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1/2lb loads in the hottop


ginny wrote:

... you hand picked your beans to make this lot of beans?

I discovered that some local commercial roasters are willing to sell greens to amateur roasters like me at a substantial discount... as long as the volume involved is not trivial. The 75 lbs of beans that I purchased included 7 different origins that I hand picked myself. I can now chose among the various origins to create different roasting blends.
Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101


rustic_roaster wrote:

So how long will 75lb last?

Given the increasing number of people that keep popping in for an espresso, I need at least 3 lbs of roast a week. My modified HT can now produce that much roast in about 90 minutes. I expect that the 75 lb purchase may last about 5 months. If you are looking for unique and truly "superb" pulls, careful blending from select origins is the only way to go.
Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101
Hi all:

I just looked to see what I had done with my last few batches in the HT,
the Burundi Kirimiro Teka I got I measured out 3 10oz bags ready to dump so that leaves me with 2 oz which I will add to my other 2 oz leftover and roast when it reaches 8o r 10 ounces.

one of my neighbors KNOWS when I have Burundi in the roaster and always stops for a cafe crema or two...

love the Africans.

Ciel, you got a great deal considering you could pick your own and were not forced to take a ready made lot of coffee.

Have a great weekend all...


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