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Looking for some E. Yirgacheffe -Aricha
Fell in love with this coffee when I first tried it from RedBird. I would like to find some greens and roast on my HT to see if I can get a similar flavor profile. This is a fruit-bomb. Seriously explosive berry and/or stone fruit flavors with floral notes. If you know of a good source that will sell smaller quantities please let me know through this thread.

Thanks in advance!

Hottop B-2K w barryR thermocouple mod, Mazzer Mini /Super Jolly burrs, Salvatore E-61 group machine, Aeropress, French press.
Jut look for naturally processed Ethiopians.
This is probably exactly what you want:http://www.roastm...tural.html

Or I recommend looking at:
http://store.bodh.../Ethiopia/<< Anything here naturally processed, I just got some, it should be excellent!
http://www.ourcof...p/0027.htm <<Haven't tried, but probably good.
http://www.coffee...rican.aspx <<Haven't tried.
"Grind it like it did you some great injustice!"D.L.Clark
Wow! Thanks Airhan, that was fast! How did I miss Roastmasters and the others in my web search for green coffee suppliers? :woohoo
Edited by threwitallaway on 04/18/2014 6:39 PM
Hottop B-2K w barryR thermocouple mod, Mazzer Mini /Super Jolly burrs, Salvatore E-61 group machine, Aeropress, French press.
It's surprisingly difficult to find green suppliers, most I've heard about I have literally heard about on forums, searching "the google" is unfortunately not very helpful. Lucky for you I was searching for fruity naturally processed Ethiopian coffees last weekend, so I knew right where to go help you!

P.S. I didn't mention Sweet Maria's because they don't have any naturally processed Ethiopians right now, in fact of all their current offerings, only a few Brazilians are naturally processed.
"Grind it like it did you some great injustice!"D.L.Clark
Yeah, looked at SM first. That is where I got my initial order of beans and my HT roaster (and just in time to avoid HUGE price spike). I am looking for coffees that really "bring it" to the cup and the E. Yirgacheffe is one of them. I have already ordered some per your provided link. Picked up a couple lbs of some others as well. Thanks again!
Hottop B-2K w barryR thermocouple mod, Mazzer Mini /Super Jolly burrs, Salvatore E-61 group machine, Aeropress, French press.
2014 Ethiopias have not arrived in the US yet, so everything on the market right now is about 11 months old. New Ethiopians will start arriving in late May.
It seems like all the co-ops in Yirgacheffe are offering a natural process lot this year (last year it was just Aricha and Konga). It will not be hard to find sources for Natural Yirgs this summer, everyone will be offering them. I've already reserved several different lots, the coffee is on the boat, and I'll be selling it for under $5/lb, if you can hold out for a month or so smile
Green beans for wholesale or homeroasters
My sister just brought me some she picked up in Houston and it is GREAT...
gumyppah, Thank you.

I will say here all the coffee beans I have received from Happy Mug have been outstanding.

I am awaiting the arrival of their Ethiopians.

I also get excellent Ethiopians from a supplier in Greenville, SC when I am there.

Ken in NC
Edited by snwcmpr on 04/20/2014 7:39 AM
Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".


threwitallaway wrote:

Fell in love with this coffee when I first tried it from RedBird.

I totally agree with you. I bought mine from Roastmasters 1 month ago. I wanted to buy again but now out of stock.
I think I nailed the profile I was looking for on this coffee. 3 days post roast I got the fruit aroma from the beans pre-brew, and then tasted it in the cup. Happy I got this one to work!
Hottop B-2K w barryR thermocouple mod, Mazzer Mini /Super Jolly burrs, Salvatore E-61 group machine, Aeropress, French press.
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