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air roaster
While I haven't totally quit working on my roaster, I did have to take a break from it, What with messing up the pattern that I was trying to make and having to go to Ft Worth and pick up a bigger metal lathe, That has me in grease up to my elbows. I just had to take a break, and play a little.

So I made myself a new steak knife.
dja attached the following image:

Edited by dja on 09/15/2010 11:27 AM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
found local source for used vac motor, now all I have too do is be patient and wait till he gets one I can use.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
What is your ideal motor? -Scott

btw nice knife!
Edited by JETROASTER on 09/18/2010 1:48 PM
thanks on the knife, it was a little something that I did to do something different.

as far as a ideal motor, I would have to say that would be whatever has the air enough air to move 1 to 2 Lb of beans and is free.

and the more that it cost the less I like it.

Now if I can just get this dang 12X36 lathe fixed, I gotta quit buying basket cases.
Edited by dja on 09/19/2010 12:50 AM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
No cost. Your build skills are great, and you can post video.
If it's good for the forum, it's good enough for me.
I haven't had the time to work on my machine, but I do have time to ship a motor.... I'll build vicariously through you.;)
Eventually I may need some machining advise. That's the price! I'm certain I have a suitable motor. Drop a PM, let's get it rollin' -Scott
Switched project this morning and did a little work on the Roaster.
heres a shot of the Heating Element mounted on the bottom plate of the roaster.
Don't pay the Long NiC tail any mind it will be cut off in the end.
dja attached the following image:

Edited by dja on 09/22/2010 9:32 AM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
And a shot looking down inside the Heating Chamber. I know it looks off center but its not, one of those tricks cameras play on us.

As it sits right now its about 3/4" below the top of the steel tube, and about 2" off the bottom. So I have some adjustment room if needed. I figure that I will have to shorten the Coil so that will give me more adjustment room, (shorter Coil = closer insulator spacing).

Now if I only had the air inlet poured and machined, I would be ready to see if this thing will ROCK and ROLL.

Almost forgot the bean retainer or should I say restrainer, well its off to the dollar store for a Strainer to make a Retainer out of. (Sheesh its always something)
dja attached the following image:

Edited by dja on 09/22/2010 9:41 AM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette


dja wrote:

That setup should with the right length on the NiChrome provide plenty of heat, wish I had some of the thin Ceramic fiber insulator to wrap around the inside of the steel tube.


Really nice roaster. Google Mica sheet. It's not cheap.
Insulation isn't really going to be needed, what with the amount of air that is going to be pushed thru the heat chamber, but if it is there are lots of places that sell ceraminc fiber in the 1/4" range that should wrap around nicely. I was thinking mow along the lines of electrical more than heat insulation but with the way that I have mounted the heating coil I don't think that it will be moving around and touching the sides of the chamber.
But it may turn out to be one of them Houston day's when I flip the switch,
and its David we have problems!!!

Edited by dja on 09/24/2010 9:02 AM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette


may turn out to be one of them Houston day's when I flip the switch,
and its David we have problems!!!
it only hurt for a minute...:eye-popping:
Good luck
Edited by Unta on 09/24/2010 9:06 AM
Sean Harrington
well its still under construction as they say about the highways in Kansas
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
Did a little cold bean testing today using my shop vac to see if I could actually flow beans with the heating element installed.
Heres the Video


Well since I can't get the thing to embed the url there it is sorry about the doing it the hard way.
Edited by dja on 09/28/2010 1:43 PM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
heres a picture that I took today after I received a gift package from the Brown Truck,
there is a new section that will be added to the bottom of the roaster under the Heat Chamber. Inside of this will be hidden the VC motor that I received from Brown this morning.
there will also be a section that will be added to the top that will catch any loose beans and chaff.Grin
dja attached the following image:

Edited by dja on 09/28/2010 7:37 PM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
needs some pinstriping and some flames, looks awesome!
Sean Harrington
Very cool!

Now David, we've got to get you hooked up with a soft-start on your VC motor so you don't blow the top off the roaster when you do your first real roast start up.

Actually, bean flow is looking real good now. Very smooth flow and lots of agitation. Did you change the inlet opening since the last video?

Also, is that a log burner offset smoker you've got the roaster setting on?

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
yes to the smoker, I build it around 1994.

the first video was with me holding the top chamber that the beans are in with a peice of screen pushed into the air inlet. and me trying to control air flow by holding the VC Hose up to the bottom of the bean chamber.

the second video was with the roast and heat section together with the heating coil in place and me holding the VC hose to what was originally going to be the air inlet. (thats changed), I was trying to bring the air pressure up slowly as I knew the beans were going to jump. At about 75 volts on my Variac they lofted and you got to see the results.
if you look at the pic that I posted today, you will see what looks like three sections, the top is the removable roast section, the middle with the coil hanging out is the heat section, the hole is were the air was going to be connected.
I have to figure out what to do with the hole now, I will probably weld a flat round disk into it and somehow bring the leads for the coil out thru it, probably be a good idea to make it removable for work on the coil. Which I still haven't put juice to but will shortly if I don't run out of test beans.
the bottom peice that it is sitting on, is where the VC motor is going to reside.

Attached pic is of the air inlet, peice if 3/16" hardware cloth resides inside the recess, with a retainer ring helt in with set screws in from the sides.
dja attached the following image:

Edited by dja on 09/28/2010 10:28 PM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
Fantastic! The 'Oklahoma Coffee Canon' Beautiful!!

I've never used pyrex/glass. Any expansion issues between metal and glass ? -Scott
Glass, including borosilicate glass (trade name Pyrex), do expand at different enough rates than metal to be a problem. You'll want some sort of method to allow movement. Here are the thermal coefficients for roaster materials, they are (10−6/?C):

Glass = 8.5
Borosilicate glass = 3.3
Stainless steel = 17.3
Steel = 12
Aluminum = 23

This is HRO....ask and recieve. Thanks Dan, How about ceramics/porcelain? -Scott
Porcelain, like what some ceramic insulators are made from, ranges from about 8-12 depending on the formula. Alumina (engineering ceramic) is 7.2.

Mmmm, lets see a neoprene o-ring will take care of the expansion of the pyrex.

the problem with the leads to the heating coil is another problem which will be taken care of with a couple ceramic pass thru insulators.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
Just checking in since its been awhile since I posted anything on the uild. Been stuck in Balmy Sunny Florida for the last week.
Was able to with plenty of time to surf thru Evil Bay's pages, I found a replacement for the Pyrex Tube and was able to win the auction. Now I have a Spare incase I brake the one that I have. Be a real shame to break the one and only tube that I had after spending all this time a effort on the roaster.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
Just checking in since its been awhile since I posted anything on the uild. Been stuck in Balmy Sunny Florida for the last week.
Was able to with plenty of time to surf thru Evil Bay's pages, I found a replacement for the Pyrex Tube and was able to win the auction. Now I have a Spare incase I brake the one that I have. Be a real shame to break the one and only tube that I had after spending all this time a effort on the roaster.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette


dja wrote:
in case I brake the one that I have.

HA! I've already knocked over my hopper with pyrex viewing glass... I'm sure it WILL break sometime, just not this time.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
you have to be careful, you might knock it over full of freshly roasted beans, and that would be a shame.
Your hopper only has a small flat glass on the one side of it, take another look at mine, the thing has a pyrex tube that is 14" long by 4" OD, not something that you can run to the local hardware store and pickup a Quartz yard light and use the lense in it for a replacement.
Hopeing to be back home next midweek and back to work on my roaster.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
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