edited by seedlings on 09/26/2010 7:33 PM
Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
WOW what a great time we had with this cupping.

Thanks to all for your participation.

I want to know how you each roasted your beans.



seedlings wrote:
Here's my profile superimposed on Rama's pretty graph (Blue Line). I scrambled the first couple of minutes, hence the missing data.


*edit: It would be very cool to get everyone's profile on one graph...

I'm pretty sure that was my roast data you superimposed on. I know what my graph looks like, and I modifed the software to include the extra numbers, no one else has that.

That said, this was an interesting graph.
In my test roasts, I noticed if I was too slow to get the temp up, which caused the roast to go longer, the cup suffered. In my informal cuppings, I noticed a difference between a 13 min and a 14 minute roast, the 13 min roast was definitely better to me.

It seems like this bean likes a quick roast. I did not get a chance to try an even faster one.

So, based just on the graph and my experience with this bean, Chad's roast would not have been one that I would have liked as much my faster roast. And, this showed up in the cupping results.
I pretty much nailed the profile I was going for, first before 10 minutes, and finish roast by 13.

I learned a little while ago (from the homebarista contest) that my roaster does better if I go fast, and the cup suffers if I ramp up too slowly and take too long on the roast. There are exceptions, the Sumatra I roasted back then liked a longer roast.



ginny wrote:
WOW what a great time we had with this cupping.

Thanks to all for your participation.

I want to know how you each roasted your beans.


I couldn't include my graph here, so I put it here

My bad Randy. It was your graph, not Rama's (my eyes hurt). You did such a nice job.

The best roast I've had with this bean was the very first sample roast out of the popper - about 9 minutes to finish first crack.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
posted the layered graph in the the Ethiopian profile thread..Hopefully more will add to it..Great idea CHAD.


*edit to add image here too
Edited by seedlings on 09/27/2010 1:55 PM
Sean Harrington


seedlings wrote:
The best roast I've had with this bean was the very first sample roast out of the popper - about 9 minutes to finish first crack.


That sounds in line with what I found, it wanted to get to first fairly fast, then slow down to give it a few minutes beforel stopping, while keeping it from going too dark.

Would it get too complicated if we each posted our roast profile along with type of roaster we used for our cupping samples?

I know we have used different cupping forms in the past; is there one we can select and use from now on?

just wondering since for sure I will be in the next cupping!

what great fun and congratulations to Randy!!

td, see the graph above. My roaster is a home-made fluid-bed air roaster, and my ramp (blue) was not fast enough!

Randy (red) uses a PID ultra-modified Popcorn Pumper, while Sean's (yellow) is another home-built fluid-bed with propane heat.

Edited by seedlings on 09/27/2010 2:02 PM
Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
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