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coffee tasting with large group of friends

I have tried searching briefly here, considerably on google, but can't find anything very helpful. I am looking for advice on how to taste coffee with about half a dozen friends. I would have two or three coffees from the local roaster, starbucks, and two-three of my own beans roasted to two different levels each. So that's quite a bit of coffee.

The biggest issue is how to brew so much coffee at once?
- cupping would be right, because:
-- you just need to grind the coffee, and have a bunch of boiling pots of water and friends can bring kettles to help out with.
but it has issues:
--- 6 friends and a dozen coffees makes for 72 cups/bowls... that's a lot of cups holy cow what do I do with it afterwards?! (by the way, I found nice $1.50 8oz bowls at C&B which would be perfect, but spending that much for stuff I won't use at least a year later... seems excessive and wasteful).
--- Plastic/Paper cups?
--- is sharing bowls "okay" ? Kind of grosses me out, even though we are just sipping and dipping spoons.. err... yuck
--- after describing the process to my peeps, they have problems with either the grinds in their mouths or the spitting
--- most haven't tasted coffee this way, and I feel it would be better to do in a way they are more familiar with to have a reference

French press may be possible as well, but buying 12 french presses at $20 a piece seems waaaay too excessive.

Oh - wait - the local sur-la-tab has these plastic #4 pour-over cones frombelguim for $2.50 a piece. My gf uses one of these with a swiss gold, but I could buy a dozen and use paper filters.

But if I get past the brewing part, still left with the issue of serving the coffee in such a way they can be tasted together at the same time.

hmmm... help? Maybe this is too large a project and I should narrow it down. The idea is to taste them all side-by-side, and I'd want to do it blind to remove all bias. Something for fun on a late saturday morning smile

this is reported to be a great book.


side right, second panel give you the index for reading this paper.

Thank you for your input! Sorry I wasn't clear, cupping is a no go because the friends are very, very averse to grinds and spitting. And personally, I'm against sharing cups, it grosses me out.

I think this is too ambitious a project. Well, it's on hold for now, anyway.
Why not simplify? Do one *$'s, two very different coffee's of your own roast and one professional roast. That would get you your nasty coffee (to make yours taste amazing smile ), professional and a range of your own.

I agree that you should probably brew in a conventional method so there is no sharing of cups (nasty!) or grounds in teeth etc. Could you swing 4 french presses? 6 cups? Pour the water in the presses 1 min apart (or whatever) and cup each brew one after the other. You can just rinse the cup out between brews.

I say go for the fun and don't worry about getting super elaborate. If everyone enjoys it, you can do it again with the same presses and this time do 4 of your own coffees since everyone will remember the nasty *$'s!

Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, Vibiemme Double Domo V3
Check your area for a party rental supplier. They will be happy to rent you as many cups as you could want, you can usually even return them dirty.

As far as brewing goes, I think the #4 cones are probably a pretty good idea. You might start to feel like a one-armed paperhanger trying to pour them all at once though, help will almost undoubtedly be necessary. You can probably rent carafes when you get the cups.
Thanks for the ideas. Reducing the number of beans will help, and if the party supply places are too expensive, I can just ask friends to bring their own mugs. Or look into paper cups -- not ideal, but it'll do the trick. Perfect, thanks again for the input.
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