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Please help with replacement motor.....
You guys have been so helpful and I love my SC/TO, so much better then the popper! My lurking has given me so much information, and now it is time to come out of hiding....

Sooo.... I ripped the motor out of a bread machine to replace the stir crazy one so I can have better bean movement... Well I just tried it today as a dry run and it spun so fast I couldn't even see the stir arms.... Anyone have ideas on how to slow this down?

I am looking to avoid going the variance route.... Think cheap!

Welcome to the forum Zevadiah!

My first thought is that spinning fast may not be all that bad, but there is always a limit. Is your setup a typical SC/TO? Can you post a picture- especially of how you connected the BM motor- I'm quite interested!

I'm quite cheap, so we'll get something figured out. I'm sure you've seen farmroast's Dreamroast? He used a sewing machine motor:


Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Yes, my roaster is the typical SC/TO. I have used parts from a rachet set to create the shaft. I plan to build a wood base to hold the set up. I will add some pictures soon.
Welcome to the joys of home roaster building.

IMO, it's not practical to try to reduce the speed of the BM motor..
At least, I have not found one and I have tried mightily.

The two directions that I have gone are:
1) go with the BM motor and build a better roasting chamber for it; There is lots of stuff here on HRO about that process.
2) find a motor with a bit more torque than the Stir Crazy.
There was a machine that was kind of an up-scaled SC. It was called the UFO in one of its incarnations. I went over to it because of the weakness of the SC motor. It took a lot of beans to get it to reverse its direction and form the "angel wings" pattern.
Otherwise, there is quite a variety of small motors out there on eBay and other sources.
Here's a picture of the UFO motor. Perhaps you can use the specs to source a better motor for your SC.
David attached the following image:
Well I have decided to give it a try. I have read some builds that use some pretty hefty motors. I am basically through with the build and will give it a try tomorrow.

I am trying to figure out how to post a picture... I am on an iPad as I seem to be having some computer trouble. I will see if I can figure out a way today
One last one of the motor:
Koffee Kosmo
Just so I can answer you
What is the current RPM

Please note free spinning RPM is faster than under load e.g. pushing of beans

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
When I added a stronger motor to my stir crazy turbo roaster, I had to add guide pins to secure the stir crazy and keep the whole thing from spinning with a 1 pound bean mass. Ask me how I know... The pins go up through the feet of the Stir Crazy and still allow you to lift and dump.

It is possible that the original bread machine had gearing to reduce the RPMs to the bread machine paddle. My setup, (using car wiper motor) goes about 35 RPM now. It can be wired to go 68 (high speed). I think it should be fine at 68 but never tried it.


This looks to me like your basic box fan shaded pole motor and if it is, it will have a loaded rpm (at least via propeller) of anywhere from 800 up to 2500.

The problem with using this type of motor for stirring coffee is it will lend a very different rpm with varying batch sizes and as bean density drops during the roast.

I would look for a motor that holds a constant speed as load changes.

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Well I tried it today and it was a mess..., way too fast and the beans were flying ecerywhere. I had the lid on but I still found beans escaping.... Guess I am in the market for a new motor unless there is a way to slow this down.

Allenb- not scientific by any means but the speed of the motor has been very consistent... I think my problem was that it was from a dual bread machine and is way overpowered for my application.... So I am back to either slowing this motor down or finding another one.....

Anyone want to trade motors?
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