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Hottop momentary pushbutton for 165+
Hi, I have done the momentary sw addition to my B-2k roaster and don't know if I am not timing things right but can't seem to get this to work? Sw was tested prior to install and was ok. When I push the sw temp reads the same and does not go to 0, is this normal or should I try the other wire on the temp sensor? Other changes as per Ceils mods where also done are Ok...Thanks
Hi sparky.
The idea is to disconnect the thermocouple when button is pressed.
What is the temp read when you unplug the thermocouple?
Hottop B2 + HTC, Cremina 83, OE Pharos, Brewtus IIIR, Baratza Vario
Are you holding the button when you press the start button after selecting your roast profile?

Did you use a N.C. button?

When you cold start pre-head and press the button does the temp display drop to 32? while you hold the button?
I opted for a switch to reduce any software issues and give me hard control of the heater. This also provided easy max temp override while monitoring internal electronics temperature. The s/w I think will use the internal sensor on the control board as the value when the thermocouple is disconnected. For a second thermal couple I just used a piece i cut off the long lead of the BT probe.

The push button is a single pole momentary open? Check continuity across the switch when you press the button (disconnect from circuit board first to isolate).
The push button is a NC and checked before install and works as its supposed to. I didn't check temp on cold start, when I push the button when trying start on a warm rstr 165+ the temp goes high to something like 433. Are you holding the button just prior to hitting the start and then letting go immediately after pressing start? ....thanks for the help.
1. Start new back-to-back roast
2. Hottop gets into cooling phase
3. Press the buttion and Hottop is fooled into pre-heat, and forward into normal heating mode.
Hottop B2 + HTC, Cremina 83, OE Pharos, Brewtus IIIR, Baratza Vario
Thanks Miroslav I'll try that tomm.
Tried pushing button while the rstr was in the cooling phase and it did not fool the rstr. When I press the button the temp shows a high reading ie 603 if I remember right. If button is held to long rstr shuts down because it thinks it has gone into an overheat situation display shows 3 digits and rstr is locked and must be unplugged to reset.
This is unexpected sparky.
I suggest that you unplug the probe and let us know the temp on the display.
Hottop B2 + HTC, Cremina 83, OE Pharos, Brewtus IIIR, Baratza Vario
Sounds like the results I had when I plugged in the thermocouple backwards
Unplugged thermo before starting and the rstr screen showed 3 characters E, part of a "b" and then a "1", rstr locked and had to unplug to reset. powered up and managed to disconnect therm and it went to about 633 before shutting rstr off and locking up again.
Thermo reacts normally when plugged back in and rst'g. Thermo only goes in one way on my brd so can't put in backwards + don't think it would read right if I could. The wire on the thermo that I have the push button on is the yellow one, does it or should it make a difference? I realize one is pos and other neg. thanksShock
I am running out of ideas. I have B2. Is there any member with B2K to try?
Hottop B2 + HTC, Cremina 83, OE Pharos, Brewtus IIIR, Baratza Vario
So I think you've proven you have everything as it should be, but the setup does not work on the -2k models.

Works in normal mode (so it must be plugged in correctly)
Single wire push button opens connection. Roaster acts the same if thermal couple is disconnected. (checks that it is wired per direction)

So this seems to leave you with the option of having to do it the way I did it if you want it to work. Or forget about it.

Wish I could be of more help.
RAG, I think that Ciel would appreciate if you add special instructions for -2k models in his thread. I am sure -2k owners will.
Hottop B2 + HTC, Cremina 83, OE Pharos, Brewtus IIIR, Baratza Vario


smico wrote:

RAG, I think that Ciel would appreciate if you add special instructions for -2k models in his thread. I am sure -2k owners will.

I did after you originally alerted me to it's existence (thanks again for that).
Maybe I should include pictures but nobody seemed to care so I left it alone. Still not sure anyone cares.


RAG wrote:
The 165 override I did with a DPDT switch between the regular thermocouple and some left over thermo wire I used to make a junction to monitor the motor area.
This provides a very dangerous heater on switch. It also allows roasting to any level and a hard on heater at any point in the roast cycle, while monitoring internal temperatures.
I guess this thread wouldn't have existed if the info was more obvious.
Please go for it.
Don't forget that many members just lurking, reading, learning, not very comfortable writing. But they sure appreciate our contributions.
Hottop B2 + HTC, Cremina 83, OE Pharos, Brewtus IIIR, Baratza Vario
Thanks for the input from everyone! Might use RAG's DPDT sw method.
Everyone have a good Thanksgiving.
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