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Oct/Nov 2010 Roast Comparison
I'm new here but I'm game. Been roasting for a few months now and gone through about 20 lbs.
The Dominican gets my vote, mainly because I have not roasted any before. If we wait until after the holidays, I am ok with that. It will give me more time to continue my roasts Grin.
have a WP guatemalen and also the dreaded DP sidamo guji. though a call to Royal could net us almost anything in pretty short order.

Sean Harrington
On Friday ,we make the final call. ...If waiting til after the holidays makes it more productive overall, then that's probably the best bet. -Scott
Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to swing it. My boss wants me to work. Imagine that. I'm having a hard enough time finding the time to roast for my wife and me. And she gets grumpy if she has to go out and buy roasted beans.

And everyone knows, if she's not happy, no one's happy.

I really want to do this, though, because I will learn a lot. And it will be fun. Hopefully after the first. (Like it's going to slow down at work.)

The Oct/Nov Roast Comparison is postponed.
This thread will be abandoned as we create a new one for the Jan/Feb Roast Comparison 2011.

To simplify matters a bit, let's look at inventory at SM, or any vendor that people feel good about.
We can avoid the added task of someone having to distribute, and broaden our choices as well.
After some input from participants, we'll choose the bean, and move on from there.

So start thinking of beans, ...see you on another thread -Scott
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