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How old are you? What is your job? Tell us about yourself...
I'll be 31 in July.

I've been a drug addict and alcoholic, and I'm still a college dropout.

At lisabean's request:

I'm a network engineer working a state job. I am one of the "go to guys" at work though. They come to me when they are beating their heads against a wall and can't figure things out. I've been working with linux/bsd and opensource software for around 7 years now.

I started taking kung-fu classes about 3 years ago because I always wanted to when I was a kid. Plus I started realizing that I was getting older and was doing nothing but sitting all the time. Plus, there's only so long a person's body can take that kind of thing, so I thought I better get at it while I can. Shortly after starting that, I caught the mixed martial arts bug. Think Ultimate Fighting Championship. So now I've switched to Muay Thai Kickboxing, Brazillian Jiu Jitsu and Jeet Kune Do ever since.

I caught the homeroasting bug this year, although I've had the coffee bug for nearly 10 years now. It is crazy how a person can think he has had the best of something only to find he didn't know what the best was. I learned a big life lesson from homeroasting this year :-)

That's the major points about me I suppose...
I've already given up my age in the other post.....s:8

I am self employed running two different companies. The one I started first is Home Grown Hydro Farms and basically I am growing tomatoes and lettuce hydroponically in a greenhouse and selling the produce to high end stores and restaurants in Portland Oregon. I have been doing this for the last 17 years and this year, I finally got around to getting my USDA organic certification. What a PITA that was! s:6
My other business is Ron Goldman Photography and, well, you can probably figure out what that one is. I do mostly freelance commercial work and also sell through several stock agencies. You can check out some of my work by clicking on my website link below. I am also starting to teach an online flower photography class this month through www.ppsop.com Hopefully the class will be full!Grin
I am happily married (2nd time, and I think I got it right this time!) My wife Heather is an RN and works at a hospital in Vancouver Washington. I have a son who will be 17 in two weeks and a daughter that will be 16 in one week. Yep... less than a year apart.
Ok.... that's way too much information, but someone did ask!
42, married 18 years and have a 12 y/o daughter and a 7 y/o Jack Russell Terrier who runs the house and lets us stay here.

Owned a retail computer business for 15 years until the profit margin on PCs got squeezed down to nothing. I now work for a school district as a technology assistant full time and as technology coordinator for a small private school part time. Of course, I do web design, networking and computer/laptop repair on the side.

I'm also working toward M.S. degree (halfway there!), and in my spare time I like roasting/drinking coffee (suprise!), geocaching, and when time permits, reading fiction.
Im 41, Retired navy. Engineer by trade I guess you could say, more of an electronic geek though and have a lot of odd / strange / scary hobbies.

Trust me, they neighbors were NOT happy seeing a wimshurst generator and 42 leydon jars going boom heh, but wow what a show that lightning bolt was!! I was also the kid who programmed my Apple IIe computer to spit binaries through the spare channel in the old 23 channel CB's to figure out everyone's garage door opener code in the neighborhood. I wrote a datafile and could just type in a name, "brown" and presto, browns garage door opens... not very umm practical but amusingly annoying.

I brew my own beer, wine and other stuff, been doing it for years, and roast coffee coming on 2 years here. I have several lizards that I have rescued over the years, bearded dragons, water dragons, iguana, basilisk, veiled chameleons, and two sugar gliders. (ok im a sucker for some animals). Unfortunately not all of them are with me anymore, but at least I know I tried and they had a better life while I had them, even though it was short in some instances.

nothing really exceptional about me... about the only mark Ill probably leave on the world is a coffee stain in the bottom of my glass.

Bean there Done that, donated the T-shirt to the Church of the Second crack.... St Beanyface


mecompco wrote:
...and in my spare time I like roasting/drinking coffee (suprise!), geocaching, and when time permits, reading fiction.

I have a friend in town here who is big into geocaching. It sounds like an absolute blast, but I haven't bought a quite GPS yet :-)
ok, i have heard geocaching before, can someone offlist please explain it to me briefly.
Bean there Done that, donated the T-shirt to the Church of the Second crack.... St Beanyface


Ascholten wrote:
ok, i have heard geocaching before, can someone offlist please explain it to me briefly.

Well, basically it is using a multi-billion dollar DoD developed navigational system to find Tupperware containers full of McDonald's toys in the woods. (Sorry, little Geocaching humor here.)

People hide "caches", which can be the aforementioned Tupperware, ammo can or other fairly large container (called a "traditional" cache, where you have the opportunity to take an item from the cache and trade one of yours) or in the case of a "micro" cache, something like a film canister or even smaller. The hider posts the latitude and longitude of the cache on www.geocaching.com and other geocachers try to find it using their GPS receivers. All caches (except for virtuals) have a log book which I must physically sign, then log on to Geocacing.com and log the find in their database.

Many (it used to be most) caches are hidden in interesting/scenic/historical locations, where one might never travel otherwise. It is a fun and addicting hobby that lets us geeks play with cool toys (GPSr, PDA/Laptop) and get out from behind the desk for a little excercise.

For all you could wish to know, go to www.geocaching.com (many states also have Geocaching websites/forums, such as www.geocachingmaine.org.
ok, s:8s:8 I need to put my bio in the co-founder area with picture but keep trying to find a decent one, picture that is...

age 62

bfa, ucla

still drink beer but gave up the "other" stuff ages ago, though I can be found with a great bottle of champagne, hiding and NOT sharing!!

home office is a mess

retired ages ago but still work at stuff to pay my living expenses

have a rescued dog, a 20 pound Bichon, that knows he is a Rottweiler, his name is Beau

live in Scottsdale right now keeping a low profile since I was naughty!

take bread and other stuff I can talk the local markets out if to the rescue mission once a week

I love tech toys, gadgets, my desk is full of boxes not yet opened, I just opened a set of iPod speakers with case, remote and charger for the pod!

have tons-o-fun stiring pots about local stuff

love to kayak at Tempe Town Lake, you should see Beau in his bright orange life jacket!

love to cook, read, write poetry and I find that vacuuming a wonderful sport, my family will tell you that I am the only one they know who considers the vacuum a piece of furniture!

more to come...

thegster aka ginny

still s:8s:8 B)B) GrinGrin

who started this? whizz was it you?

with my favorite barista in Paris
ginny attached the following image:

Edited by ginny on 04/18/2008 4:15 PM
It was me, actually-----nice to read all these replies guys--thanks!
I have 2 bichon babies---altho they are adults they will always be my babies! Pele and Sushi....and 2 miniature dachsunds, too: Patience and Ben.......I am a therapist in private practice in Bennington, Vermont---- I am a drummer, not playing in a band at present but maybe this coming year, who knows? I'll be 42 in january...... No kids, but I live with my partner who is an amazing pianist/singer.....

As for coffee, i've been fooling around with my Rancilio S27 for a few months now and am finally getting fairly consistent shots of espresso-----between homeroasting and learning how to make REAL coffee I have been joining the ranks of CSA! What a thing it is! Thanks so much to all of you who provide such wonderful information and in such a community-spirited manner!!! You guys are really terrific!!!!
BTW, ginny, did you ever get to roast tthose beans from the long ago bean swap? I was curious whether you'd be able to guess what they were........s:4
Ginny, if you consider Vaccuming theraputic then come to my place, Ill pass ya around town for a whole heapin helpin of the therapy LOL.

Geocaching, yah Im into it now, doing ok sort of, just not had time recently to do any and now that I have the day off it's friggin raining and crappy out so there goes my metal detecting as well that I had planned s:7

Oh well.

Bean there Done that, donated the T-shirt to the Church of the Second crack.... St Beanyface


lisabeeen wrote:
BTW, ginny, did you ever get to roast tthose beans from the long ago bean swap? I was curious whether you'd be able to guess what they were........s:4

yes, I did forget to post s:1s:1 s:1Lisa, I am a very novice cupper. The coffee tasted like a sumatra after my city plus, plus roast, smooth, slightly lingering aftertaste of? not sure, perhaps a hint of berry.

what was it

gin B)B)GrinGrin
Edited by ginny on 12/03/2006 10:05 AM
ya know this could be our own blog inside the forum? thoughts?

we could move it over the the front page under Temple of the Bean and have an ongoing conversation by anyone who wants to join.


I am 53 and I've been home roasting for about a year, having used some money from the small amount left by my mother in her estate.
Home is Lorette, Manitoba, in central Canada, where spring is finally arriving.
Occupation is a reporter and photographer for a small town weekly newspaper. In addition to the photography with the newspaper I enjoy photography--particularly nature--as a hobby.
My wife and I have been married 13 years--my first, her second (she was a widow.) I have two married stepsons and a granddaughter.
One of the sons lives in Calgary with his wife. The other lives in La Quinta, California, with wife and an adorable two-year-old daughter.
I am learning the stock market and have begun to actively trade. (I find the market fascinating.)
My wife and I are seriously contemplating a move to southwestern Alberta.
I am a committed Christian and preaching elder in a small church. And that is most significant to me.


ron wrote:
My other business is Ron Goldman Photography and, well, you can probably figure out what that one is. I do mostly freelance commercial work and also sell through several stock agencies. You can check out some of my work by clicking on my website link below.

I'm in a terrible mood this morning and don't feel like posting but have to say absolutely stunning work. I am/was a photographer and am truly humbled.

Take a look at the link if you haven't.

You are so right. I have spoken with Ron off list/forum and he is a great guy. His work is exquisite.

Thanks for posting here about Ron's work.


ooofdah,Gonna be 53 in 12 days or so, been home roasting since 2003. Worked in telecom for 23+ years until they decided they did not need us elder people anymore, so no more corporate whoredom, back to driving a school bus! Gives me plenty of time to roast and sell to my fellow drivers.

Some of the more environmentally aware dinosaurs were
worried about the consequences of an accident with the
new Iridium enriched fusion reactor.

"If it goes off only the cockroaches and mammals will survive..."
they said.
Newbie signing in.

I'm 38, living in Baltimore - living in a neat old house built around 1900.

I'm a former professional student - currently a mechanical engineer doing heat transfer type stuff. Been roasting coffee for about a year or so. Fits in perfectly with my love of taking things apart and drinking coffee but it does kind of scare the cats I think.

Been married for 6 years - no children yet.

Do a little bicycling but am hopelessly out of shape right now :( but spring is here, time to get outside again smile
Edited by Pete on 04/07/2007 11:50 AM
Hi again! Wow----dug up this old post where i could SEE it and i see I never replied to you Ginny, about the coffee,,,,seems like forever ago.......................and, now, of course, i am having trouble rememebring waht i sent you!!!!!1 I think it was the "Java Prince"--what was that one???? eeek................

Nice to see people posting stuff here, tho------------

Recently someone put a thread on the SM site where people put links to their blogs/websites, etc, and i really enjoyed checking them out so i thought maybe we could do that HERE a little too........

Here's a link to my new blog........

Happy SPRING everyone!!!!! I am SOOOO looking forward to some outdoor roasting!!!!!!s:6

Another newby here, age 52, ex-tech support, ex homebrewer (1989 Nationals 2nd place classic pale ale), wood turner, pen maker, sausage maker, gardener, crafter, handyman (my little business, with little car and little trailer), and now coffee roaster.
Fresh Roast +8 on photo timer and bread machine with heat gun.
Currently using used Rancilio Silvia and Rocky grinder. Met my wife whle playing online RPG's, Married her after her kids moved out and married, so no diapers, YEA! hehehehe. We have a son and daughter and 3 grandkids, 3 dogs, and 6 cats. My roasting setup can be seen here: http://www.bellsouthpwp.net/h/s/hsbart/Elleamandas/Projects/coffee/coffee.htm
Edited by MarkBart on 04/16/2007 11:29 PM
Well reading my signature will tell you I am a sailor. I am 37 (38 next month ugh.) I am a pseudo-newbie but I have surpassed the 150# mark of roasting and my stash is about 80# currently.

I currently use a Z&D (Nesco) but when I am home I use HG/DB for now with plans for an RK Drum and a roaster of my own design. I'll give you a hint it uses a big auger, a keg and some major propane heat. I hope to have it complete by the end of summer.

I recognize quite a few here from the SM mailing list (hope I can say that here) I haven't actually dug into the rules here so forgive any transgressions and please correct me promptly my intent is never to offend or upset.

Right now I am in the middle of the Arabian Gulf and in the last 200+ days I have been from next to India to the Horn of Africa in and out of Dubai 3 times the Suez Canal etc.

I can?t say exactly when I will get back home but it will almost be a B-day gift for me?.
When I am home I am in South Mills NC with my wonderfully supportive (yet non-coffee drinking) wife and of course my wonderful baby Lady, our 4 legged child) she is a Border Collie/Springer Spaniel mix rescued from the SPCA in 2001 and in now 17 years old.
Not sure what else to put here if you have any questions please feel free to ask.

(Still looking for the sailor smiley)c:1
FC1(SW/AW) Dennis W. True
USN (ret.)

HG/DB roasting in the warm Cuban Sun

Check out my Blog!!!!!
Thank you Dennis:

Rules we don't have very many; there is a forum disclaimer under the FAQ's you can look at.

You can talk all you want about other lists, where you get stuff, OT is fine by us. I love to the shout box.

Thanks for posting about yourself.


I forgot we do have a rules of conduct under the FAQ's.


smily coming


Pete wrote:
Newbie signing in.

I'm 38, living in Baltimore - living in a neat old house built around 1900.

Hey Pete!

Small world ... I am originally from East Baltimore.

Eddie Dove

The South Coast Coffee Roaster
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Home Coffee Roasting Blog and Reference
Hi, my name is Eddie, and ...
I am 41 years old ...
Husband of 1 for 11+
Father of a several, youngest at home is Wyatt (4 1/2)
Currently working in Regulatory Compliance in the energy sector
Live in Long Beach, Mississippi
Christian - attend non-denominational Church of the Good Shepherd
After moving in, we found out that we live next door to the pastor ...
Hobbies are just about anything that requires tools ... tools are a hobby too ...
Nature and Birding and building bird feeders
Carpentry and wood working
Maintaining all of the mechanical stuff (cars, mowers, etc)
Working on the house, especially after hurricane Katrina
Enjoy gardening
Love NASCAR racing
Enjoy red wine and single malt scotch
Love riding my motorcycle
And of course, love roasting coffee
Edited by EddieDove on 11/04/2007 4:55 PM

Eddie Dove

The South Coast Coffee Roaster
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Home Coffee Roasting Blog and Reference
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