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Aug/Sept Roast Comparison
Sean, I typed it all while the coffee was in front of me, then copied and pasted.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Here's my profile superimposed on Rama's pretty graph (Blue Line). I scrambled the first couple of minutes, hence the missing data.

03 239F
04 257F
05 277F
06 306
07 325
08 347
09 361
10 374
11 381
12 396
13 405
14 410
15 414
16 426 should've stopped here!
17 435 dump cool.

Air temp made it up to 590F by end of roast.



*edit: It would be very cool to get everyone's profile on one graph...
Edited by seedlings on 09/26/2010 7:33 PM
Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
WOW what a great time we had with this cupping.

Thanks to all for your participation.

I want to know how you each roasted your beans.



seedlings wrote:
Here's my profile superimposed on Rama's pretty graph (Blue Line). I scrambled the first couple of minutes, hence the missing data.


*edit: It would be very cool to get everyone's profile on one graph...

I'm pretty sure that was my roast data you superimposed on. I know what my graph looks like, and I modifed the software to include the extra numbers, no one else has that.

That said, this was an interesting graph.
In my test roasts, I noticed if I was too slow to get the temp up, which caused the roast to go longer, the cup suffered. In my informal cuppings, I noticed a difference between a 13 min and a 14 minute roast, the 13 min roast was definitely better to me.

It seems like this bean likes a quick roast. I did not get a chance to try an even faster one.

So, based just on the graph and my experience with this bean, Chad's roast would not have been one that I would have liked as much my faster roast. And, this showed up in the cupping results.
I pretty much nailed the profile I was going for, first before 10 minutes, and finish roast by 13.

I learned a little while ago (from the homebarista contest) that my roaster does better if I go fast, and the cup suffers if I ramp up too slowly and take too long on the roast. There are exceptions, the Sumatra I roasted back then liked a longer roast.



ginny wrote:
WOW what a great time we had with this cupping.

Thanks to all for your participation.

I want to know how you each roasted your beans.


I couldn't include my graph here, so I put it here

My bad Randy. It was your graph, not Rama's (my eyes hurt). You did such a nice job.

The best roast I've had with this bean was the very first sample roast out of the popper - about 9 minutes to finish first crack.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
posted the layered graph in the the Ethiopian profile thread..Hopefully more will add to it..Great idea CHAD.


*edit to add image here too
Edited by seedlings on 09/27/2010 1:55 PM
Sean Harrington


seedlings wrote:
The best roast I've had with this bean was the very first sample roast out of the popper - about 9 minutes to finish first crack.


That sounds in line with what I found, it wanted to get to first fairly fast, then slow down to give it a few minutes beforel stopping, while keeping it from going too dark.

Would it get too complicated if we each posted our roast profile along with type of roaster we used for our cupping samples?

I know we have used different cupping forms in the past; is there one we can select and use from now on?

just wondering since for sure I will be in the next cupping!

what great fun and congratulations to Randy!!

td, see the graph above. My roaster is a home-made fluid-bed air roaster, and my ramp (blue) was not fast enough!

Randy (red) uses a PID ultra-modified Popcorn Pumper, while Sean's (yellow) is another home-built fluid-bed with propane heat.

Edited by seedlings on 09/27/2010 2:02 PM
Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
I have no software yet, but here's my stuff.
9 minutes overall, 3 minutes til 260 .(actual was likely240)
After that RoR of 65, then 45,40,30,10,10,

I killed the gas when the bean gauge said 480. I know the load was likely more around 435-440, so I have to work backwards off that.
It's a 5lb scratch air-roaster.
Also looking for reviews of this batch as a brewed coffee.
(Drip, Espresso, whatever you may have done)
Looking forward to the next roasting party! -Scott
My beans were roasted in my Hot Top model KN-8828B.

I set this roast on automatic since I knew it would ramp evenly and let me get
to/past 1st crack in about 14 minutes. I added extra time to make the complete roast almost 16 minutes. The beans were dumped at 424 at just about the end of 1st crack.

this as great fun.

Scott, are you going to organize the next one???

I think I shall. Maybe a little input on whether November sounds good or not . If so , I'll start the thread, then we can hear some bean ideas.
Thanks to those that put this one together. Scott
Very cool Scott.

I am in and November sounds great!

thanks for taking this on, what a guy!!:P
I'm game for the next one.
Sean Harrington
OK, since our dear Scottie is putting this together I went out to find some coffee for us to cup.

I have asked Maria/Tom at Sweet Maria's if they could, at this time, donate some greens to us.

I will pay shipping to me (I have a few bucks left on a gift certificate with SM) and then send out the coffee to all participants.

This is great fun. You have all been wonderful to work with and I bet we get others interested in this challenge!

ginnyRoflmao cuz I still can!!!

I will let you know what happens.
Edited by ginny on 09/27/2010 6:20 PM
After finishing the cupping yesterday, I thought I would pass on the next cupping, it wasn't easy to cup 8 samples, and I didn't even take great notes like Chad did, I just tried to come up with the scores for them.

But, now a whole day has passed, and I have moved from a no to a maybe.

If you need me to have enough people, I will probabaly do it, but if you have enough people I may pass.

One suggestions though, since we did Ethiopian coffees the last two times, it would be nice to go somewhere else, maybe central or south america for this coffee. A softer island bean would be interesting too.

I don't want to discourage others from participating, it is definitely something you should try if you have not done it before. I have been in the last two, which is the only reason I am thinking about passing on this one.

It is educational to try other people's coffee, and to try to rate them against each other.

And you are forced to try to find the best roast for a bean when you do this. I think I won this time because of the profile I found when I participated in the previous cupping.



troubledouble wrote:
Would it get too complicated if we each posted our roast profile along with type of roaster we used for our cupping samples?

I know we have used different cupping forms in the past; is there one we can select and use from now on?

just wondering since for sure I will be in the next cupping!

what great fun and congratulations to Randy!!


My profile:

-260 2m
-290 2m
-350 2m
-385 2m
-421 4m
Roaster = Modified Sirocco fluidbed/hotair 1/4 lb with PID ramp/soak control.

Randy, I wasn't able to congratulate you yet. CONGRATS!ThumbsUp

You have the touch and I hope to taste some more of your roasts in the near future.

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Welcome, troubledouble.

My profile can be found here:

roasted on a Hottop with additional fins in the drum.
Edited by seedlings on 09/28/2010 7:44 AM


rama wrote:
Welcome, troubledouble.

My profile can be found here:

roasted on a Hottop with additional fins in the drum.

Did you stop at 13 mins?
If so, it's pretty similiar to my times and profile, especially considering that I use an air popcorn popper, and you use a hottop.

Edited by randytsuch on 09/28/2010 1:55 PM

I stopped it at about 16 minutes. I was allowing it to be on total automatic but stopped it at 420/424 I would have to check my notes.

I liked the roast. I did not get the berry notes I wanted from what I roasted to send out to all participants. I have since roasted a very dark that will remain in the mason jar for 10 days.

I added all of the sample coffee left from the cupping together in my Solis 5K for cafe creams and it is a wonderful cup.

Will be roasting Sean's sample beans this afternoon.

and yes, not to confuse all of you I am troubledouble. I had to use separate/new login the other day to see what needed to be fixed.

sorry if there is any trouble, double:P



randytsuch wrote:

Did you stop at 13 mins?
If so, it's pretty similiar to my times and profile, especially considering that I use an air popcorn popper, and you use a hottop.


Ya, you can barely make out the BT and ET drop in the graph. (attachment size limitations forced aggressive cropping :-/)

I'm taking a break from the DP Ethiopia, but when I roast it again, I think I'll shave about 60-90 seconds off the time between start of first crack and eject. My hunch is the prolonged time here muted some of the fruit.
John Despres


ginny wrote:

and yes, not to confuse all of you I am troubledouble. I had to use separate/new login the other day to see what needed to be fixed.

sorry if there is any trouble, double:P


I thought TD was a member, but couldn't figure out who it was...

I also know another of your secret HRO identities. :P

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.


rama wrote:
As for John's culling question, yes, I culled heavily both before and after the roast. Lots of broken beans, underripe, quakers, and even insect damage. None of that will improve the cup, and should have been removed in Ethiopia, IMHO.

Via http://www.home-b...ml#p187968, Jim Schulman says:

"George Howell has given up on DPs. But before he did, he tried to sort a Yemen Matari. Every time he culled a round of defects, it tasted worse. This persuaded him that the taste of these naturals was entirely made up from defects and therefore hopeless; but for most other people, it means that it is a very bad idea to sort Yemen or DP Ethiopian coffees."

I knew I should have roasted and tasted the beans I culled. This would (at least in part) explain why I like Randy's roast more than my own. FYI for those who like the DPs...
It's a blurred line between 'character', and defect. This is likely true throughout the world of food.
If you like it, drink it!smile -Scott
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