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Picked up a 'new to me' Hottop D. Quick Question..
Hello All.

Well I am moving up from my Behmor 1600 to a Hottop 'D' model. The Hottop works but was pretty abused in my opinion. My first roast was a Bolivian and it took 19 minutes to first crack. I decided to take it apart and give her a tune up and good cleaning.

When I took the back off, years of chaff came piling out. Both the roast chamber and heat shield had a 1/4" of black crust inside them. Everything inside was just nasty. I took all the sheet metal off and soaked it in Oxy-Clean. Looks like new. I have a new temp sensor and fan on the way. I also ordered both new filters. I have hi hopes for this machine when it is back up and running.

The 'D' model is pretty automatic. Set the time, start the machine, wait for desired roast level, and eject beans. I really want to learn more about the roasting process, air and temperature control. So, here is my question -

Can I jump straight into a HTC+TC4C with the 'D' model? Is there any reason to upgrade to the 'B' board first?

Thanks for the help !

- Kurt T
Randy G
There are a different number of pins on the data cable so the HTC/TC4C will not work with the "D" model. You will need to upgrade to the "B or "P" model first. I definitely recommend the "B" kit. Take a look at your options HERE:
The installation instructions are linked in the top section above the matrix.
You can contact me at hottop@hottopusa.com for that.
Edited by JackH on 06/24/2014 4:01 PM

Life's too short to drink bad coffee.
Thanks Randy. Email sent.

Congratulations on your new Hot Top. As most know it is my favorite go to machine.

Please keep us posted and ask any questions in the Hot Top forums; simply start a new thread if you want.




Randy G wrote:

There are a different number of pins on the data cable so the HTC/TC4C will not work with the "D" model. You will need to upgrade to the "B or "P" model first. I definitely recommend the "B" kit. Take a look at your options HERE:
The installation instructions are linked in the top section above the matrix.
You can contact me at hottop@hottopusa.com for that.

Randy, I know you are the HT man, but I have a D model with HTRI+TC4C running in my basement right now. It does have different cables, but Jim tells you this on his site and it's the same install.

Am I missing something?

I am sure everyone is familiar with the page, but here's a link anyway:
All that crud inside the roaster surely had a negative effect on the roaster's performance. The good cleaning you gave it should radically improve it's performance!

Are you going to roast another batch before installing the new parts? It would be interesting to find out how much improvement you see from the good cleaning.

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