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My Third Roaster


Koffee Kosmo wrote:
OK you have had enough time to get a couple of roasts under your belt

Whats the verdict



I wish!! Been too busy with work .... I had to roast my current coffee with the SCTO. My next pound of coffee should be on my new roaster. I'll post a follow up as soon as I roast with the new roaster.



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
I recently ran a heat test on the roaster. I wanted to see how it handled the high temps. I quickly found out that Just a wool blanket as insulation wont do. At about 400 ET the blanket started to lightly smoke and when I finally stopped the test the inner layer, of four, was completely charred.

I went down to a local store and picked up a pair of these http://www.oxo.co...g-mat.aspx and another scrap piece of silicone which I raped around the pot first then attached a new wool blanket so the blanket never actually touches the pot. Ran another test today and everything held.

Attached is a shot of the bottom of the roaster to see the insulation that I added. Please note that it's tight on the top of the roaster and hangs down being tucked into the top of the box.

Tomorrow I Roast! Grin

BenGeldreich attached the following image:

Edited by BenGeldreich on 11/10/2011 6:20 PM


Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Smart move with the oxo mat! Looks great
Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, ECM Synchronika w/ Flow Control
Koffee Kosmo
That should work as a good insulator


I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
My first roast is now completed. I roasted 451g of Java Kopi Sunda from Sweet Maria's. I was aiming for FC to FC+.

The roaster performed great!! I have a couple tweaks I need to make before my next roast. A better exhaust system for indoor roasting, a larger hole for the bottom mounted BT thermocouple, and read more blog post on ROR and Variac driven roasters.

I've attached a couple shots of the roast, a close up with the flash on and a little further back with no flash.

BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
No flash.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Here is a shot of the chaff that got collected through the inner pot holes. I was shocked to see that 95% was collected! ;)

Does anyone with a similar setup clean their SS pot of the oily residue after each roast? Will it affect my next roast if I don't clean it. It appears to be the same stuff that cakes onto the glass of the TO which I clean off with a sponge after each roast.

BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Koffee Kosmo
That looks like a pretty good first roast
A little trick I use (mainly for organic and African beans) is to do a stabilizing pre roast
That is a 5 minutes in the roaster at/on the thaw setting
Reset roast time to zero
Then proceed with the roast proper

I also wash the TO glass but leave the the pots with baked coffee oils

Edited by Koffee Kosmo on 11/16/2011 4:21 PM
I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.


I cupped the Java this morning and it tasted a tad sour on the top end. I was anxious and probably should have let it sit for at least 1 more day. I feel like I didn't give this bean enough heat! Drying and Ramping appeared to be 3 minutes longer than on my SCTO. I killed the roast right after FC as it was getting dark enough IMO.

My maiden roast on the new roaster made me realized that I want to invest in a TC4C! Watching the roast and writing down ET, BT, Voltage and quickly finding out what the ROR is in 30 second intervals is a lot when all I really want to do is watch the bean.

Edited by BenGeldreich on 11/16/2011 10:31 PM


Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
I roasted 1 lb of Sweet Maria's Espresso workshop edition #15 two days ago. I had some successes with my second roast especially with the time between 1st and second crack but I'm still having some tipping issues. I noticed that my ET got as high as 520?F once first crack hit but my BT claims that it was 330?F. This may be a thermocouple quality issue.

When does tipping typically occur? By that I mean at which stage. Pre Heat, Drying, Ramping, FC, SC? Can too high of an ET cause tipping? I have been trying to keep my drying stage to 5 minutes but so far with the new roaster it's drying till 8 - 9 minutes then FC at 12 - 13 and Second Crack began at 15:30 when I stopped the roast.




Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress

Shoot us a time/temp per minute of ET or BT or both which will allow us to better answer the tipping question. I've never seen a definitive answer on what stage versus another that's responsible for tipping. 520F should not be a problem in the latter stages of the roast as long as it's a true reading.

Edited by allenb on 12/01/2011 4:26 PM
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana


allenb wrote:

Shoot us a time/temp per minute of ET or BT or both which will allow us to better answer the tipping question. I've never seen a definitive answer on what stage versus another that's responsible for tipping. 520F should not be a problem in the latter stages of the roast as long as it's a true reading.



I didn't record any info this past roast as I wanted to watch the beans more closely. I find that when I manually record everything i can't watch the beans. I have ordered a TC4C and will hopefully have it up and running with my third roast. If the tipping problem is still present in the third roast I'll post the graph to better break down where it could be happening.

I believe the ET probe to be accurate, it's just my BT them needs replacement.



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Ever so generally speaking over 480f can start to cause scorching and over 500f tipping
Ed B.
DreamRoast 1kg roaster, Levers, Hand Mills http://coffee-roa...gspot.com/


farmroast wrote:
Ever so generally speaking over 480f can start to cause scorching and over 500f tipping

Max ET due to typical errors in sensing seems to vary quite a bit depending on roaster type. In my fluidbed I'm now hitting up to 525 just prior to 1C and afterwards sporadically. I can move the TC tip 1/16th of an inch and using the same automated profile only show 490F. I've never been able to obtain a true mixed air reading due to the small area between the hot air exit and RC entry.

The bigger Sivetz roasters (at least the one I roasted on) needed to hit 570 during the latter stages and this was a fully mixed real measurement since the fan was post-firebox.

ET's in drum roasters varies a lot with high and low air flows through the drum and isn't a good indicator of true ET at the bean's surface.

With a TO style roaster the ET reading should be much closer to a real number with the inherent cyclonic air flow.

Many roasting in fluidbeds are reporting needing in the 600's F to get the job done and without tipping but I'm curious if these are a true reading?

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Koffee Kosmo
On the KKTO design most people use a standard probe that enters from the side or over the lip

The probe from the side is just a standard every day probe
The over the top of the rim probe is a wire type normally used in kilns

The trick is - the position
The probe tip must be positioned in the thick of the bean mass for correct readings
If the probe is not covered by beans or is periodically exposed to ambient air it will give false readings

Koffee Kosmo attached the following image:

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.

Thanks I had a quick email chat with the supplier of the thermocouples. Below are his thoughts.

1) It is very unlikely the grounding will cause the reading lower. Normally, if there is a grounding issue, the reading will be very unstable. The thermocouple signal is in micro volt level. The grounding noise is in the mv level or higher.

2) The problem is related the sensor used. The sensor you have is originally designed for measuring plastic injection mold temperature (solid metal). It will be slow to respond the air temp change. It will be significantly affected by the mounting base temperature. To measure air, you need a thin and long temperature probe. The thin probe makes the response faster because air has much lower thermal mass than solid metal. The long probe make the interference from the mounting site to be minimal. TC-K5 or TC-K3MM will do better job. If the TC-K3MM is too long, you can bend it to save the space.

3) The location of the sensor will affect its reading. Without knowing the heater location and how the heat flow, I can't comment on your system. Are you sure that the location of the sensor should have the same temperature as the coffee beans?

Seems fair and truly what I suspected. So I am going to purchase a K type long probe like my current ET and mount it inside the wooden box below my pot. THis will be an easy change as the holes are already in place I just need to mount the probe at the exact height so it just pokes up into the bean mass. I don't think the placement is a 50?F variance issue. THe current placement is right in the mix and can't imagine a bean not hitting the probe on every pass.

Not having an accurate BT reading is most likely the cause of my tipping issue so hopefully this "will kill two birds with one stone". Though I would never actually kill a bird.

Edited by BenGeldreich on 12/02/2011 10:35 PM


Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Koffee Kosmo
That is an excellent response and communication from that supplier

We will see what transpires when you get a more suitable probe

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
I finally finished my TC4C project box and thought I'd post some pictures.

Big shout out to Jim and Jack for all there support!

I found the wooden box as a set of two in Michaels, which is a hobby store, for $2.99. I got the switches, and LED's from a local Radio Shack style shop. Most or the square wholes were drilled then filed to shape.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Here's a shot of the back.

I was shaking a bit in these shots so you will have to excuse the camera shake.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:

Edited by BenGeldreich on 12/22/2011 3:52 PM


Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
The inside of the project box.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
With all LED"s lit up and the lights down low. ;)
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Nice job with the enclosure Ben. It looks great! Clean wiring job too.

Have fun with the roaster.

I have also recently mounted a new K-type thermocouple. I wasn't happy with the original BT thermocouple that I purchased. I mounted the probe to my motor mount assembly. I am hoping to get a faster response from this and a closer reading when hitting first crack.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
Lastly I added a part of a thin silicon matt that I had lying around to the top of my wooden box. I did this to prevent the wood from getting the full force of the heat from the bottom of my pot and to keep the smoke grease off the wood and on to something I could clean if need be.
BenGeldreich attached the following image:



Turbo Oven Roaster w/ Variac, TC4Cw/ Bourbon | Bezzera Strega | Baratza Vario Grinder | Yama 5 Cup Syphon | Aeropress
I vote Ben's TC4 case best and sexiest to date! This is stunning and I'm now ashamed of my little gray plastic box.

I'll bet this would fit in perfect with Jon's "D*&%nation" steampunk roaster design.

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
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