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TC4 - Artisan application software
Yes, those are what I had in mind. I came across several of the 10PCVxxxx units on eBay a few years back and bought them for a ridiculously low price. If you have to buy them new, they become unaffordable.

New version (release 1.10) of aArtisan has been posted on the googlecode site:

Provides support for type K, type J and type T thermocouples now. Also should have a little more robust error checking when an uninitialized EEPROM is encountered.

Being totally new to PID-ing, I'm trying to understand the level of control offered by Artisan, aArtisan and TC4C. Is it a matter of setting a few buttons for the various roast stages, and the PID ensures execution of each stage after pressing the button? Or is this just the early stages of the software?

When I recently downloaded Artisan and saw the profile designer, I assumed once you define the profile curve, and you use either TC4C or FUJI PXG/PXR with SSR's, the Artisan and aArtisan will control the heating element from start to finish to follow along the profile as defined/designed. Is this how it currently works?


tamarian wrote:

Being totally new to PID-ing, I'm trying to understand the level of control offered by Artisan, aArtisan and TC4C. Is it a matter of setting a few buttons for the various roast stages, and the PID ensures execution of each stage after pressing the button? Or is this just the early stages of the software?

When I recently downloaded Artisan and saw the profile designer, I assumed once you define the profile curve, and you use either TC4C or FUJI PXG/PXR with SSR's, the Artisan and aArtisan will control the heating element from start to finish to follow along the profile as defined/designed. Is this how it currently works?

The aArtisan application does not provide any level of automatic control, i.e., it does not contain a PID algorithm. To control a roaster using Artisan, a TC4C, and aArtisan you create "event" buttons in the Artisan application. These event buttons will be things like "75% heat", or "50% heat", or "25% fan".

When you press one of the event buttons in Artisan, it sends the command you have programmed for that button to the TC4C. The TC4C in turn sets the appropriate duty cycle on one of its PWM outputs.

So what you end up with is fully manual control, but through the Artisan interface.

While you are evaluating software, I suggest you also take a look at RoastLogger. Tom (aka greenbean on TooMuchCoffee.com) and I have been conspiring over the past several months to make RoastLogger and the TC4 system get along very well.

In addition to convenient slider controls for manual control of the roaster, Tom has also created an interface that optionally allows RoastLogger to take automatic actions (fan and heater control) when certain roast events have been detected. Once these roast event points have been set by the user, RoastLogger does a very nice job of automating roasts.

Thanks Jim for the detailed response. Is this type of control on aArtisan the same aArtisanQ? Or is the level of control on aArtisanQ more automated?

What I'm really after, if available, is a system where I can design a profile curve and have the system execute that profile. I think I read a post of yours on HB that aArtisanQ has about 100 steps of resolution. I understood that as up to a 100 steps in profile temperature control. If that's the case, aArtisanQ might be what is needed.


tamarian wrote:Is this type of control on aArtisan the same aArtisanQ? Or is the level of control on aArtisanQ more automated?

Yes, aArtisanQ has the same type of control. It is not more automated. The additional feature provided with aArtisanQ is phase angle (i.e. dimmer type) control for a small motor.


tamarian wrote:I think I read a post of yours on HB that aArtisanQ has about 100 steps of resolution. I understood that as up to a 100 steps in profile temperature control. If that's the case, aArtisanQ might be what is needed.

The 100 steps of resolution refers to the phase angle control routine. The firmware has a lookup table with 100 different microsecond phase delay times associated with 0% to 100% output on OT2.

BTW, that is really an impressive roaster! I apologize for the "lecture" on safety features, as it is pretty clear you know your way around an electric roaster ThumbsUp



JimG wrote:
BTW, that is really an impressive roaster! I apologize for the "lecture" on safety features, as it is pretty clear you know your way around an electric roaster ThumbsUp


Thanks Jim, that's quite a compliment coming from you! And there can never be enough warning about safety, especially when given in detail and multiple approaches like you did.

Do you know if the artisan folk are planning to incorporate any PID functionality in the future?

Or do you know of any PID routines for Processing?



greencardigan wrote:
Do you know if the artisan folk are planning to incorporate any PID functionality in the future?

Or do you know of any PID routines for Processing?

I don't think the Artisan team is leaning that direction. Don't want to speak for them, but I believe their thinking is more along the lines of having the connected external PID controller (Fuji, e.g.) handle those duties.

I don't know of any Processing PID code. But the language is so similar to Arduino C++ that the Arduino PID library might be fairly simple to adapt. If you head that direction, have a look at the source code of aArtisan.ino to view the commands available through the TC4.

I tried a roast with aArtisanQ_PID today to test out the PID control function.

The temps were a bit off during the early part of the roast but very close for the rest of the roast. I touched the roaster fan control once during this roast and probably could have got away with a completely hands off roast. I have to say I am very happy how this worked! ThumbsUp

For the record the PID parameters were Kp = 5.00, Ki = 0.25, Kd = 0.00 and the roaster is my 1kg air roaster with a 750g load.

Here's the recorded profile from Artisan. The profile being followed is in the background. I havent worked out how to get ET and BT around the right way in Artisan yet?!

I made a few changes to the code to allow logging of the output level of the fan and heater. And I also got the Artisan channels showing in the right colours.

This was a re-roast of the same beans. Same PID parameters.



JimG wrote:

The aArtisan application does not provide any level of automatic control, i.e., it does not contain a PID algorithm. To control a roaster using Artisan, a TC4C, and aArtisan you create "event" buttons in the Artisan application. These event buttons will be things like "75% heat", or "50% heat", or "25% fan".

When you press one of the event buttons in Artisan, it sends the command you have programmed for that button to the TC4C. The TC4C in turn sets the appropriate duty cycle on one of its PWM outputs.

So what you end up with is fully manual control, but through the Artisan interface.

While you are evaluating software, I suggest you also take a look at RoastLogger. Tom (aka greenbean on TooMuchCoffee.com) and I have been conspiring over the past several months to make RoastLogger and the TC4 system get along very well.

In addition to convenient slider controls for manual control of the roaster, Tom has also created an interface that optionally allows RoastLogger to take automatic actions (fan and heater control) when certain roast events have been detected. Once these roast event points have been set by the user, RoastLogger does a very nice job of automating roasts.


I believe the latest version of Artisan now has the ability to take automatic actions to control the heater and fan. The new feature allows the alarm feature to activate the custom buttons which can in turn control the roaster.

From the Artisan code change log:


added feature such that a custom button can be activated on alarm

I haven't had a chance to install it yet but it looks promising.
I believe the latest version of Artisan now has the ability to take automatic actions to control the heater and fan. The new feature allows the alarm feature to activate the custom buttons which can in turn control the roaster.

From the Artisan code change log:


added feature such that a custom button can be activated on alarm

I haven't had a chance to install it yet but it looks promising.[/quote]

The just released v0.5.6 of Artisan does not yet support that feature (it is just a minor bug fix release for the Voltcraft K201 / Center 301 devices), however, v0.6 will support buttons triggered by alarms as well as other extensions to the alarm system, like triggers on all recorded curves not only ET/BT.

Of course the trunk version supports alarm triggered buttons already, but you have to build that trunk version of Artisan from source yourself for now...

Hi Marko,

Thanks for the info and don't be sorry smile I think this will be a useful feature when it comes.

What about the standard event buttons being able to send serial commands? For example I'd like the 'Charge' button to automatically send a serial command to the TC4/Arduino to reset its clock.



greencardigan wrote:
What about the standard event buttons being able to send serial commands? For example I'd like the 'Charge' button to automatically send a serial command to the TC4/Arduino to reset its clock.


Sure why not. I add that to my list of things to be added..



MaKoMo wrote:


greencardigan wrote:
What about the standard event buttons being able to send serial commands? For example I'd like the 'Charge' button to automatically send a serial command to the TC4/Arduino to reset its clock.


Sure why not. I add that to my list of things to be added..


Thanks ThumbsUp
The version 0.6 of Artisan is now available for Windows, OS X and Linux.


The most important changes and additions w.r.t. v0.5.x are as follows.

- Monitoring-only mode reporting readings on LCDs without recording
- Event sliders e.g. to control the Hottop heater and fan via the TC4 / HT Roaster Interface
- Extended alarms triggered by time and temperature on any curve
- Flexible Modbus RTU support allowing temperature reading and device control
- Curve smoothing and spike filtering
- New localizations: Arabic, German, Greek, Spanish, French, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Turkish, Dutch, Chinese and Hungarian
- Windows installer, and icons on Windows and Linux

See <https://code.goog...aseHistory> for a detailed list of changes and the Artisan blog <http://artisan-ro...logspot.de> for details on some of the new features.

We are deeply grateful for the extensive support we received from many of you, especially in translating Artisan's more than 1200 phrases into several languages (more under preparation). We want to thank Frans Goddijn, Brad Collins, Claudia Raddatz, Marcio Carneiro, Ostnes Runar, Yoshida Minoru, David Lahoz, Savvas Kiretsis, Wa'il, Lukas Kolbe, Oliver Schirmer, Kristoffer Johansson, ?etin Barut, Rubens Gardelli, Kyle Iseminger, Kalle Deligeorgakis, Matthew Sewell, Carlito Smith, Rich Helms, Carlos Pascual, Ingo, David Trebilcock, Matt Fischler, Jim Gallt, Gunnar Troll, Alex Fan, Piet Dijk, Bertrand Souville, Zolt?n Kis and many others.

We do not take donations. But if you are using Artisan in a commercial setting, it would make us (and some others) happy if you would donate to Coffee Kids <http://www.coffee...>, a non-profit organization devoted to improving the quality of life for children and families in coffee growing regions around the world.

The Artisan team

PS: an extended TC4/PID support is under preparation..
Hi all,
Is it possible to export Artisan alarms to excel for editing and building profiles then importing them into Artisan?
Also is there a limit of how many alarms can be created in Artisan?
Its Espresso, not Short Black
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