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iroast2 parts
Hi all,
I recently inherited my friend's roast2 that never worked properlyand resoldered a bad power connect. It works fine now but we don't have the lid for the glass chamber. anyone know where i can find one or has one they'd part out?
I used my I-Roast2 for over 5 years before it recently bit the dust, when the fan motor stopped working. I upgraded to a HotTop, because I would have had to replace then entire I-Roast2 base which costs $139.00 plus tax & shipping.

However, prior to then I replaced a number parts for the I-Roast2 at:


It was a good little machine and got me started on the home roasting road. Good luck with yours and your good fresh coffee.

Hi grp00,
thanks but they are out of stock on all parts. i found another poster here had the same question once and mentioned the same site being out of stock then. i was hoping someone like you may have that lid lying around that they'd be willing to give up.
Sorry, I haven't gotten back to you earlier. I haven't logged in here since my last reply. However, I still have my I-Roast II stashed in a cupboard. The fan motor no longer works but otherwise is intact. The upper chaff collector assembly and the glass base are a bit worn but still usable. I've been meaning to take it down to dumpster out back just to get rid of it. I don't care about getting any money for them, but I might be willing to send them to you for just the shipping cost?
I think the company is having financial troubles. I had been trying to get my 3rd roasting chamber for over a year, and now every part is "out of stock", no one sells them any more, and their customer service people are not willing to help to get any parts. I gave up and went with a Behmor 1600. Roasts better anyway.
Well, I have been roasting for about 10 years. A good portion of that has been on iRoast and iRoastII machines. I have killed 3 of them to date. Mostly from overuse. I have also broken several glass roasting pots. I upgraded to a Gene Cafe last month. That was as a result of breaking the roast pot again. I found (like you) that I could not get parts any longer. Everyone is sold out. That is why I decided to step up to the next level and get the GC. Meanwhile, they were backordered as well. I have to put in a plug here. I bought mine from coffeeproject.com. I got 6Lb. of beans with it. Well, in emailing John from coffeeproject, I mentioned this situation and that I might start shaking from lack of coffee while I was waiting for the GC to arrive. He said "I may have an old iRoast pot somewhere around". He found one and sent it to me along with the coffee. He did not charge me for the glass pot. Since then, I got my GC. Best part is that now I have two working roasters, and was able to get possibly the last iRoast glass pot in existance. So big props to him. I really liked ths iRoast, but the GC is infinitely better. I have more control over roast temp/time. I can also do larger batches. So my advice to you is scour the internet. You might be able to find parts out there somewhere. Maybe fleabay. You might want to take up the offer here for the free parts. Enjoy.


grp00 wrote:

Sorry, I haven't gotten back to you earlier. I haven't logged in here since my last reply. However, I still have my I-Roast II stashed in a cupboard. The fan motor no longer works but otherwise is intact. The upper chaff collector assembly and the glass base are a bit worn but still usable. I've been meaning to take it down to dumpster out back just to get rid of it. I don't care about getting any money for them, but I might be willing to send them to you for just the shipping cost?

Wow, I can't believe it's almost a year and I am just seeing this post. Funny forum, no email updates, can't even see this room unless you are logged in.

I would LOVE to get my hands on a lid! Please email me using [my handle]@gmail.com!
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