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My Third Roaster
My journey with coffee roasting started last September when I saw a youtube video of someone roasting coffee in an air pop popcorn maker and thought .... WOW, I got to try this. Ended up finding a Poppery I and did all the appropriate Mods and had some very successful roasts.

Then while at work someone asked if anybody wanted a free TO as there neighbour gave them one and they really didn't need it .... So I built a SCTO! This build didn't goes as smoothly as I wanted and nor did the roasts. With help from Ed Bourgeois I soon discovered that the TO top I was using wasn't really a convectional style top it ended up having many hot spots so my roast were always uneven. I purchased s GG off eBay and modified it to work with my Variac and immediately started getting even roasts.

Two months later as I saw some of the teflon coating starting to come off my SC I decided to casually start sourcing pieces for a KKTO style roaster. Two trips to the local thrift store later and I had everything I needed. I've attached some photos so others can see what I've done. Now I wouldn't have made it this far if it weren't for great websites like Homeroaster.org and Coffeegeek I'd also like to throw a shout out to Ed Bourgeois, KK, and Jack (JHan816) for helping me along the way through private messages.

I have not yet roasted with this as I have to do a little tweak to the sir arms, the inner pot mount and finally I will need to decide on what type or thermocouple I want to use and where to mount them.

Attached are some small images of what I've done so far. I've opened the front of the box so you can see the inside, it is closed during roasts.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Can't figure out how to add more than one shot per thread so I'll add a few below.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Switch to power on the wiper motor.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Have two sets of stiring arms first ones just pushed the beans this seems to mix them better.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
A better shot of the storing arms.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
A shot of the mount for the inner pot. I need to shave off a little more on one side before my first roast.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
looks great Ben. How's the coffee?

Sean Harrington
Pot is 5.25" high and 11.25" wide found it new at Winners. Everything else was from my junk drawer or sourced through the salvation army.

I got a box fan from eBay three months or so ago and use it to cool the beans. It does a fantastic job!
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Koffee Kosmo
There are 2 easy options to place a thermocouple
(See drawing)

A more professional method is to have the entry point from the underside
And you have room to do that on your set up

Koffee Kosmo attached the following image:

Edited by Koffee Kosmo on 10/13/2011 7:29 PM
I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.

Thank you for sharing your creative roaster. Looks great! Have you roasted yet?

For someone who has just started roasting your curve for learning is way up there!!

Please keep us posted on your project.


I'll see if I can hunt down a K type thermocouple and mount if from below. I guess I would still have to mount one from the side if I wanted an ET probe.


ginny wrote:

Thank you for sharing your creative roaster. Looks great! Have you roasted yet?

For someone who has just started roasting your curve for learning is way up there!!

Please keep us posted on your project.


It's hard not to pick up info with two really great forums that have a tone of users with exceptional knowledge and skill! smile



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
It looks great!
Is that a 3/8" square drive for the motor shaft or 1/2"?
I see that you found the wire clamps, they work very well for the arms.

Let us know how the roasts go.

Edited by JackH on 10/14/2011 3:09 PM

KKTO Roaster.


JHan816 wrote:
It looks great!
Is that a 3/8" square drive for the motor shaft or 1/2"?
I see that you found the wire clamps, they work very well for the arms.

Let us know how the roasts go.



Thank!! Yeah I found the the clamps ... it took a little hunting but they seem to do the trick. I originally made two a double wired arms, but found that the double sided arms pushed the beans rather than stirring them. The new single arms seem to work better. But I am still playing to find the perfect solution.

It's a 1/2 to 3/8 adapter. I had a piece of 1/2 square aluminium floating around and the 1/2 to 3/8 adapter so I just bought a 1/2 deep socket. I was originally looking for a 1/4 solution to keep the weight down.My current assembly weighs 135g but I am getting 61 RPM with no load. Much better than the SC motor.

I attached a photo of my shaft assembly and the two sets or arms.

I'll take some shots of my first roast. Still need to find a pair of thermocouples for this roaster.

BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Koffee Kosmo
Ben don't forget to drape the outside of the pot section with some insulation

Saving every bit of available heat will give you greater control and overall better roasting results

Good luck on your maiden roast

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.


Koffee Kosmo wrote:
Ben don't forget to drape the outside of the pot section with some insulation

Saving every bit of available heat will give you greater control and overall better roasting results

Good luck on your maiden roast


Yeah I see that you've been using a blue towel and Ed seems to use some type of aluminium foil. I was thinking of picking up some header or exhaust wrap from a local auto dealer and wrapping the pot in it. Heard of anyone using exhaust wrap? Maybe even fire hose is I can snag some from my firefighter friend.




Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Koffee Kosmo


BenGeldreich wrote:


Koffee Kosmo wrote:
Ben don't forget to drape the outside of the pot section with some insulation

Saving every bit of available heat will give you greater control and overall better roasting results

Good luck on your maiden roast


Yeah I see that you've been using a blue towel and Ed seems to use some type of aluminium foil. I was thinking of picking up some header or exhaust wrap from a local auto dealer and wrapping the pot in it. Heard of anyone using exhaust wrap? Maybe even fire hose is I can snag some from my firefighter friend.



Cheap fire blanket is also ideal

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
This is what I used. Had some around so put it to use.
Ed B.
DreamRoast 1kg roaster, Levers, Hand Mills http://coffee-roa...gspot.com/


farmroast wrote:
This is what I used. Had some around so put it to use.


That's starting to look tempting. I can't seem to locate any fire blankets, and exhaust wrap is pretty expensive. What about a wool blanket and SS tie to keep it on the pot?



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Koffee Kosmo

Insulation is necessary for heat stability
You dont want temp fluctuations while roasting
A naked pot will also act differently at different times of the year (ambient temp )

I simply use a cotton towel
Save yourself some money and get an old "wool" jumper/pullover & if you dont have one get one from the thrift shop and use or try it out just to satisfy your perception
You may be able to use just a sleeve if its a large size ThumbsUp

Think teapot cosy / or a beany hat as well if a jumper is not easily sourced


I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
I just finished mounting my BT thermocouple and am now looking into adding an ET thermocouple. How far above the bean mass is ideal for an ET probe?


Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Koffee Kosmo


BenGeldreich wrote:
I just finished mounting my BT thermocouple and am now looking into adding an ET thermocouple. How far above the bean mass is ideal for an ET probe?

Place the probe inside the bean mass

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.


Koffee Kosmo wrote:


BenGeldreich wrote:
I just finished mounting my BT thermocouple and am now looking into adding an ET thermocouple. How far above the bean mass is ideal for an ET probe?

Place the probe inside the bean mass


I have a few updated photo of my roaster. The first shost are of the insulation I used for the outer pot. I found a steel blue wool felt blanket at the thrift store for 9 bucks.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:

Edited by BenGeldreich on 11/02/2011 5:06 PM


Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
And the second shots are of my BT and ET probes. The BT probe is mounted underneath the basket while the ET is about and 1.3" above the bean mass.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:

Edited by BenGeldreich on 11/02/2011 5:08 PM


Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
A close up of how I mounted the BT probe.

Now all I have left is to clean everything before I roast. Hopefully I'll be able to do my first roast on this roaster tomorrow.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:

Edited by BenGeldreich on 11/02/2011 5:11 PM


Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Koffee Kosmo
OK you have had enough time to get a couple of roasts under your belt

Whats the verdict

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
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