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simple and easy cooler
I've read about all the contraptions to cool the beans. Often times the simplest is best. I move my appliances, (toaster, paper towel rack and soap dispenser ) off my kitchen counter and pour the beans onto the counter and spread them out with one of those pasta scoop things, ( like a big curved fork). Approx. a 2ft x 2 ft space is plenty of space for 1/2 lb of coffee. They cool in 2-3 minutes as opposed to 8-9 minutes in the machine. Butttt.. prior to spilling them on the counter, I place those cooling packs ( the kind you put in your "Igloo" ) that I've taken out of the freezer and place a bunch them on the counter for the approx 20 minutes that it's taking to roast till I'm ready to "spill". Just before I "spill" I remove the ice packs. It really cools down the counter top which speeds the cooling of the beans......Easy and simple.
John Despres

Also a great way to make sure the counters stay clean!

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Oh, I forgot. I have a nylon sleeve I put the ice packs in ( they stay in the nylon sleeve in the freezer). If you just put the ice pack on the counter they will sweat and get the counter top wet and wet your beans. "Don't wet your beans"
Koffee Kosmo
The simplest cooler that I have personally seen working apart from the one I made is

1] A strong cardboard box
2] A bathroom exhaust fan
3] A colander

Method to make one is
Cut one hole for the colander on the top
Cut one hole for the exhaust fan in the side

Cant get any easier than that

The amazing thing with the one I saw is that it was several years old

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
I also use a very simple method. I have an aluminum half sheet pan that sits on top of an upside down pizza pan. I pour each batch (about 180 gms) in a single layer from the roast chamber into the sheet pan and make sure that the beans are well-dispersed. The conduction of the aluminum allows the beans to cool very rapidly and this avoids having another piece of mechanical gear. A full sheet pan would probably work for up to a pound of beans, but this method would probably not be practical for larger roast quantities.
I have used this one for seven years. It does a good job of:
1) Stoning
2) Final chaff removal
3) Final cooling
oldgearhead attached the following image:

No oil on my beans...
OGH, how does your setup find or remove stones?
Redneck Packrat


Koffee Kosmo wrote:

The simplest cooler that I have personally seen working apart from the one I made is

1] A strong cardboard box
2] A bathroom exhaust fan
3] A colander

Method to make one is
Cut one hole for the colander on the top
Cut one hole for the exhaust fan in the side

Cant get any easier than that

The amazing thing with the one I saw is that it was several years old


KK.... trying to picture your setup. Does the fart fan draw air down through the colander or push air up from the bottom? Seems pushing the air up, in other words the fart fan exhausts into the box and up through the beans, would de-chaff them at the same time if there's enough flow.
#8 CHF cast iron chicken fryer.
Hand crank burr mill.
Speckleware percolator pot with no guts.

Low tech coffee


greencardigan wrote:

OGH, how does your setup find or remove stones?

If airflow is enough, the beans are lighter and will start to pop, you can "skim" them with a large perforated/slotted spoon, and stones remain at the bottom.

Just a guess...
Roasters: DIY: TO based IR 200-640g
Commercial, moded: Skywalker, Dieckmann RoestMeister, Nesco, popper(s).
Electronics: TC4ESP (author), MS6514, USB/Artisan/Apps (contributor), PID controllers
Grinders: Potu ghost burrs, Arco, Xeoleo ghost burrs, Krinder, vintage PeDe Dienes, MBK Feldgrind, Kinu M38
Brew/presso: ALM pour over, Arin lever, Staresso Mirage, Hario Cafeor dripper, Flair Signature, Kompresso, Aeropress, Gaggia Mini
Koffee Kosmo


Redneck Packrat wrote:

KK.... trying to picture your setup. Does the fart fan draw air down through the colander or push air up from the bottom? Seems pushing the air up, in other words the fart fan exhausts into the box and up through the beans, would de-chaff them at the same time if there's enough flow.

The OP asked for a simple & easy cooler - I designed one for him on the spot, and it does work
In the box version it's best to have the fan blow upwards

However this is my cooler - still in use after a decade and a few thousand roasts

In this cooler the fan draws the air from the top, down and out through exhaust holes

Edited by JackH on 03/16/2017 4:25 AM
I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.


greencardigan wrote:

OGH, how does your setup find or remove stones?

My shop vac is attached to the hose adapter. The roasted beans are stirred with a wooden spoon and the stones appear. They are lighter or darker in color than the roasted beans. A bit more chaff is removed, the very small and ugly beans are removed, and the batch is cooled a bit more..I guess you would call this an 'inspection station', although it was used as a 'cooler' with my Z&D roasters..
No oil on my beans...
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