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TC4 - Artisan application software
The Artisan Visual Scope for Coffee Roasters is a popular and effective program running on PC's, MAC's, etc.

There is a project site for Artisan here:

Artisan relies on one of several dataloggers to provide roast temperature input. The authors of Artisan have been kind enough to include the TC4 in the list of supported hardware.

The only catch is that there must be a simple sketch running on the TC4/Arduino that can talk to Artisan. That sketch need only respond to a simple "READ\n" command by logging a CSV series of 3 temperatures to the serial interface:

ambient temp, environmental temp, bean temp

I have written a sketch that should work with Artisan, and would appreciate it if someone with Artisan installed on their computer could test the sketch. It can be found here:

In addition to communicating with Artisan, the aArtisan sketch can (optionally -- edit user.h to select features) display temperature values to a connected LCD panel. There is also an indication on the LCD when a READ has been requested by Artisan. This should be helpful in debugging.

Edited by JimG on 04/09/2011 12:41 AM
aArtisan has passed my "on the desk but not on the roaster" tests with flying colors.

Be sure and refresh your working copy from here if you do any testing (I have made some useful revisions):

I've tested successfully (i.e. no logfile errors) at 9600, 19200, and 57600 baud.


We are happy to announce the new version of artisan 0.4.0. Some of the main changes include:

- improved CSV import/export
- K202 CSV support added
- adds localization support
- adds german, french, spanish, swedish, italian menu translations
- fixed cut-copy-paste on Mac and added cut-copy-paste menu
- LCD color configuration
- replay of events via background dialog
- relative times are used everywhere
- adds profile designer
- adds alarms
- more robust Arduino/TC4 communication
- bug fixes

Download Link: http://code.google.com/p/artisan/downloads/list

The Artisan Team

PS: To access the context menu of the profile Designer, do a mouse right-click inside the Designer Graph area.
Thanks, MaKoMo. I'll install the new version and see if any problems arise with aArtisan.



MaKoMo wrote:We are happy to announce the new version of artisan 0.4.0.

Hi, MaKoMo -

I've downloaded artisan 0.4.1 and see that the command for the TC4 has been changed.

It is now:
command = "R" + aw.qmc.mode + "2000"

It previously (0.3.4) was:
command = "READ\n"

My aArtisan.pde application supports the 0.3.4 version, but not the new version. Can you point me to a source of information for the new command format?



EDIT Nevermind, got it figured out.

New version of aArtisan.pde that supports Artisan 0.4.1 can be found here:

Is backward compatible with Artisan 0.3.4 using compile directives in user.h
Edited by JimG on 04/14/2011 12:44 AM
So it's either an RC2000 or RF2000 command? What is the 2000 for?
I guess you figured out the C and F are for changing the temperature units on the fly. The "2" means two channels should be read. I think the remaining characters might be placeholders for future enhancements?

The new command string does not have a terminating character (i.e. \n). I am going to suggest to the Artisan team that using a terminating character again might be a good idea to avoid sync problems.

Strange, I thought this was what the original command format was. This is what was in the original TC4.pde. Two command bytes and 4 argument bytes.

Yes, Id like to see a \n after the command too.
Release 1.03 of aArtisan is available for download from the project google code site:

Version 1.03 will support Artisan 0.4.1 (current build) by default, and can be configured to support Artisan 0.3.4 by editing user.h.

By default, aArtisan will support an attached LCDapter, but can be configured to use a standard LCD parallel interface panel, or no LCD at all.

The zip file contains both the aArtisan sketch and all needed libraries.

Have fun with Artisan!

Edited by JimG on 04/15/2011 1:40 PM
Here's my first run, and yes, I forgot to mark the phases of the roast. sorry. Nice app though.
Artisan users will be interested to know that a beta release of version 0.5.0 was made available on the Artisan googlecode site yesterday. Zip files for Mac OSX, Linux, and Windows are there.

Because of improvements made in the communications protocol between the TC4 and Artisan, it is necessary to update your aArtisan software to be compatible with the new Artisan release. A beta release of a compatible aArtisan package is available here:

In addition, I have been working with the Artisan team on adding some significant new features to an Artisan/TC4 system. We have developed a new command language that makes many more things possible.

Very soon I expect that an Artisan user will be able to directly control any of the outputs on the TC4. This feature is expected to be used for things like heater output control, fan speed control, or really whatever the user would like to do.

The new command language will also allow configuring the TC4 at runtime for things like number of active channels, active temperature units, and the mapping of "logical" temperature channels to any/all of the 4 physical channels on the TC4.

Stay tuned....

Sounds good Jim.

I've seen your suggested commands in the artisan mailing list. Are they confirmed yet? Could you post details of the commands here if/when they are adopted by the artisan folk.
Yes. Would welcome your comments, too.

I think the commands themselves are good. But I can't see much benefit being able to control the arduino outputs from Artisan when they can already be controlled directly from the TC4.

If Artisan ever gets to the stage where it can do PID control, then these commands will of course be necessary.

With my picaxe setup I don't have OT1, OT2 etc but I can easily work around that.
I could get a lot of use from Artisan-control of OT1 and I/O3 because I have my Hottop roaster set up for external manual control. My current preferred roasting protocol is to manually adjust the heater output based on RoR, ET, and proximity to FC. I adjust the fan as needed to keep smoke under control.

I am having more success this way than when I had the roaster under full PID control B)

I think having the ability to manually control duty cycles for the two SSR drives (OT1 and OT2), and the 5VDC PWM signal on I/O3 would allow you to control a pretty wide range of home roasters.

But can't you already use the TC4 buttons to control your roaster? I thought the TC4 was intended to be a stand alone system with the ability for logging if desired?



JimG wrote:I think having the ability to manually control duty cycles for the two SSR drives (OT1 and OT2), and the 5VDC PWM signal on I/O3 would allow you to control a pretty wide range of home roasters.

Sounds really nice! I agree that it would be nice to be able to control the roaster from Artisan. Are there any plans on the Artisan side to incorporate RoR info? It looks like they have some really nice software development going on over there and it would be a pity not to be making use of the RoR info. Where is the main forum for the Artisan? I thought I had a link to it, but I seem to have lost it.

@Jim: In your first post in this thread you give a link to the Artisan google site, it would be nice if you could add in a link to the forum there.



greencardigan wrote:
But can't you already use the TC4 buttons to control your roaster? I thought the TC4 was intended to be a stand alone system with the ability for logging if desired?

The TC4 is open-source hardware and software, so the sky's the limit!


greencardigan wrote:
But can't you already use the TC4 buttons to control your roaster? I thought the TC4 was intended to be a stand alone system with the ability for logging if desired?

I like having options :P

Kidding aside, I do see some advantages in a minimal hardware configuration. If you were always going to use a laptop while roasting anyway, then Artisan would allow you to eliminate the LCD display. You could also use a simpler enclosure for the TC4 if you didn't have to deal with the display and buttons.

And, who knows, someday there might be TC4 wireless options to further simplify things ....



Bhante wrote:@Jim: In your first post in this thread you give a link to the Artisan google site, it would be nice if you could add in a link to the forum there.

Here is a link to the Artisan mailing list:



JimG wrote:Here is a link to the Artisan mailing list:

Ah, I thought there was a forum also.

Thanks for the link


Bhante wrote:


JimG wrote:Here is a link to the Artisan mailing list:

Ah, I thought there was a forum also.

Thanks for the link

Maybe here?

I'm a bit confused about the new 'Extra Devices' feature in 0.5.0 and the 'added support for devices with 4 thermocouples'.

I haven't had a chance to play with 0.5.0 yet but does this mean we can plot all 4 channels from the TC4?

Or can I send the temps from channels 1 and 2 and a calculated PID value? I'd like to be able to plot the PID value that my picaxe TC4 software calculates.



greencardigan wrote:
I'm a bit confused about the new 'Extra Devices' feature in 0.5.0 and the 'added support for devices with 4 thermocouples'.

I haven't had a chance to play with 0.5.0 yet but does this mean we can plot all 4 channels from the TC4?

Or can I send the temps from channels 1 and 2 and a calculated PID value? I'd like to be able to plot the PID value that my picaxe TC4 software calculates.


Brad -

I'm not going to be much help with Artisan itself. I am still trying to learn all of the features.

Support for reading up to 4 channels from the TC4 is now built into aArtisan 1.05 (just released on our TC4 googlecode site). But I don't believe that the upcoming 0.5.x release of Artisan is going to support that feature, unless the Extra Devices you mentioned can handle it.

To select the active channels on the TC4, a program needs to send a "CHAN abcd\n" command over the serial port to the TC4. Replace a, b, c, d with the numbers (1-4) of the ADC channels you want to be active, in the order you would like the samples sequenced. A zero value indicates that channel is not active.

For instance, CHAN 1200 results in TC1 and TC2 being active, and samples are output in "normal order." This is the standard default condition in Artisan.

CHAN 3241 would activate all 4 ADC channels, and sequence the output as TC3, TC2, TC4, TC1.

I am still trying to get the user-defined buttons in Artisan to do what I think they are supposed to do? If I can get them to work, then I will add buttons that send signals to my roaster for heater control and fan control using the buttons on the Artisan screen. Support for this is built into aArtisan now.

A plot from my second roast using Artisan to both log and control. Using the custom event buttons, I set things up where button presses in Artisan controlled the heater output and the fan on my Hottop.

There are still some things I would like to have changed with the RoR plotting. But Artisan and the TC4 are getting along fairly well these days smile

JimG attached the following image:
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