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Replacing the motor of vintage drum roaster
Hi! Unfortunatelly i was able to roas only one batch, now the motor is dead... Do you thinks that i could use this motor to replace the original? The roaster is for max of 500 grams
Valevitola attached the following image:

Edited by JackH on 10/31/2013 9:15 AM
It might be worth troubleshooting the original motor a bit.
Did it just stop running, or was it the full smoke and spark show?


freshbeans wrote:

It might be worth troubleshooting the original motor a bit.
Did it just stop running, or was it the full smoke and spark show?

There was a burnt smell.. I sent it to the technitian and he said that they couldnt fix it, a parte that converts voltage... Since I live in Guatemala, parts availability is an issue here... :( he said that to change everything would be better but has nothong to replace it with
To better answer your question about the suitability of the gear motor you linked to, please post some closeup photos of the old motor as it's mounted on the roaster. The one you linked to is plenty powerful and should do a good job.

Also, is direction of rotation critical with this roaster? Shaft size of original motor?

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Hi! These are some pictures of the motor, hope I can replace it
Valevitola attached the following images:
image_60.jpg image_61.jpg image_62.jpg image_63.jpg
It turns to the right
Valevitola attached the following image:
I decided to re-write this to lessen clutter

So, what I'm seeing is a universal, AC/DC (brush type) motor driving an open case gear reduction drive. Since the last gear of the drive train is driving the drum mounted gear, it will not be easy to find a gearmotor to replace the open case gear reduction drive you presently have. I'm now in total agreement with Scott that you should find a way to repair your motor. Trying to kluge a high rpm gear motor to the small gear driving your drum will be clumsy and make-shift at best.

Is it possible that you're brushes have worn down and is causing the smell?

Can you explain more about what the technician meant by "part that converts voltage"?

Edited by allenb on 11/02/2013 7:47 PM
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
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