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HotTop -- When do you drop beans in?


JimG wrote:


ciel-007 wrote:
In order to solve the above annoyance, I modified my HT so that I can re-start it well above the 165F, which is the default starting temperature ceiling imposed by the manufacturer. With this modification, and the 350F starting temperature, I am enjoying the best coffee since I first began roasting.

Ciel -

I am very curious to know how you went about doing this? Thanks.


Jim, I first developed the modification for my P-2. Yesterday, I tested the mod on a B-2 unit. However, I have not yet been able to test the mod on earlier HT models. I am in the process of drafting my notes and will post the results here. Ciel
Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101


snwcmpr wrote:

... My local roaster, in Waynesville, drops beans in at 350 in his San Franciscan Roaster. Says he always has. What temp do you drop beans in? And how many grams do you roast? Thanks, Ken in NC

Ken, I wish to thank you for raising this important topic. In my experiences to date, the three most critical factors impacting the flavor of my roasts have been: (1) Bean Dropping Temperature, (2) Blending, and (3) M?lange Roasting.

When I first began, I had no idea of the critical impact that high bean-dropping temperatures might have on the flavor of my roasts... until I read your post. Raising my bean dropping temperature to 350F+ was the first significant turning point in my quest for superb espresso pulls.

Perhaps Allenb's excellent thread on "Roasting 101 Basics" might consider adding a word or two about the significant impact on flavor of bean dropping temperatures in drum roasters. Ciel
Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101
When I posted it I thought I was the odd-man doing it wrong. Or that my roaster was 'not working right'. I am glad you have also found the flavor to be enhanced by 'not following the instructions' all the time.

I am curious ...
You have an ET probe in the RC, right?
When the HT digital readout says 350?F what does the ET probe say the ET is?

Ken in NC
Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".


snwcmpr wrote:

Ciel, I am curious ... You have an ET probe in the RC, right? When the HT digital readout says 350?F what does the ET probe say the ET is?
Ken in NC

Ken, I don't actually have a permanent ET probe installed in my RC; I have a BMT probe. During the "warm up" phase (RC still empty) of my first roast of the day, there is a relatively large discrepancy between the HT's digital readout (350F) and the BMT probe (440F). However, that difference narrows considerably after the HT is totally warmed up. Earlier today for example, just as I was about to drop 345grams of beans for the 4th back-to-back roast, the discrepancy between the HT digital readout (399F) and the BMT probe (413F) was now only 14F. I presume that the new sensor in the current HT models is more accurate than that of my older button style sensor. Ciel
Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101
Thank you, that seems like what I got. 375F on the HT display and I think it was 465F on my BT probe.

Ken in NC
Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".
FWIW, I have been loading the beans at 350, read from the OEM probe on the control panel readout. I recently did the rear-wall mod, adding low-reading (as it turns out) Omega probes above (Et) and below (Bt) the OEM probe. During a roast this morning beans were loaded with these temps. OEM 350, Et 361, Bt 327. I see this as an example of the fact that one needs good insight into the performance of one's own roaster and probes, but it is difficult to transfer specific temperature points for use in someone elses roaster/probe setup.
The load was of 252g SM Monkey Blend and the Bt reading at FCs was 360. Go figure?
Barrie (San Diego, CA)
"So much to learn, so little time."
Hottop 2K+., Artisan, Jura Capresso ENA 3 (i.e. espresso).
Randy G
I finally remembered this thread when I was about to roast this afternoon. I am using a HT KN-8838B-2K equipped with Greenbean's HT-RL CTRL boards (very similar in function to the HTC+TC4C). Here is what I recorded:

- - - - display BT ET
Drop 323 250 288
:30 228 162 280
1:00 200 169 278
1:30 210 187 281
2:00 230 203 286
2:30 246 217 293
3:00 214 232 299

Life's too short to drink bad coffee.


Randy G wrote:

I finally remembered this thread when I was about to roast this afternoon. I am using a HT KN-8838B-2K equipped with Greenbean's HT-RL CTRL boards (very similar in function to the HTC+TC4C). Here is what I recorded:

- - - - display BT ET
Drop 323 250 288
:30 228 162 280
1:00 200 169 278
1:30 210 187 281
2:00 230 203 286
2:30 246 217 293
3:00 214 232 299

Randy, approx what BT and display temps do you get at First Crack start?
Barrie (San Diego, CA)
"So much to learn, so little time."
Hottop 2K+., Artisan, Jura Capresso ENA 3 (i.e. espresso).
Randy, thanks for all the information you add to our roasting knowledge base. I'm trying to figure out your 3 minute display temp reading. Should that read 254 or 264?



Randy G wrote:

I finally remembered this thread when I was about to roast this afternoon. I am using a HT KN-8838B-2K equipped with Greenbean's HT-RL CTRL boards (very similar in function to the HTC+TC4C). Here is what I recorded:

- - - - display BT ET
Drop 323 250 288
:30 228 162 280
1:00 200 169 278
1:30 210 187 281
2:00 230 203 286
2:30 246 217 293
3:00 214 232 299
Randy G
OK - I remembered to roast, and I remembered to make some more notes to answer your questions:

260 grams

HT - 330
BT - 250
ET - 297
Time - (HT display) 21:55, or "0" on RoastLogger

[NOTE: All times from this point forward are E.T. from drop]
1st Start
HT - 383
BT - 361
ET - 380
Time - 11:04

1st End
HT - 395
BT - 374
ET - 389
Time - 11:57

2nd Start
HT - 419
BT - 397
ET - 405
Time - 14:00

HT - 422
BT - 400
ET - 409
Time - 14:08 (+/-)

Life's too short to drink bad coffee.


Randy G wrote:

OK - I remembered to roast, and I remembered to make some more notes to answer your questions:

260 grams

HT - 330
BT - 250
ET - 297
Time - (HT display) 21:55, or "0" on RoastLogger

[NOTE: All times from this point forward are E.T. from drop]
1st Start
HT - 383
BT - 361
ET - 380
Time - 11:04

1st End
HT - 395
BT - 374
ET - 389
Time - 11:57

2nd Start
HT - 419
BT - 397
ET - 405
Time - 14:00

HT - 422
BT - 400
ET - 409
Time - 14:08 (+/-)

Thanks for that additional information, Randy. I had been ruminating over what I saw as a low Bt number at first crack, but yours is about the same as mine, give or take. Further reassurance I guess. If Randy G. gets that number it must be OK. ThumbsUp
Barrie (San Diego, CA)
"So much to learn, so little time."
Hottop 2K+., Artisan, Jura Capresso ENA 3 (i.e. espresso).
Randy G
I think it depends on the thermocouples, their mass, and how well they are thermally insulated from their mounting as to how accurate the readings are. What I have found with mine is that the cracks start at the same temperature every time, +/- maybe 1 degree. And accuracy is quite unimportant, but repeatable, and thus predictable data is very important; critical, really.

Life's too short to drink bad coffee.


Randy G wrote:

What I have found with mine is that the cracks start at the same temperature every time, +/- maybe 1 degree. And accuracy is quite unimportant, but repeatable, and thus predictable data is very important; critical, really.

Randy, you are right on the mark, as usual, with your informed remarks. I have come to the very same "critical" conclusion while roasting with my BMT probe.
Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101
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