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To probe or not to probe and initial roasts reports
So, I am only three roasts in on the HT and am having fun. Using Roastmaster app to log roasts. i find myself considering the probe through the bean door mod a lot. But, I also wonder whether it will ultimately matter and/or improve MY roasts. I realize some folks are even more detail oriented and want all the data they can get. I like that, but if the single tempr eading data point provided by the HT internal sensor (new HT-P) is sufficiently consistent, I can work with it. I don't know that i would have a practical use for the bean mass temp if the display temp is consistent enough to adjust roasts.

Your input is much appreciated.

On another note, two roasts of SM Decaf and one of a SM #27 Espresso. The decaf i did on the default auto. I paid attention, I lowered temp after first crack and ended 10 seconds into 2nd. I am impressed already. on the #27, I created a program to try and extend the time between 1st and 2nd. Worked ok. Coffee still better than expected, but not up to its potential.
Randy G
If you have the "P" model, IMO, the probe won't help a whole lot. My reasoning is that you have so little control over the roast once it is in progress that using the BT to try to change anything in-roast would be hit and miss on a good day. The only mod that would give you decent control would be the HTC+TC4C mod. The biggest problems with the "P" in this regard are:
1 - The control over the heating element is binary. it is either on or it is off, and that's it. Which ties in with problem number...
2 - With the segments being so relatively short (3 minutes), the heating element recovery or dwell time is about one minute, so a modification to the heating element's power takes 33% of a segment to be totally effective. Not so bad when cooling down (off), but a real problem when you want to raise the temperature.
2b - With the three minute segments, time lost is gone for the rest of the roast.

Just for the record, for nearly anyone who would make use of this website forum, if you are at all serious about roasting, bet the "B" model. The "P" is OK if you just want to get close.

Life's too short to drink bad coffee.
That said, I am glad I got the B.

I (personally) cannot use the HT temp for roasting, except for drop temp. I use the BT for everything. The way I understand it, the HT temp is reading the wall, the ET, and the BT (after they rise enough to contact the probe). It really never reads any one temp correctly.

I have the probe thru the chute. I also bought Omega probes to put in next time I clean the machine.

But, if you are roasting successfully with it, great. That what it's all about.

Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".
More discussion on Sweet Marias forum.
Life is too short to drink bad wine ... or bad coffee!
Please link to the thread, thank you.

Ken in NC
Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".


snwcmpr wrote:

Please link to the thread, thank you.

Ken in NC

Click on what he wrote. It is a link.
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