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Turbo Crazy build and first roast
A view with the case top removed. The new motor is about 18 RPM with plenty of power.
JackH attached the following image:


KKTO Roaster.
The stir crazy base sits on top of the motor case and has 4 screws that go into holes I drilled in the SC base. This acts as a guide and keeps things stable.
JackH attached the following image:


KKTO Roaster.
I also added insulation to the SC base and the plate between the heating element and the wiring at the top of the turbo oven. The SC base still gets hot, but a lot cooler than it was.

I also added a TC4/arduino/LCDAPTER to monitor temperatures and log roasts. I built the case by hand and added some cherry side panels.
JackH attached the following image:


KKTO Roaster.
A rear view of the case. I am not too happy with the panel mount K connectors, they are too loose. You can see the arduino usb and power connectors peeking out.
JackH attached the following image:


KKTO Roaster.
This was a interesting project. I put a lot of thought and effort into it and it was worth it. I learned a lot.

So far it does a nice job roasting, we will see.. I do plan on building a different roaster sometime but this one will do for now....

Thanks to all who helped me with this!


KKTO Roaster.
Wow, that's a nice looking TC4/Arduino setup you built, I'm impressed with your workmanship. It puts my roaster setup to shame :(

Koffee Kosmo
Nice work on a proven system & I also like the TC4/Arduino setup

How did you connect the Variac
I have been wanting to add one for a while now
Drawings would be good (you have my email)

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Randy, thanks for the complements. I am an old prototype builder, mostly electronic musical instruments... It looks good but we'll see how well it performs. I am really liking the TC4 and watching the temps and RoR. I think it will help me time the roast better.

KK, thanks for the help with this. Great suggestion about using springs. Variac control and bypassing the thermostat and other stuff can be dangerous. I pretty much gutted the Turbo Oven's wiring and created a suicide machine with no safety switches or thermostat. Needs to be constantly monitored.

KKTO Roaster.
I went through another design update: A faster motor (Wiper motor running at low speed of 35 rpm) and a different stirring arm design inspired by BenGeldreich's nice new roaster.
I am also using a new Bean temp K thermocouple from Omega which is proving to be excellent and fast.

The video is rough and I hope it shows up here. It looks kind of surreal to me. Trying a direct link:

Edited by JackH on 11/21/2011 6:38 AM

KKTO Roaster.
Koffee Kosmo
Try the coloured bean test for viewing good mixing agitation
Adjust or revise as necessary

The video looks good

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Thanks Paul! I will give that a try.

One thing I notice with twice the agitation is that my roast profiles are off. I am baking and it seems I need to shorten the time. Does this make sense?

Another thing is that it is fall here and the ambient temperature is much lower. I am in my garage (unheated).


KKTO Roaster.
Koffee Kosmo
If you are getting first crack in the 9 to 13 minute mark (depending on the bean origin)
Then you are roasting in the zone


I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.

I have to second KK's approach on adding a few coloured beans. Record each different combo of speed and or arm placement. with the coloured beans that way you can determine which one is best. I think I even did a test with peaberry just to see if it changed at all. You can check out most of my test videos on youtube. I'll point you to the video of the combination I decided to use.


Edited by BenGeldreich on 11/24/2011 12:39 PM


Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Ben & Paul, I will try that with the colored beans. I think the "S" shape blades running counter-clockwise seem to work best. Since my roasting pot is shallow I have to keep the speed down. 35 rpm seems to be the max for this set up.

My goal is to eventually go full KKTO. Just need to find the right size outer pot. This SC/TO works well and I have plenty of time to look.

Edited by JackH on 11/24/2011 3:07 PM

KKTO Roaster.


JHan816 wrote:
Ben & Paul, I will try that with the colored beans. I think the "S" shape blades running counter-clockwise seem to work best. Since my roasting pot is shallow I have to keep the speed down. 35 rpm seems to be the max for this set up.

My goal is to eventually go full KKTO. Just need to find the right size outer pot. This SC/TO works well and I have plenty of time to look.



I was in your boat ... until I came across the right pot. ;)

Nice thing about using a wiper motor is that one can configure it to run at 4 different speeds. So no need to change motor when and if you find that pot!!!



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Koffee Kosmo
Pots can be purchased here - http://www.cookin..._7_5L.html

The very same ones we use

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
I think I finally found out how to embed the video. Hate to duplicate the video, but I can't edit my previous post.

Edited by JackH on 11/29/2011 8:22 AM

KKTO Roaster.
Update: the Wiper motor did not last. After 20 or so roasts, it started making bad bearing noises and slowing down. Too bad, it was running well.

Upon opening the wiper motor gearbox I find plastic gears! I think it was a GM wiper motor.

There was an AC motor that Lylabrown mentioned in another thread that I just ordered. This one is 50 RPM and looks stronger and better made. Hopefully no plastic parts there... http://www.surplu...e=electric

Really enjoying this roaster and started using the RoastLogger software which looks like a winner. http://forum.home...ad_id=2564


Burner0000 wrote:


bvwelch wrote:


JHan816 wrote:
I need to add something to keep the turbo oven from shifting around on the ring.

Some folks make a homemade gasket for this, using high-temp RTV which is supposedly food-safe after curing (be careful to read the fine print on the tube you purchase to be sure):


EMI Supply sells high temp 600'F Food grade RTV. :P


I bought mine from U.S. plastic for $11 shipped. See my other post in this forum for the link. it's good up to 500 and food grade. It was recommended from others at CG.
I did use the US plastics seal for the top of the ring and it works very well. The EMI tube RTV is also useful for adding a bead to the bottom of the spacer ring once it is in place.

I also roast with a Stir Crazy and Turbo Oven. I replaced the center shaft with a pen making bearing. It has a 1/4 hole in the center and I pressed it into a hole that I had drilled in the bottom plate of the Stir Crazy. This keeps the shaft from wearing out.

I also added a gap in the aluminum ring that is recommended as a spacer between the Stir Crazy and the Turbo Oven. This allows the air flow to push the chaff out of the roaster and not burn. I pretty much run the roaster at full temperature for the entire roast. It take about 12 minutes from start to finish. I have used one of my roasters for 6 years and roasted hundreds of 3/4 pound roasts. I just built another one so I could rotate roasts and not spend so much time roasting.

See my site at http://philsroast...tures.html
Lived in Papua New Guinea, Been roasting for 8 years, I use twin Crazy Stir/Turbo Oven roasters. Now live in Sanford Florida.


pnguser123 wrote:


I also roast with a Stir Crazy and Turbo Oven. I replaced the center shaft with a pen making bearing. It has a 1/4 hole in the center and I pressed it into a hole that I had drilled in the bottom plate of the Stir Crazy. This keeps the shaft from wearing out.

I also added a gap in the aluminum ring that is recommended as a spacer between the Stir Crazy and the Turbo Oven. This allows the air flow to push the chaff out of the roaster and not burn. I pretty much run the roaster at full temperature for the entire roast. It take about 12 minutes from start to finish. I have used one of my roasters for 6 years and roasted hundreds of 3/4 pound roasts. I just built another one so I could rotate roasts and not spend so much time roasting.

See my site at http://philsroast...tures.html

Welcome to Homeroasters Phil!
Nice setup with the two roasters. I would like to see that shaft mod you did. Do you use the original stir crazy arms or something different?

I did a lot of tweaking of the arms and motor shaft. ended up using Stainless steel welding rod with stainless steel springs over them.

Nice to see another turbo roaster!



Burner0000 wrote:

Nice site and roaster Kosmo! The more I read about infrared roasters you guys are building the more I wanna try one myself. Possibly replace my current stovetop roasting. :p Whats the max batch size you guys have roasted? Anything close to 2.2lb?

Hi Burner0...,

The standard TurboCrazy roaster can do about 300-400g with some modification of the arms.
Paul "Koffee Kosmo's" KKTO roaster uses the same turbo oven but a much larger roast chamber, stronger motor and better agitator. I am not sure the maximum capacity but I am sure it may be close to 2 pounds.

Koffee Kosmo


Burner0000 wrote:

Nice site and roaster Kosmo! The more I read about infrared roasters you guys are building the more I wanna try one myself. Possibly replace my current stovetop roasting. :p Whats the max batch size you guys have roasted? Anything close to 2.2lb?

I help people build roasters with whatever they have on hand
But the concept is the same

The roaster batch size is governed by 2 things
Overall roast chamber volume to the available heat generated by the standard Turbo Oven without any modifications

One can roast up to 1kg however the roaster is optimized to roast 700/800 grams with a little practice

If one was to tinker with lower roast chamber volumes and stop the Turbo Oven from its on/off cycle one can roast over 1kg

Having said that I recently helped a follow enthusiast to build a dual heat KKTO
It utilities a round electric skillet
Some parts from the KKTO shop e.g. - Shaft, Adapter ring koffeekosmo.com.au/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/resized/Stainless_Steel__4c2d66c1c0cbd_90x90.jpg
Some parts from the Turbo Oven

And build a base with timber

See photos

Koffee Kosmo attached the following images:
img_6870_small.jpg img_6872_small.jpg img_6868_small.jpg drawing_of_fry_pan_roaster_parts.jpg

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
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