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WHIRLY POP IN ACTION!!!! Hallelujah!
For the first time in MONTHS I was able to roast! I had a cup of Guatemala Finca that I needed to use up, as I didn't want to use my newer, nicer stuff testing out the whirly pop.

Using the heat gun can potentially be very successful with the WP, but I need to find a way to stabilize the device so I can hold the HG with one hand, and crank with the other. I need to find a way to secure the thermocouples also for more accurate readings.

All that being said, I ended up with one of my most even roasts yet. I'll find out in a day or two the quality of the roast. I didn't notice any obvious scorch marks, which has always been my biggest hurdle. I'm thinking this pic could qualify me for Ugliest Roaster, but I'm sure it'll get uglier as I figure out stabilization!
jzuzphreek attached the following image:



This is the beverage of the friends of God; it gives health to those in its service who strive after wisdom.

The intelligent man who empties these cups of foaming coffee, he alone knows the truth.

In the roaster im currently working on, i used a heatgun snout from a melted heatgun to accept the plug in heatgun. I used the three screws that used to attach the barrel to the plastic case only now they screw it to a skillet lid. If you need to angle it back use a dish antenna mount tube. A perfect fit.
Lawnmowerman attached the following image:

Bad coffee prevails when good coffee roasters stand by and do nothing.
Good question on the thermocouple mounting. I have the same setup. I would try a lid mounted brass fitting that reaches to the bottom edge. Shorten the dasher if you need to.
Bad coffee prevails when good coffee roasters stand by and do nothing.
To stabilize the unit, i am envisioning something like a sawhorse straddling the lid and parallel to the spine. The legs would outrig a bit to either side. Lash it all together.I do have a possible motor coupling scheme i can share with you later if you would like.
Bad coffee prevails when good coffee roasters stand by and do nothing.
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