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Did the cupping contests die?
I'm a relatively new member here, but have been trying to be as active as possible. I can't always keep up with the conversations dealing with the technicalities of fabrication of machines, and until recently, I thought a fluid bed was like a waterbed. But I've been learning as much as I can, from so many sources and would love the chance to compare my novice skills to the likes of you more experienced lot. So what are the parameters of a typical event? Any idea when the next one might be?


This is the beverage of the friends of God; it gives health to those in its service who strive after wisdom.

The intelligent man who empties these cups of foaming coffee, he alone knows the truth.

Cupping contests or swaps never die, they just wait for the next coordinator to arrive.
.....Perhaps it's you! ? -Scott

they never die. gotta agree with Scott, someone needs to take the cup by the hot rim and do it!


thanks for the reminder. are you up to the task??

Roflmao (not at you)
Edited by ginny on 03/09/2012 2:06 PM

you just have to start a thread asking if anyone wants on board and you rule.

makes no difference if you are new or not. w love all folks who support the brew and create activity for "the rest of us."

yes I know apple has a new iPad and yes I want it!

go for it.


Oh my! What pressure I've created for myself! Give me a bit of time to look through the past posts and see what sorts of things were done.

Anyone who might be interested, go ahead and respond here so you can be included.


This is the beverage of the friends of God; it gives health to those in its service who strive after wisdom.

The intelligent man who empties these cups of foaming coffee, he alone knows the truth.

So it seems that we need to find a bean, determine the participants, and establish the format?

Most of you guys have better contacts when it comes to finding beans. I've only been roasting since Christmas, and a sampler pack from SM has gotten me this far. Anybody want to track down something so we can all roast the same bean?

It doesn't seem like a prize is always offered. If I'm the coordinator, will I come across as cheap if I don't offer a prize? Not sure what I could afford that would be desirable to each person.


This is the beverage of the friends of God; it gives health to those in its service who strive after wisdom.

The intelligent man who empties these cups of foaming coffee, he alone knows the truth.

Yes, great idea a swap and a distro at the same time, brilliant!
Bean in this case may matter less than deciding on a roast level?
Well now........ that's not suppose to happen!
You guy's rock! Now you have to decide who does what...

a bean is a bean...

you two can make this work.

love this forum for this very reason!!


John Despres

I've put together a couple swaps. I'm not sure they're really contests; it's just a way to share.

Two types have been done - the swap, which is just trading a pound of beans usually around the Holidays and the cupping with a small amount of the same bean roasted to the best of your ability and sent out to participants.

As to a prize, there hasn't been one in the past. Besides, if you choose to put one together, it's your game, you make the rules!

Have fun!

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
I wouldn't worry about a prize - not sure how you would really come up with a 'winner' anyway. Not sure of the logistics, but it would be cool to get a batch of the same bean so we could taste how other roasters compare to our roast of the same bean.

Whatever happens just let me know and count me in!

Looks like trial by fire for you Jessy :P
Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, Vibiemme Double Domo V3
I can't really do a distro right now, but if some did I would be happy to buy some for the swap. ;) Then maybe we could toss names of everyone into a swap. Post pics and times for the roast goal. And then drink each others coffee and post cupping notes? The only winners would be the participants I guess. It would be to subjective to quantify a result.
Sounds kind of fun though!
Well now........ that's not suppose to happen!

I was thinking of something like Greg is talking about. Anyone can send their roasted beans to whoever would like to participate in a cupping.

There are many ways to do a cupping. We do not need people to be sending coffee all around the world.

How many would be interested in cupping a sample of let's say my roast and posting replies/notes etc.

KISS works great here, simple, simple and more simple.

When you get extra coffee you can post back for sample testers and we can pass it around like that...



I would be delighted to take a five pounder, roast and ship it to anyone who wants to participate.

How many would be interested in cupping one of mine? You don't have to send any back just post notes etc. Plus you have to be brutally honest; that is the only issue I would think my cause problems. A member not wanting to tell another their coffee stunk!!

I've got a grand prize idea if you need any suggestions.

Ok, so do we want just mash up the Christmas Swap format and the earlier single bean formats?

Each person roast what they want how they want, but still ship to each of the entrants (or a subset if there is a large number) for cupping.

I think it'd be fun to follow the (original?) premise found here, http://forum.home...ad_id=1671.

Who's in?

And jedovaty will supply an Aston Martin to the highest scorer in the color if their choice. :Clap:


This is the beverage of the friends of God; it gives health to those in its service who strive after wisdom.

The intelligent man who empties these cups of foaming coffee, he alone knows the truth.


it looks like we have two people who have very close names.

One is jjzuzphreek and the other is jedovaty.

Are you two different people or are you the same? We need to know this so we can understand how we can help.

two threads, very much alike, one signed by jessy the other no name.

please advis,

Jedovaty is me. I'm the guy who apparently needs to provide an Aston Martin One-77 as grand prize to the winner (me and my big mouth).

I'm also whining about a broken self-made kkto style build, and asking for advice on how to organize a coffee tasting session with my friends.

Jzuzphreek is Jessy. He's trying to organize what appears to be a roasting challenge in this actual thread we're typing in, but looks like it may be turning into just another coffee swap.

I think the title of Jessy's thread is what's throwing you off, with it being a cupping contest.

Hope that clears things up. smile
Perhaps we need a "hanging head in shame" smiley. Sorry for bringing about any confusion. I'm jzuzphreek, aka, Jessy. I am, indeed hoping to organize a swap... or challenge. Whichever people prefer.

I've got no friends nearby with whom to share knowledge and gain insight for my roasting, so I hope to get that here. What better way than to taste your handiwork, and allow you to taste mine? right? :BigHug:


This is the beverage of the friends of God; it gives health to those in its service who strive after wisdom.

The intelligent man who empties these cups of foaming coffee, he alone knows the truth.

It'd be a cruel joke if I used your name picture thingy, but just did a mirror image of it. xD
I was thinking about putting the avatar on 'the other' for the hell of it!!

OK, I now know you are both real folks and we go from here.

thanks for your consideration and support.

I get email telling me I have spammers, jokers and not real members so I need to go look.

great, thanks,




jedovaty wrote:
I've got a grand prize idea if you need any suggestions.


I was hoping for a working coffee farm with ocean views in Costa Rica Roflmao

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Oh, I forgot, this is a coffee forum! If you win, a bag of poopie lukie would be more than enough reward Grin

(to steel Ginny's nickname for it)
Edited by jedovaty on 03/13/2012 9:45 AM
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