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clearly you can all see that we have new smiley's. If you do not like them please let me know. or simply do not use them in your posts and shouts.

I was very tired of the same old thing hence new things.

there is a wide variety of conversation about the use, type of and load speed of smiley's with all of this taken into consideration when I made/loaded new items for use by members.

I use the weeder factor with/for these kinds of issues, if they get used I will leave them and if they do not they will be gone baby gone.

If you have a particular smiley you like please feel free to send it to me.


if you have personal comments to make that you do not wish to post feel free to email to the above address or PM me here on the forum.

thanks in advance,

ginny, while we do not always agree, I like the smiley's.

the ones you had were boring. unless I look at the shout box I never see them so they would not be intrusive to me.

"the beer was very cold and wonderful to drink"

brew with old perc
I liked the new ones. Especially the tiki since it's that time of year. ;)
I like them too, I did multiple tests last night and the issue of slower loading from only a forum standpoint is the large photo files.

I took a bunch of smley's out, tested, put them back tested, took them out again...

I am going to need to make adjustments on the number and size of photo's again.
thanks for the input.

am putting them back today

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